"En, well, because I've been to a lot of places, it's too late to clean up!"

Song Heman bowed his head slightly and began to talk about his super extraordinary experience!

"First of all, I followed Miss Thanatos's instructions and went to a coffee shop in Shinjuku to meet an uncle. Then I bought a lot of used mobile phones from the uncle, extracted rare metals from the mobile phones, and signed a contract with a reseller. It was sold abroad, but I just answered Miss Thanatos's instructions, and then I flew all the way to the dam site in the Philippines on the business plane prepared by Miss Thanatos, and gave it to the local workers. The uncle sent some beers, and then went to Indonesia to buy real estate according to her instructions. Although I don't know why I bought it, I bought it. When I came back to my senses, I found that the money was getting more and more, and then I saw A strange person gave the document that Miss Thanatos sent to that person, and then I somehow got the right to mine gold and mines..."


Listening to Songhe Man's experience on this day, the girls present suddenly felt a little panic. Such a speed of making money can surpass the feeling of the world's richest man in minutes!

"That's it, I'm constantly wandering around in a hurry...watching the money getting more and more..."

Song He was full of confusion, and Shi Cai next to him couldn't help but admire:

"It's amazing, what about a woman who spans the world!"

"And then, how much did you earn?"

Tian Yin's excited eyes saw that Songhe was full, and he even had gold and mines. You must know that in the morning, everyone only had [-] yen in their hands!

"I just remember that there seem to be tens of billions of funds flowing, but I also bought a lot of things, so there are only tens of millions left!"

Song He shook his head, the amount of information on this day was more than what he had come into contact with in his previous life.

"That's it, the preparations went very smoothly!"

Kazuhime's call arrived just in time, interrupting the girls' conversation:

"I think it's almost time to explain the specific combat content."

"Well, just explain it!"

Yumiko's eyes could not help firming up, and finally it was time to know the plan. The girls worked so hard for this day!

"The battle will start at [-]:[-] on the [-]th. That is the final time limit for Oslo to evacuate from the capital. Ye Shenyue will definitely take it away. The purpose of our operation is to retake Kazami Yashin Yue by surprise. The mission name of the battle is For: The battle to retake Yagami Yue!"

"What a straightforward name..."

Tianyin couldn't help but complain about the phone...

Chapter [-] Full of Confidence

The calm water, the faint autumn wind, the weather in the late autumn is still so cool, and the environment of the basin in Kyoto should be like this. In the early morning, the girls had already packed their things and stood on the side of the boat!

"Then, before you leave for the expedition, please speak to the Commander of the Staff Sakaki!"

Xiaoling Xing stood on the far left of the team, and his serious look was not lost to anyone who had received professional military training!

"Well! I understand what I said! The road ahead of us leads to the battlefield. In that bloody and difficult battlefield, what can I do? Every day, I am worried about this matter. Up to now, what I can do as a commander is to never let everyone's blood go to waste. In this operation, we will fully demonstrate our righteousness and swear to work hard for it! For everyone who is about to achieve righteousness, everyone's blood boils. , and do my best to provide a bright path! This is my responsibility to everyone who will sacrifice themselves to step on the battlefield! Please join me in advancing and retreating, and wish me a helping hand!"

Saying that, Yumiko Sakaki bowed to her classmate for the first time, something that was impossible to imagine in the previous years!

"Hey, I don't understand very well..."

Song He tilted his head and said curiously:

"What are you trying to say?"


Yumiko looked at everyone with a black line, and suddenly felt that her figure was a little unstable!

"Simply put: 'It's you who want to come, don't blame me if there are any problems with combat and command!'"

Dicai looked at Song Heman indifferently, and explained to her friend who was not very smart!

"Wait, it's not..."

Yumiko hurriedly raised her head, intending to defend herself, when she heard Xiaoling Yukun calmly explain in a maid outfit:

"No matter which country's army, the general's words are the same!"


Yumiko, who was almost mad, stood wearing it, and when she saw that her legendary team member actually said that to her, her face was flushed, and she didn't know where to put her hands!

"Alright, alright, just do whatever you want, then I'll just have fun!"

"Everyone, the final bento is ready!"

Tianyin shouted, walked out, and said to everyone:

"Take one each and go!"

"Yeah! Bento is the best!"

Shi Cai rushed over excitedly...

Kyoto, the central building viewing corridor.

"I made a reservation for the nesting of the suite, is the room ready?"

Shi Cai walked into the Central Building, looked at the nearby Sancha Road with a slight smile, picked up the key, and took the elevator to the room on the [-]th floor. The biggest advantage of the Presidential Suite is the huge viewing glass window. From the outside, You can't see what's going on inside at all, and the people inside can clearly appreciate the scenery in the distance!

"Into the nest, you are responsible for sniping the convoy escorting Yagami!"

Kazuhime said this on the arrangement of the meeting!

An underground parking lot in Tani Ward, Kyoto City

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