Saying that, he walked directly to Yumiko and put down a cup:

"Look, this is buckwheat soup!"


Seeing this person sitting in front of her so naturally, Yumiko looked at him in surprise.

"So, what do you want to know?"

This person naturally sat in front of Yumiko, raised his eyes, put on his glasses, and calmly said to Yumiko:

"I am James Okada."


Unexpectedly, this person is James Okada, and hope is rekindled in Yumiko's heart!


"Hey, just call me Jimmy!"

Okada smiled and said calmly with thick-rimmed glasses:

"You don't need to introduce yourself! I've already investigated! Shi Miko!"

"It's Yumiko!"

"Ya Shenyue is now locked in the underground of Kyoto!"

"why is that?"

Yumiko asked a serious question, the man in front of him may be the one who opened the door of Yagami Yue's life!

"By the way, why do you know about him?"

"Me and Ye Shenyue are concurrent trainees of the army!"

Jimmy looked at Yumiko seriously, to be missed by such a beautiful girl, Yagami is a winner in life

"So, are you Robbie?"

Yumiko was excited for a while. When she read Yagami's note before, the little girl already knew Yagami's comrade-in-arms and classmates when she was in the army!

"The man with that name isn't here now! It's the black and strong guy, I'm just the James Okada who doesn't talk much, of course, I don't think it affects our mutual intelligence!"

With that said, Jimmy poured a glass of water for Yumiko!

"So, Kazami Yagami is really going to be used to negotiate with Heath Oslo?"

Yumiko looked around and said cautiously!

"It's even more complicated!"

Jimmy sighed slightly and said:

"Oslo actually admires Yagami, and has a long time ago to let Yagami follow him to engage in terrorist activities, but this is not enough to compare with the risk of smuggling weapons of mass destruction into the country! Confession In other words, he has bigger goals!"

"What could it be?"

Yumiko frowned and asked!

"I don't know, frankly speaking, things are very strange. In the early hours of yesterday, two landmark buildings in the central area of ​​Kyoto were attacked, but the intelligence showed that they were not the same group of people. After that, Ye Shenyue was miraculously attacked by Oslo. Control, and then there was a raid on the embassy yesterday evening, the information is messy, and even a lot of information is contradictory!"

Jimmy shook his head. As a bystander, Jimmy couldn't judge what the truth of the whole thing was!

"What about Oslo's goal?"

Yumiko looked at Jimmy with an embarrassed expression, such information will only make her companions more worried about Yagami's safety!

"Please explain in detail next time!"

Jimmy suddenly stood up, glanced at the door alertly, and said to Yumiko:

"I'll contact you again, Shi Miko!"

"It's Yumiko!"

Yumiko shouted, then got up and left the store...

"If this is really the wind, why did he attack the embassy?"

Yumiko was sitting in front of the computer in the dormitory, and Jimmy had already started a video call with himself through the secret channel!

"Who knows, even if he doesn't need it! As long as he uses drugs or hypnotism, he has to obey the terrorists!"

Jimmy shrugged, it's hard to speculate on motives for a question like this!

"I think the terrorists probably want to use this to explain that now they can do things of this scale at any time! And she probably has screened out a few conjectures, make a plan and start action!"

Jimmy looked at Yumiko silently, the latter was taken aback, and quickly asked:

"who is she?"

"Intelligence management type next-generation national defense device, commonly known as the Thanatos system!"

Jimmy was suddenly excited, and said quickly and firmly:

"She is referring to the heatstroke of this system, the semi-biological computer!"

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