"Sometimes good face is not a good quality!"

Ye Shenyue sneered, looking at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao and said calmly:

"Come on, little sister, let your excellent language skills work on me, and you'll kill your heart. Be my bed-warming maid, won't you?"

"Dream! I won't give up!"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, and looked at him with two eyes, like a wolf who found a target on the grassland, concentrated all his attention, and said to Ye Shenyue word by word:

"Put down what you are holding, and give me back my freedom! Give me back my freedom!"


Ye Shenyue looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's eyes calmly, and said without fear:

"To be honest, I have clearly felt the powerful power in your language, but I'm sorry, in my opinion, your power is still too weak, I haven't even been hooked by such an idea, don't worry. All right!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue clenched the rope in her hand even more, looking at the long-distance flying bird in front of her, anyone could see the disdain in her eyes!

"No! You must have already been broken through by me!"

Jiuyuan Asuka shouted loudly, looking at Ye Shenyue with bloodshot eyeballs, looked at Ye Shenyue firmly and said:

"You, let me go and give us freedom. This is the most humane performance. You are the embodiment of justice. The idea of ​​imprisoning the freedom of others is impossible!"


Ye Shenyue didn't even blink an eye, quietly watching the long-distance flying birds in front of her continue to attack herself with words. However, these abilities can disturb the minds of most people. In front of Ye Shenyue's powerful divine power, she still can't help it. Not as effective as itching!


Finally, he couldn't help but give up the language interference to Yeshenyue, Jiuyuan Feidiao closed his eyes helplessly, calmed his mind, opened his eyes, crossed Yeshenyue, glanced at the black rabbit behind him, and turned his head. Looking at Kasugabe Yao said:

"Don't you mean to resist at all?"


Kasugabe Yō nodded silently, holding the rope around his neck in his hand and said:

"Did you see how the rope was wrapped around our necks? Huh?"


Although he was reluctant to admit it, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao really didn't see what method Ye Shenyue would use to confine his hands, as if in the blink of an eye, his hands were caught by the collar, and he couldn't break free. opened!

"And this rope!"

Kasugabe Yō nodded lightly and said:

"From the beginning, he didn't take out the rope, even the black rabbit had only a collar around his neck without any ear rope, but at that moment, all three of us ropes appeared, this must not be used by him The speed is easy to explain, you understand?"

"Understood, of course!"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao nodded helplessly, and looked at Ye Shenyue unwillingly:

"Isn't there a way to break this taboo in this world? Should all this be endured in silence? I'm not the kind of person who easily admits defeat!"

"Me too!"

Kasugabe Yao nodded, looked at the rope in his hand, and said to Kuyuan Asuka:

"Actually, you also noticed something was wrong just now, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

A cold light swept across Jiuyuan Fei Niao's eyeballs and looked at the black rabbit, as if it was implying something!

"How did we get here?"

Kasugabe Yao smiled, looked at Yagami Yue and said:

"You said just now that this girl is the one who summoned you to this world, but she didn't expect you to be so powerful, so the three of us were summoned by Miss Black Rabbit, right?"

"Sure enough, after the status is different, even the title has changed!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and shrugged to the black rabbit behind him:

"Look, they have started to use honorifics to you, my little maid?"

"Uh, should I be happy?"

Hei Rabbit pouted, looked at Ye Shenyue and the rope in front of him, and couldn't be happy.

"Then feel free!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, stretched out her hand, and said to the three:

"I will extend the rope to a length of three meters, and give the three of you a chance to study how to deal with me, so that you won't be convinced, it seems to be impossible! Sure enough, they are all rebellious guys!"

"You really dare to do that?"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao smiled silently, and his eyes suddenly regained brilliance, as if he had already thought of something!

"What's wrong with that?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, put down the rope in her hand, and said to the black rabbit:

"Let them see the big bag behind your head. If you dare to escape, this is the end! Aren't little girls most afraid of pain?"

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