Ye Shenyue shrugged and said disdainfully:

"Even the people who came out to summon another world are such a waste. It seems that your community is not in trouble and needs help. I think it will soon disappear from this world!"

"how do you know……"

Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, then quickly closed his mouth and corrected:

"It's not what you said. Our community used to be very strong, okay? It's just encountered some setbacks. Besides, even if we are not good together, you can't say that we are going to disappear, right? We are What a once-strong community!"

"Has it declined to a member like you now?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged her shoulders, looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her, and said calmly:

"Needless to say, I will help your community!"


Happiness came so suddenly, Black Rabbit even felt that his ears were damaged by Yeshenyue, and he had auditory hallucinations. He hurriedly walked to Yeshenyue and asked:

"Can you say it again? Are you really willing to join our community and fight with the big guys?"

"You think too much!"

Ye Shenyue chuckled lightly, stretched out her fingers and swayed in front of the black rabbit and said:

"What are you kidding me, I want to join your community? Your community is so weak, don't I have to listen to the command of incompetent people when I go in? I mean, I want to take down your community and make your community for me Use it, listen to my orders, and make a good run in this new world, come to him to turn the river into the sea, make him a slap in the waves, call me Yeshenyue as the prestige, and enjoy the joy of adventure in this world, understand?"


The black rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue a little dull, and a magical ear idea suddenly popped up:

"Have I...Did I bring a big crisis to our community?"

"Okay, take me away, your community will obey my orders within three days, and you will still be my personal maid!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head and smiled at Hei Rabbit, with a determined smile on her face. Black Rabbit was sweating awkwardly behind him, and looked at Ye Shenyue helplessly:

"Do you really want to do this? Can't you change a community to do harm? I seem to regret calling you here!"

"There's no way, this world has so many elements of luck, and you can summon me here is the greatest help to your community!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and nodded, stood up, grabbed the rope in her hand and said:

"It's getting late, you and I have to hurry up, there is still a long way to go, I will try to knock the boss of your community to the ground tonight, and let him hand over the unnamed community. Let you take care of the daily affairs of the time community!"

"It sounds like a reward..."

Black Rabbit wiped the cold sweat from the top of his head, looking at Ye Shenyue's stalwart figure, he couldn't help but say:

"However, the mission I came to summon this time is not over yet!"

"What mission?"

Ye Shenyue looked back at Hei Rabbit and asked curiously:

"Apart from me and Kazuhime, have you summoned other more powerful guys?"

"Actually you just happened to..."

Black Rabbit tried his best to chew on the words, and said after deliberation:

"My summoning letters to those children are all written, so...they are the team members I need to call. I was on my way before I saw you, and I wasted a little time in the middle...and then I lost my freedom!"

"So this is ah!"

Ye Shenyue rolled her eyes, nodded and said:

"Then let's go, let me see what kind of useless people you summoned!"

"Although I lost, you can't be so arrogant. You beat me. No matter what I say, I will endure it, but you haven't even watched the others, so it's not good!"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, clenched his fists, and looked at Ye Shenyue with determination!

"Well, maybe it's trash?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, patted the black rabbit on the shoulder, and said softly in the black rabbit's ear:

"If you dare to talk to me like this, I will taste the rabbit meat of this world!"


Hei Rabbit was startled suddenly, his eyes were wide and round, he looked at Ye Shenyue in horror, his body trembled, and he said silently in his mouth:

"Then...then let's set off on the road!"

"It's so cute!"

Ye Shenyue reached out and stroked the furry head of the black rabbit, smiled and nodded:

"Finally have a little pet appearance, congratulations!"

"You actually treat me as your pet! They are your personal maids, okay?"

Hei Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, and was suddenly startled. Seeing the evil smile on Ye Shenyue's face, he patted his head and said angrily:

"What a perverted guy, even talking is a trap, no, no!"

"Learn well!"

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