"Do you know why the natural enemy of your hares is the goshawk? Because you are too stupid to look up!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue flew down, and the branches swayed slightly, as if there was no tall body standing on it just now!

"The time is up, you admit defeat!"

Black Rabbit looked at the clock in his hand and counted the time. The fast speed had reached the edge of the jungle from the depths of the jungle within three minutes. If he tried harder, the Black Rabbit could quietly wait for the night god outside the jungle. The moon appeared profusely sweating!

Thinking of this scene, the black rabbit's heart burst with joy:

"If such a powerful guy becomes my servant, wouldn't our community have to revive the great cause?"

Thinking of these black rabbits, the hearts of these black rabbits were even more joyful, and the heavy steps under their feet suddenly became brisk. Looking at the meadow that was about to appear in front of them, the black rabbits silently counted the last numbers and became more and more happy!

"10! 9! 8!"

The black rabbit shouted the numbers excitedly. At first, it was whispering, but now it has begun to scream happily. There is no sign of anyone following around. The corner of the black rabbit's mouth outlines a trace of contempt:

"Sure enough, being conceited doesn't end well!"

Just as he was talking, Hei Rabbit suddenly felt something flicker in front of him, and then, his body stopped involuntarily, as if it was lifted up by something, and there was only sunlight shooting down through the treetops in front of him!

"time up!"

Ye Shenyue silently looked at the watch on Hei Rabbit's wrist and said softly:

"How, are you anxiously waiting for this time? Three minutes have passed, and the game is finally over!"


Hei Rabbit repeats Ye Shenyue's words silently, and the surprise in his eyes is not even shown, so he is put down by Ye Shenyue, there seems to be a cold leather ring on Bo's neck, and a long white rope is caught by Ye Shenyue. Moon in hand!

"What exactly is going on?"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with a sad face, and said incredulously:

"There was no one there just now!"

"That's all around!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the surrounding jungle, it was still so calm, as if the entire jungle was silent!


Tears leaked from Hei Rabbit's eyes, and he reached out and touched the leather ring that Ye Shenyue put on his neck and said:

"How did you put these things around my neck?"

"I've been busy doing this just now!"

Ye Shenyue shook the hemp rope in her hand and said calmly:

"There's no way. When the supplies are sufficient, I'll give you a beautiful rope. I can only weave some hemp rope for you in this place! After all, it's the first pet I've found in this world. Always do it yourself!"


Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with tears in his eyes, and put his eyes on the hemp rope attached to the leather ring on his neck:

"Rope? What do you think I am? Is it your pet rabbit?"

"What could that be?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit curiously, shrugged and said:

"You have called yourself a black rabbit from the very beginning, and you really have rabbit ears and tails. Besides being able to speak, you are basically as weak as a rabbit. Why don't I treat you as a pet?"

"Is the maid bad?"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue speechlessly, and said a little excitedly:

"People can talk anyway. How can you treat me as a pet? Besides, who's pet is tied up with a rope? It's inhumane, okay?"

"Aren't you a rabbit? What kind of humanity do you want?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit curiously, and said calmly:

"Let's go, I finally have a companion in this world's travel adventure. Take me to the small garden in the world of the small garden. What if it is taken away by an eagle in this wilderness?"

"You caught me just now with the method of a goshawk!"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with some grievance, tapped both ears, and said dejectedly:

"Okay, the center of Hakoniwa has agreed with the result of this competition! You can undo the collar around my neck now, it looks so embarrassing!"

"How is that possible?"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, pointed to the tree trunk in front of her, and said:

"It's good that I didn't tie you to a tree, isn't it? You are my servant now, and I have your freedom. You can't ask me anything about this freedom? As for Hong Radish, I will find a way to solve it!"

"Who wants to eat carrots!"

Black Rabbit's face suddenly clouded over, looking at Ye Shenyue's smug smile, he was very dissatisfied:

"What kind of game is this, how can I lose? I've never lost before!"

"That's because the opponent you met is not strong enough!"

Ye Shenyue laughed, grabbed the hemp rope in her hand and said:

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