Jiuyuan Flying Bird looked at the Fan Shigun in the air angrily, concentrated all his attention, and kept giving orders to attack at the Fan Shigun, but although the Fan Shigun was trembling all over, it seemed to be very hard, but facing the night Shenyue's slender finger was like hitting an iron wall, it was useless, she just continued to perform this amazing scene!

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Ye Shenyue smiled softly at Fan Shi Gun, turned around, released Fan Shi Gun with her fingers, quietly watched Fan Shi Gun shoot down from her eyes, and plunged into the ground beside her...

Chapter Thirteen The Poor Community

"give up……"

Black Rabbit drooped his head and looked at the Fan Shi gun on the ground with a sad face. This was his last trump card, but now it was done with one finger, and it makes me sad to think about it!

"Yes, Asuka, hard work!"

Kasugabe Yao hugged the kitten and walked to Asuka's side, looking at her sweating profusely, her eyes felt a little distressed, although it was just Asuka's own perseverance, but objectively he also wanted to release himself!

"What's the use of hard work? This guy is so tough!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird looked at the Fan Shi Spear on the ground with a helpless expression on his face, reached out and took the rope around his neck in his hand, and said silently:

"It seems that we will all be accompanied by this rope in the future! Thinking about it, it seems that in the previous world, I had a bunch of servants, and now I came here and became someone else's servant. It's ironic!"

"Okay! It's like I abused you?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the three girls amusingly, waved to the black rabbit and said:

"Put away the Fan Shi gun first, we have to get to your community before it gets dark! Everyone in this wilderness must be hungry!"

"Uh, yes!"

Kasugabe Yō nodded silently, while Kuyuan Asuka also nodded and said:

"Yeah, I worked too hard just now, and my spirit consumed too much energy at once!"

... "Let's go then!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit who was a little lost, and patted her shoulder with her hand and said:

"Which direction is it going? It looks like the tribe!"

"say something?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit who was standing there in a daze, and suddenly became curious!

"Uh, are you really going to our community now?"

The black rabbit reacted, and looked at Ye Shenyue in a daze, and said with an embarrassed expression:

"You are so powerful, why are you still in our community? Wouldn't it be better to form one yourself?"

"I'm too lazy to take care of things!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, pointed at the black rabbit and said:

"Besides, your community is a weak guy like you, so it must be easy to control. Then I won't have to worry about the tedious affairs, right?"

"You are so right!"

Black Rabbit nodded silently, with some helplessness in his eyes, Ye Shenyue looked in his eyes and said with a light smile:

"What? Will I still eat your community?"

"You just want to occupy the community of others!"

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at Ye Shenyue with some dissatisfaction, and said to Black Rabbit with some sympathy:

"Look at you, what kind of big devil has you recruited, now it's alright, completely passive!"

"Actually, our community is not good at all!"

The black rabbit seemed to have reacted before, walked over and took Ye Shenyue's hand and said:

"You don't know, our community actually doesn't have the big room you want at all, and everyone lives in a very small place!"

"Then I'll go and bet you a big house!"

Just press Ye Shenyue to send it to you, in his opinion, these things are not a problem!

"We're running out of food!"

"I'll improve your life for you!"

"Our staff are crippled!"

"I exercise, absorb, and eliminate!"

"We have no water there!"

Black Rabbit's crying face turned black. Looking at Ye Shenyue's confident look, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh?

"How did you survive?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit with a speechless expression. This problem seems to need to be solved as soon as possible. Everyone has no water to drink.

"Well... Of course, we need to find someone to give a little alms every day. You know, our community used to be quite powerful. Everyone sees that we will help a little bit because of our previous feelings!"

Black Rabbit smiled awkwardly, covering the embarrassment on his face with a crisp laugh, and his ears were slowly pricked up, as if he was searching for something novel!

"Are you sure it's a community?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit with suspicion, the rope in her hand was tightly pinched:

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