Zhou Fangtianyin, who already knew his mission, came to the parking lot and found a special car that Yiji had prepared. Although it was different from what he imagined, Tianyin understood Yiji's good intentions as soon as the door was opened. !

Toshima Ward, Kyoto

Matsushima Man came to the logistics department of the organization's headquarters, and received the equipment and salute before Ye Shenyue. The silly appearance did not make people suspect that this little girl had hidden ulterior motives.The only problem is that Ye Shenyue's salute seems... unable to lift.

Kyoto supermarket

Xiaoling Xing pushed the shopping cart, and there was a leather bag under the shopping cart. As for what was inside, it was not known for the time being.But almost everything the little girl buys is chemicals.

on the cabin

Facing the six action plans passed on by Kazuhime, Yumiko suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, and sometimes it is so difficult to choose.

Noto Naval Base, a girl with purple hair is eating lunch calmly, life without someone is always so boring, as if a spoonful of salt has entered the lake, no matter how protected it is, it will eventually be bland. The strange environment is swallowed up!


The walkie-talkie rarely rang at this time. Millie, who had lived alone in a dormitory for a long time, picked up the walkie-talkie suspiciously and heard the voice of her boss:

"Is it Millie? Go to the helipad immediately and drive the S11 helicopter to Kyoto. Remember to keep it secret. You don't need to ask for instructions when you encounter an interception, just fire it!"

"Uh...is it a secret mission?"

Millie put down her chopsticks and looked around nervously. The commander's order at this time must be something big!

"Of course! It's related to Ye Shenyue!"

The boss's voice trembled a little, and it sounded dull, but the long-term trust and the three words Ye Shenyue made Millie give up all her worries immediately, and rushed out of the dormitory directly to the tarmac, without saying a word. The fuel tank was full, and without waiting for any instructions from the terminal, I directly clicked the coordinates of Kyoto City Valley on the navigation system, and flew up...

At six o'clock in the afternoon, when the last ray of sun at dusk tilted the tree shadows to the longest length of the day, Oslo finally got into the armored car bound for the dock with the conditions he was most satisfied with. , It was Yagami Yue who had been strapped to a bomb watch!

"That's right, it's route A!"

Mazi, who had been prepared for a long time, gave a prompt to the walkie-talkie, then withdrew from his sniper point, rushed downstairs and drove an armored vehicle to follow!


Yumiko, who is in charge of the yacht, clicked on the first plan and quickly communicated it to her companions!

At the same time, Tachibana Chizuru, who had just dragged her tired body back to her home, received a call from her servant!

"Hey, who is it?"

Tachibana Chizuru said lazily, since her beloved Mihama Academy announced the withdrawal of the school, Tachibana Chizuru has been lethargic!

"Hello, I'm Miss Thanatos. Now I want to talk to you about the site selection for the new Mihama Academy. I wonder if you're interested!"

Looking at the monitoring screen in front of her with confidence, Kazuhime smiled slightly, not paying attention to the eyes of the surrounding staff...

"Uh, of course!"

Tachibana Qianhe quickly grabbed the phone and said seriously:

"However, I can't get in touch with the students of Mihama Academy yet. If you choose a location for work, let's make seclusion the first condition!"

"No problem, I can help you realize your two concerns. The drawings have already been sent. Principal Tachibana Qianhe, prepare for the opening ceremony!"

Yiji hung up the phone and saw that Oslo's team was being completely surrounded and suppressed by sea, land and air, and couldn't help but feel happy...

Chapter [-] Stereo Attack

"Into the nest, the escort car is about to arrive at location [-]! Are you ready?"

Yumiko contacted Mina directly by phone. Without knowing that Miko and Millie were coming, Mina had to stop the first three cars!

"It's earlier than expected!"

Shi Cai nodded, looked over with the scope, and only saw the side of a row of convoys. Suddenly a jeep rushed out and shot the first car in the head. The entire convoy was intercepted because of this!

"Confirm the intervention of a third-party force! Mica, continue to attack Oslo's convoy!"

Yumiko made a decisive decision and directly issued an order to Mina, and at the same time, Xiaoling Yu also made non-lethal explosives with chemicals and came to the No. [-] location!

"Xiao Lingxing, start building an isolation belt and try to scare away the surrounding people. We don't want to involve innocent people!"

Yumiko hurriedly ordered, and Xiaoling Xing also guessed about his mission at first, took off his maid costume, and rushed up on a bicycle, while constantly blasting his own non-lethal explosion. Throw it on the side of the road!


A burst of screams came, and the people who were caught off guard hurriedly fled, and Xiaoling was fortunate to scare the surrounding people away in the shortest possible time!

"here you go!"

Yumiko shouted and said directly to Tian Yin:

"Tianyin, drive the car to Songheman immediately. In five minutes, Yeshenyue may use her own equipment. Handy equipment must be very important to Yeshenyue!"


He threw the accelerator out and was already on his way to pick up Songheman. Tianyin didn't mind the surrounding traffic signals anymore. He sprinted at full speed and soon arrived at the place where Songheman was!

"Get in the car!"

Tianyin got out of the car, helped Song Heman to load Yeshenyue's equipment into the car, and then drove back!

"Millie! Yagami is in the fourth car. Except for that car, the cars under her attack casually!"

Yi Ji called directly through the satellite phone. When Millie heard it, she felt a while, and looked at the remaining fuel of the helicopter. Ji got in touch, got down from the airport with several of his assistants, and ran to the legendary secret base!

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