"We should be each other!"

Oslo smiled at Ye Yueshen, threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, stepped on it, and said:

"Let's put it bluntly, from the very beginning, our cooperation cannot be a smooth win-win situation. You are using me, and I am using you. Now, everyone has become a grasshopper on a rope, and you are still in my hands. Come on, in this way, can the Thanatos system controlled by your sister be exchanged for you? When I get the Thanatos system, the world will be completely controlled by me. By then, any dog ​​skin organization will have to Be obedient to me, you! Also!"

"Your plan is great, but aren't you too confident? If anything in this world can be done with just the slightest touch, wouldn't it be a big joke?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Oslo with disdain, looked at the dark muzzles around him, and said calmly:

"Now, you let me go, let us join forces to kill the organization completely, and then go our separate ways, we will live our little life, you can just be your world's great devil, why screw it together? According to I know that as long as you are entangled with us, your luck will not be so good!"

"That was before!"

Oslo said fiercely:

"In the past, I only believed in force, but now it's different. One day I suddenly figured it out. In fact, I'm no different from those high-ranking people. They use their own authority to control the world, and I, of course, use this The world has come to control the authority, and now, with a new option, I can get all these things in my hands without any effort!"

"Oh, so you are also a slave of power!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, looked at Oslo disdainfully, shook his head and said:

"What are you going to ask me to do now? Are you here to listen to your vision after mastering the world?"

"of course not!"

Oslo smiled slightly, grabbed the button on Ye Luna's chest, and said:

"Do you think I'm a fool? You're something that communicates with your sister, right? It's been dark for a long time. It seems that those old guys have begun to beware of your sister and restrict the external communication of the Thanatos system. Don't you worry about your sister after it's been off for so long?"

"Is my sister Ichiki?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Oslo playfully, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still full of contempt!

"Of course, you only have this one relative in this world!"

Oslo looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise. At this time, this kid should look at himself with a terrified look, mutter to himself, and then kneel down to beg for mercy. How could he be so calm all of a sudden?

"Yeah, but Ichiki still needs me to worry? I'm afraid the backup plan has already been activated. Of course, as for how many backup plans my genius Yiji has made, I still don't know!"

Ye Yueshen still looked at Oslo playfully, there was no panic in his eyes, but there was a sense of expectation, looking forward to Yiji to continue to surprise him!

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your brag skills have improved a lot. Your sister has so many backup plans, did you think that her brother would be caught by me as soon as he made a move?"

Oslo gave Yeyueshen a disdainful look, then gestured to the minions behind him, tied Yeyueshen to the iron pillar beside him, and hurried out alone!

"If you don't admit it with your mouth, your body is very honest!"''

Ye Luna looked at the back of Oslo leaving, smiled disdainfully, and then lightly touched his bomb watch with his hand. The biggest problem with this watch is that it cannot be shaken casually. The fuse inside is made of white phosphorus. Yes, as long as the vibration is excessive and the internal temperature exceeds forty degrees, it will automatically burn and ignite the explosive!

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

At the same time, after Oslo left, the decision makers returned to the already riddled headquarters. Seeing that the former bustling and high-end headquarters was now a ruin, the decision makers finally took out their old Prestige, directly order Mazi to pursue Oslo!

"Be careful!"

JB carefully observed his companions while watching Mazi. This time Mazi set out, he had to let Oslo go, otherwise, the whole plan would be in vain!

"En! Don't worry!"

Mazi nodded, and suddenly handed a delicate pistol to JB:

"Remember, no matter what happens, leave the land of right and wrong as soon as possible, you are not suitable for fighting!"

Mazi looked into JB's eyes, nodded earnestly, and left the headquarters without looking back!

Chapter [-] Girls' Thoughts

"Boy, come with me!"

Oslo walked in from the darkness, saw the disdain at the corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth, and untied the rope on Ye Shenyue's body directly, saying:

"Don't you want to expose your organization to the whole world? I'll give you this chance now!"

Having said that, she put on a pair of sunglasses for Ye Shenyue!

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Oslo silently, and said that now this guy suddenly changed his mind and planned to cooperate with him, and he didn't believe in killing Ye Shenyue, but this guy's behavior has always been weird, and it is difficult for Ye Shenyue to judge!

"Of course I'm taking you to attack your organization's stronghold!"

Oslo smiled, took out a standing sheet from his pocket, and said:

"I didn't expect that this embassy is actually the stronghold of your organization. I just found out by calling the documents in the Thanatos system. This kind of embassy is generally not very fortified, and it is very easy to break through. To be honest, the museum is really inconspicuous, if I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t know there is such a country without a sense of existence in the world!”

As he spoke, he pointed his gun at Ye Shenyue and said with a wicked smile:

"We're in charge of the main attack, as long as you remember to go in and fire two shots, I'll let you free again, believe it or not!"

"You are blatantly framed!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Oslo fiercely, and said:

"I will never do this kind of killing innocents!"

"Then I can only attack here!"

Oslo's face twitched a few times, glared at Ye Shenyue viciously, and the smirk returned to his face again:

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