Ye Shenyue laughed, looked at the black rabbit and said:

"What I want in this game is your freedom. As long as I have and you want, you can ask for it. Since I made a request, for you, I can also do what you say! Understand? That's called fair play! Don't you think so?"

"It makes sense!"

Black Rabbit nodded, thought about it, and said:

"Since you emphasized fairness, I'm too lazy to think about it. If you lose, I want your freedom, understand?"


Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, shaking her head secretly in her heart:

"If I really lose, won't Yi Ji bet all my life to get my freedom back? What's more, I won't lose at all, okay? This world actually allows creation from the sky, it seems that I even I used divine power, and Yuzi couldn't find it, so what should I be afraid of? Back then, the world was worried that the sudden emergence of power would not be able to withstand the collapse, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary!"

"Then let's get started!"

Black Rabbit nodded secretly, waved his hand to disappear the gaming table in front of him, and said to Ye Shenyue:

"Since this bet and bet are all proposed by you, then the way must be according to me!"

"Please feel free!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit indifferently, and smiled silently:

"Besides playing cards, what else are you good at? Is it jumping?"

"It's not that simple!"

Black Rabbit glanced at Yeshenyue and said seriously:

"It's running, understand? I'm best at running, and you have to compete with me. As long as I win, your freedom will belong to me, and you will work hard for our community in the future!"

"I take the liberty to ask, what is the name of your community?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, looked at the black rabbit and said:

"Seeing how enthusiastic you are, it seems that you are full of affection for your community. You wouldn't have grown up there!"

"Of course……"

Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and was about to say something when he suddenly looked at Ye Shenyue with amazed eyes:

"How do you know that I grew up in a community?"


Ye Shenyue nodded silently, pointed at the black rabbit and said:

"Looking at how weak you are, you still want to summon strong teammates from another world, and inside and outside of your words, you want me to join in. Apart from the emotional factor that grew up in it, I really can't think of any What needs someone so weak like you to work so hard to maintain!"


Hearing Ye Shenyue say "You're so weak", the black line on Hei Rabbit's face became more and more behind, and he waved his hand and said:

"Come on, the game is over. Whether you win or I win, I'll tell you about our great community!"

"It's a history of decline!"

Ye Shenyue chuckled twice, looking at the surrounding jungle and said:

"Tell me about the beginning and end!"

"Who will compete with you on this?"

Black Rabbit looked at Yeshenyue angrily. Just now, "The History of Decline" was inserted into Hei Rabbit's heart like three silver needles. No one could bear it!

"Is there any other way to run?"

Ye Shenyue silently looked at the black rabbit, while thinking about the habits of rabbits she knew before!

"Of course!"

Hei Rabbit smiled, and suddenly charged, the hair on his entire body turned red, and said to Ye Shenyue:

"What we're good at is dodging at high speed! Understand, what we're here to play is—"

Saying that, he rushed out directly in front of Ye Shenyue, running and jumping while shouting to Ye Shenyue behind him:

"If I run, you will chase. If I run, you will chase! If you catch up with me within three minutes, I will use it!"

"If you run, I will chase? If you run, I will chase? If I catch up with you, I will chase you?"

Such a sentence suddenly popped out of Ye Shenyue's head, imagining the exceptionally attractive Y-shaped curve on the black rabbit's chest, Ye Shenyue smiled and suddenly exerted strength, and suddenly only remained on the lively meadow just now. The next pair of big footprints, Ye Shenyue chasing Hei Rabbit's footprint, flew out!

"This idiot, he didn't say whether the games were played at the same time, he's really a novice!"

The black rabbit ran wildly and looked behind her. The sight of no one around suddenly confused her eyes. Seeing that she had already galloped and jumped for such a long distance, the black rabbit suddenly even had an illusion:

"Could this guy just want me to be his master so he can follow me every day?"


He denied his own thoughts. Hei Rabbit recalled Yeshenyue's calm and confident smile on the corner of his mouth, shook his head, watched the passage of time, and continued to fly forward, as if he could escape from Yeshenyue's claws!

Chapter [-] The Maid

The speed of the wind jumped and ran between the huge trees. The speed of the black rabbit only left a series of shadows in the entire jungle. Looking at this flickering figure, Ye Shenyue stood on the branch and sneered:

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