"Then tell me obediently where are you going now?"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, the rope in her hand was a little loose, the black rabbit was stunned, and suddenly disappeared in front of Ye Shenyue like a fly, her body was like a black shadow, and disappeared in an instant!

"This is a poor guy, and he still wants to violate the rules of the game he made?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the rope that disappeared in her hand, smiled, picked up a pine nut from the ground, and threw it fiercely in the distance, when she heard a scream in the distance, the black rabbit had already been caught by Ye Shenyue. The thrown pine nuts hit her head, and a big red bag appeared behind her head!

"Ah! Who!"

Black Rabbit endured the severe pain from the back of his head, covered his head and stood up with difficulty. As soon as he raised his head, a familiar figure appeared in front of him!

"Me! Have you met?"

Ye Shenyue stood calmly in front of Hei Rabbit, shook her head helplessly, stretched out her hand to pick up the rope from the ground, put it in her hand, and asked calmly:

"Does it hurt?"


Hei Rabbit finally couldn't hold back his tears, shook his head painfully at Ye Shenyue and said:

"Just now, I was just agitated, agitated for a while, and I just lost freedom. Doesn't everyone have to have a stage of adaptation? You should understand?"

"Well, since I have never lost my freedom, I have reservations!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, grabbed the rope to make the black rabbit stand up, and said with a smile:

"Have you gotten used to it now? If you haven't, I'll let you go again, okay?"

"not good!"

Covering the big bag behind his head, the black rabbit thought for a while, but lowered his head helplessly:

"Let's go, my freedom is yours, you can do whatever you want!"


Ye Shenyue smiled, pulled the black rabbit and said:

"Then tell me. Why did you go in such a hurry just now? Not just to escape, right?"

"This is..."

The black rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue, shook his head and said:

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with you. Anyway, you are so powerful, and I can't escape. I'll just follow you in the future. What I did before is not freedom, and I need to be restrained by you!"

"Then how about we take another bet?"

Ye Shenyue pointed at the bulging chest of the black rabbit and said:

"The bet this time is your heart. If you win the bet, your heart belongs to me, how about it?"

"You pervert!"

Black Rabbit couldn't bear to look at Ye Shenyue, and shouted angrily:

"You've already got other people's people, and you still want to get people's hearts, you're too much!"


Ye Shenyue looked at the graceful figure of the black rabbit, suddenly thought of something and nodded, and said with a smile:

"You mean that personal freedom includes not only restrictive but also physiological ones?"

"What the hell!"

Hei Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue speechlessly, suddenly a flash of light came to his mind, he thought of something, and suddenly changed into a smiling face, looked at Ye Shenyue with a smile, and took the initiative to put his hands around Ye Shenyue's arms and said:

"Why don't we do this? Actually, we can be good friends, can't we? Let me go! Then I can recommend you to join our community!"

"Hehe, I'm very interested in your proposal!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, and the black rabbit was stunned for a moment, and was suddenly intimidated by the cold light in Ye Shenyue's eyes, and stared at Ye Shenyue blankly.

"But, you must be hiding something from me!"

Ye Shenyue pinched the black rabbit's chin and said word by word, her eyes full of majesty and oppression.

Chapter [-] Insufficient IQ

"Yes? Is there something to hide from you? How could it be..."

Black Rabbit's blue ears began to slowly seep out cold sweat, looking at Ye Shenyue nervously, how embarrassing and embarrassing the smile on the corner of his mouth was!

"Tell me, with your little psychological quality, how could you possibly hide from me?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit with some amusing, stretched out her hand to grab the black rabbit's furry ears, stroked it lightly, looked at the sweat on her fingers, and said with a laugh:

"How is it? I'm starting to sweat! Let's just say it happily. I can't do anything to you anyway. I'm not familiar enough with this world, do you understand?"

"Okay...you're a great guy!"

Black Rabbit drooped his ears speechlessly, smiled at Ye Shenyue, shook his head and said:

"Well, actually, let me tell you, the reason why I want to summon people from another world to come here is not to play gambling games, but to our community, and I need help very much now!"

"Sure enough, it's a weak community!"

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