
Yumiko felt that she was increasingly unable to understand what Jimmy said. These terms, she had never even heard of them before!

"It is rumored that the part of the base molecule binding reaction device that she connected to the computer, that is, her DNA structure model was made using the human brain!"

"It's really disgusting!"

Yumiko lowered her head silently, and she didn't even need to think about it, how did she get this brain!

"It's just a rumor, no one has seen it!"

Jimmy shrugged and continued:

"But her body is a personal mobile client in charge of all online, making it possible to intervene in all electronic information! It is a veritable national brain!"

Chapter [-] No regrets

"There are not many people who know this thing, but according to the current information, Heath Oslo should already know it!"

Jimmy said softly, Yumiko's forehead was already dripping with sweat:

"Since Heath Oslo already knows the existence of this powerful system, then his goal is exactly..."

"Yes, he wants to get the Thanatos system now!"

Jimmy nodded and analyzed carefully:

"And the government will definitely not give this kind of thing to Oslo. In the end, it may be Ye Shenyue who has become the object of negotiation!"

"So Kazami seems to have sacrificed voluntarily, right!"'

Yumiko clasped her palm with her hand, annoyed.

"I see, please let me know if there is any new Tokyo!"

Yumiko rubbed her eyes, closed her notebook, and stood up. I got so much information today that she couldn't even clear her brain for a while!

"OK, I'll help you!"

After Jimmy finished saying this, he turned off his secret passage, and Yumiko's world suddenly quieted down!

"Boom boom boom!"

Yumiko hasn't rested yet, and the knock on the door came as promised, as if she knew that Yumiko was finished!

"Please come in!"

After a busy day and night, Yumiko was too lazy to get up and open the door!

"Sakaki, are you hungry?"

Tian Yin walked in and looked at Yumiko, who was tired and had dark circles under her eyes, somewhat distressed.

"Any news?"

Looking at Yumiko who was full, Tian Yin hurriedly asked!

"The more you know, the more complicated the situation becomes!"

Yumiko put the last piece of sushi into her mouth and said helplessly!

"So, the situation is getting more and more complicated, Sakaki, what are your plans?"

Tianyin nodded helplessly, Yumiko was right, gathering intelligence is not easy!

"All I can do is stop other people from messing around!"

Yumiko sighed, put the plate aside, and said indifferently:

"When the time comes, I will stand up to protect them!"


Unexpectedly, Yumiko had no hope of saving Yagami, and Amane couldn't help being a little surprised!

"That's probably my job, that's what I think now!"

Yumiko nodded, her face calm!


Tian Yin was stunned, Yumiko was indeed a pessimist, and she had made plans for the final battle from the very beginning!

"Why, what I hate most is being excluded from friends!"

Yumiko smiled calmly, looked at Tian Yin and said quietly:

"Didn't I say so?"


He ate the food in his hand in one bite, and Shicai, who was sitting at the door of the convenience store, looked at Xiaoling Yu who was beside him and said:

"I said, Miss A Xing! You don't have to force yourself to follow me on an adventure! This may make you regret it!"

"Where, Xiao Shi, didn't we grab yokan for an issue before? I was very happy that time!"

Xiaoling Xing sat next to the dill and said excitedly:

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