Chapter [-] Brahma Release the Spear

"Do you have any ideas?"

Kasugabe Yao held the kitten in his arms, his eyes flickered, as if he was curious about Asuka's thoughts!

"Of course it is!"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao glanced at the black rabbit silently, concentrated, stared into the black rabbit's eyes and said:

"Go ahead, as long as we defeat this guy, we will definitely be able to get personal freedom, right?"

"Uh...actually it's not bad to be a maid, and he's so powerful!"

Black Rabbit's eyes are a little confused. Looking at the birds in front of him, he always feels that his body is a little dazed, and he doesn't know where the power is guiding him!

"But you must have a trump card, don't you?"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird continued to stare at the eyes of the black rabbit, and said seriously:

"Since you can summon us all, it means that you must be capable. Temporary setbacks are not terrible, and you must not give up!"


The black rabbit silently looked at the long-term flying bird, and the big red eyes seemed to have lost their spirits.When I touched the collar on my neck, my eyes became even more ethereal!

"Nothing! This is our only chance! You have to understand that you are an aborigines here. Like us, he was summoned by you. You must have a way to deal with him, right?"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao looked at the black rabbit excitedly, and the pair of eloquent words said each word, every word seemed to be able to move the blood in the black rabbit's heart!

"Take out your trump card, think about it, isn't the collar around your neck a funny thing when many people are looking at you? You are an aboriginal here, there must be many people who know you, they see you How can you laugh at you like this? The people you summoned have controlled their behavior? How embarrassing is this? It is a wilderness, you can't see it, but in front of everyone, can you still be so calm?"

Jiuyuan Asuka kept talking, Kasugabe Yō watched silently, the three girls were together, and seemed to be discussing something earth-shattering, Ye Shenyue stood by with a calm face, and every word was understood by Ye Shenyue. He heard it, but he didn't come forward to stop it. Although Hei Rabbit's eyes were full of shaking, Ye Shenyue still firmly believed that these things would be solved by himself at one time!

"Come on! You can't let others look down on you, didn't you call us here to make your community stronger? That person will definitely not join your community, and he will even destroy your beloved community. Yes, work hard, right here, as long as you get the freedom of action, Kasugabe and I will not say anything about what happens here, you can rest assured! We are willing to join your community and fight with you , but the premise is that you must understand! We can't be bound like this anymore!"


The black rabbit was more and more shaken, and Kasugabe Yō, next to him, said worriedly:

"Even if you go to encourage her, does she really have a way to defeat that guy? It looks strong!"

"She's bound to let go, right!"

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at Black Rabbit firmly, and continued to say in sensational words:

"You must have, right? Take it out, here, solve all these troubles, and you can bring our two powerful team members to your community! Isn't it?"


Black Rabbit's dull eyes suddenly appeared bright, a beam of light appeared and disappeared, and a gorgeous long spear suddenly appeared in Black Rabbit's hands. Kasugabe Yō and Kuyuan Asuka looked at each other, and both saw surprises in each other's eyes!

"Look, let me just say it, Miss Black Rabbit must have such a trump card, take it, defeat him, and we will be free!"

"But... he is so strong, can he really deal with it?"

Hei Rabbit looked nervously at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, and suddenly, his Fan Shi spear seemed to be constantly being used, and he actually floated into the air!

"Is it really good for you to be a cook like this?"

Kasugabe Yao turned his head to look at Kuyuan Asuka, the slight voice and a pair of nervous eyes all appeared crazily in front of him, Kuyuan Asuka had given up the command of the black rabbit, and turned to the Fan Shi gun in the sky. As he muttered something, the sharp blade was slowly leveled in the air, and it was getting closer and closer to the distant Yeshenyue!

"It's so boring!"

Ye Shenyue glanced at the Fan Shi Spear in the sky, and stood silently on the spot, as if she didn't know that the three girls were looking at her nervously at this time!

"do not want!"

The black rabbit shouted, and was about to take back the command of the Fan Shi gun, but saw the long-distance flying bird in front of him suddenly blocking in front of him, and shouted at the Fan Shi gun in the air:

"Go! Free your master!"

"call out!"

Po Kong's voice came from her ears, Ye Shenyue didn't even look at it, she just stood there indifferently, as if she couldn't see all this!

"do not!"

The Black Rabbit screamed, but the Fan Shi Spear was already like a sharp arrow that flew out of the back of Ye Shenyue's head. It seems that I don't want the next bloody scene to appear in Xiao Hua Mao's memory!


Ye Shenyue turned around, looked at the Fan Shi gun in the air, stretched out a finger, and calmly blocked the tip of the Fan Shi gun, as if holding down a piece of chalk!


In front of Black Rabbit speechlessly, Ye Shenyue's vigorous body stretched out his hand like an ancient scholar, while Fan Shi's spear was as if time and space were still, dazed in mid-air, and one of Ye Shenyue's fingers, Easily blocked!


It seemed that everything in front of him was very surprising. The little cat jumped out of Kasugabe Yao's arms and flew to the top of his head, looking at Ye Shenyue's calm appearance, with a look of intoxication!

"give up……"

Kasugabu Yao looked at the disdain that evoked the corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth, and looked at Jiuyuan Asuka helplessly:

"We can't shake a single hair from him now!"


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