"Let's go, go to your city and see, I'll give you a rope wrapped with gold thread, so that it looks domineering!"

"That's not a rope..."

The black rabbit looked at Yeshenyue speechlessly, looked at the nearby mountains, and said pitifully:

"You'd better let me go. Everyone here admits the judgment of the center of the small garden. If you take me like this, it will only make people feel embarrassed and have no confidence to speak!"

"How can there be no confidence?"

Ye Shenyue raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Don't you see it? With such a powerful master as me, who dares to look down on you? It's only temporary. One day, they will envy you for being my first servant, yes, maid!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Hei Rabbit's clothes that fit so well that he didn't need to change at all, and nodded with a smile on his face!

"Maid? The first one?"

Black Rabbit froze for a while, and looked at Ye Shenyue blankly:

"What? Are you planning to continue searching for servants?"

"Of course it is!"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, looking at the scenery in front of her cheerfully:

"Don't worry, the people here will be proud to be my servant soon, and then I will make you my glorious personal maid, so that when they see you, they will express envy, jealousy and hatred from the inside out. Eyes, the suffocation at this time is only a moment, a moment!"

"Your heart is so big!"

Black Rabbit nodded blankly and looked at the rope in front of his collar, feeling a little strange in a trance:

"Why did I feel less disgusted with the collar rope after he said that? Could it be that I'm a natural trembling M?"

Chapter [-] Adaptation Period

In the quiet forest, Ye Shenyue calmly looked at the surrounding scenery, walking slowly step by step, the hemp rope in her hand held the black rabbit firmly, the black rabbit turned her head and looked at Ye Shen with teary eyes. Yue, with bulging cheeks, looked both regretful and pitiful:

"Why do you use this rope to lead people? It's so embarrassing. How bad is it to be seen?"

"Does anyone exist in this world?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the two fluffy ears of the black rabbit and smiled meaningfully:

"The vegetation here is so dense and the scenery is good, don't you want to stop and enjoy it? What are you doing walking so fast? Do you want to run away?"

"how is this possible?"

The black rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with teary eyes, her face was red, and she looked very aggrieved:

"Even if I run away, you can still catch me, right? Let go of this rope. Everyone here is spiritual. How can you let me play happily with my friends in the future?"

"Do you have any friends?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit curiously, nodded, and whispered:

"That's right, I heard that rabbits are quite capable of reproduction. It seems that you have many brothers and sisters!"


Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue speechlessly, and wanted to open his head to see what he was thinking:

"How is that possible? We are members of the Little Garden World. It is impossible to have so many brothers and sisters. Don't look at our Little Garden World with the old world thinking, okay?"

"Could it be that Hakoniwa World is the new world?"

Ye Shenyue pointed a finger, and a big tree fell to the ground:

"In addition to being able to use magic, what else can you do here, come and come, sit down and introduce yourself to me!"

"Who wants to rest here!"

Hei Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue speechlessly, suddenly stunned, seeing that the big tree in front of him was not interrupted from the trunk, but fell across the roots in front of him, and was suddenly shocked:

"What method did you use to actually make this big tree fall down by itself? You must know that the soil and trees here are connected together. Few people can do this!"

"Few people do it right!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and said calmly:

"I didn't get your freedom before, right now, am I? In theory, I'm the first person in history, understand?"

"Uh... what you said makes sense, but I'm speechless!"

Black Rabbit shook his head and nodded slightly:

"Actually, master, you don't have to treat me like this, our rabbits are very well-behaved, aren't they?"

"Generally so!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, sat on the sturdy tree trunk, and looked at the black rabbit calmly:

"But I don't think so for you, not to mention that you kept trying to run forward and was caught by me and couldn't walk fast. The eyes you looked around told me countless times that you were always there. Thinking about how to get out of here as soon as possible and find a more convenient escape route, I am right!"

"How can there be!"

The mind was dismantled by Ye Shenyue's three words, and the black rabbit was shocked, and the expression on his face was even more embarrassing:

"That's because you're too suspicious, isn't it? How is that possible? I've always been very good!"

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