Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue in amazement, put the card on the table and said:

"Don't you see that I'm just an experiment, do you understand? It's to let you understand the rules of this world. Are you sure that you will win?"

"But now I think you are worried that you will lose!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, watching the irregular ups and downs of the black rabbit's chest, and chuckled:

"Don't worry, isn't it freedom? You can still get it back by chance, right?"

"I haven't lost yet!"

Black Rabbit wanted to vomit blood, and muttered in his mouth:

"Where did you get so much confidence? It's the first time you've come to the world of Ting Box, how come you look more confident than me!"

"If you are really confident, you won't use summoning to invite foreign aid!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the anxious look of Hei Rabbit, and immediately thought it was quite interesting, and pointed to the card table and said:

"Seeing how impatient you are, how about we experiment with what you want first? That way you also have a buffer, right? Enjoy the time when freedom is still in your hands, I am interested in adventures in this world, your freedom , I'm making an appointment!"


Black Rabbit silently looked at Ye Shenyue, his fingers trembled slightly, and his words were a little nervous:

"Confidence is a good thing, but to the point of being conceited, it's annoying!"

"You are talking to your future master, so be careful with your tone and words!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and glanced at the black rabbit:

"Let's go, let's start dealing cards, I'm too lazy to observe the deck in your hand, let's start according to the size, among the kings, the king of spades, Alexander, is the largest, and the ace-square suit is the smallest. It's a happy decision!"

"What about the two clown cards?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue, Hei Rabbit always felt a little nervous.

"Of course the red clown is the biggest, followed by the black clown! Let's start!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, and the black rabbit was helpless, and said:

"The first one is an experiment, an experiment!"

The important thing was said twice, Black Rabbit quickly took out the deck in his hand, Ye Shenyue said nothing, and directly put the first card in his hand:

"This is it!"

"You are quite confident, am I that good at shuffling? The first card is Alexander King?"

Black Rabbit smiled, looked at the neatly arranged cards in front of him, took out one, and immediately became happy:

"Look, I'm the king of hearts, Emperor Caesar!"

Chapter [-] I will chase you if you run

"Feel sorry!"

Ye Shenyue silently looked into Hei Rabbit's eyes, shook her head helplessly, and turned over the cards in her hand!


Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and suddenly threw the card in his hand:

"Ace of Spades! You were just kidding me, scared me to death, and thought you would definitely win, but it seems like that!"

"Then let's start the official game!"

Ye Shenyue placed the cards in her hand on the card table without any hesitation, and there was no loss in her eyes!


Hei Rabbit smiled and looked at Ye Shenyue suspiciously. There was not a bit of loss on that face, but a sense of satisfaction that the goal had been achieved. It seemed to be full of conspiracy!

"What? I forgot what I said just now?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit and the blue sky with some ridiculousness, and the expression on her face was very wonderful:

"Are you worried that you will lose the next game? Don't worry, your luck is so good, you have drawn Emperor Caesar all at once, and you will definitely not lose next time!"

"Why do I feel that you just want to play, and you are not interested in this kind of inexplicable experimental game?"

Black Rabbit silently looked at Yeshenyue, the pride just now was gone, and he thought to himself:

"This guy doesn't look like a strong man at all. He must have hidden skills. He can appear in front of me from the beginning. How can he be a waste? No, I can't play poker with him! Ace of Spades, obviously not planning to win!”

"what are you thinking about?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the fickleness of the black rabbit, the face that was suddenly sunny and rainy, smiled and said:

"Don't think I just lost on purpose!"


Black Rabbit silently glanced at the card table in front of him, shook his head and said:

"You just told me the bet you wanted. You haven't said what you want to bet. Don't try to take advantage of me!"

"I've taken advantage of you!"

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