"Isn't it a group of beggars?"

"Who would be a beggar group? The beggar group has places, establishments, benefits and allowances! It's not like our community...nothing, okay?"

The Black Rabbit shouted excitedly at Ye Shenyue, which, not surprisingly, aroused the last bit of anger in Ye Shenyue's heart:

"What are you joking here? Your community is not even as good as other people's beggars, what's the point of existence? Disband!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit with admiration, pointed to the beautiful maid costume of the black rabbit and said:

"I suddenly understood, what's wrong with your weird clothes! It's not your community living in someone else's house, so let's give you work clothes by the way!"


Seeing the disgust in Ye Shenyue's eyes, Black Rabbit nodded impatiently, and looked at Ye Shenyue with admiration:

"Yes, yes, you're so right! That's how I got this dress! You are so smart! Look at our community, we have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, even saliva. It’s more difficult, you should let us go, we’ll just be honest, right? You don’t need to pay any price to form a community by yourself. Think about it, you start alone in this world. It's not a very..."

"Boring thing!"

Ye Shenyue stared at Hei Rabbit's red eyes, and looked calmly at Hei Rabbit's eyes from vivid to silent, and then sluggish!

"What did you just say?"

Black Rabbit couldn't believe his eyes and looked at Ye Shenyue in surprise:

"Isn't this something that many people dream of? A person's legend will always be celebrated!"

"How boring is that!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged and thought to herself:

"It's boring to do too much of this! Especially for me!"

"Then what is interesting?"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with some worry, it seems that something has begun to slowly develop towards an unpredictable place!It seems that he has lost his guiding ability to Ye Shenyue's thinking!

"Of course, with a pile of waste, to the top of this world!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and looked at the rope in her hand. The three girls on the other end of the rope were full of unwillingness!

"Who said I'm a waste? If you can't beat you, you're a waste? Isn't this world a waste?"

"more or less!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, looked at the surrounding lake and said:

"At least in my opinion!"

Chapter Fourteen The Poor Maid

"Are you so interested in our community?"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with a speechless expression, he really couldn't understand what was going on in the head of this powerful guy in front of him!

"Who is interested in your community?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit with disdain, and looked at the river in front of her:

"Anyway, I just came to this world to play, the more interesting the better, your community is such a waste, I hold it in my hand and create it into the most powerful community in this world, isn't it very challenging and interesting? "

"Did you win the lottery or step on shit!"

Jiuyuan Asuka couldn't bear it anymore, and complained to the black rabbit next to him:

"A person with such a powerful mind that he can't understand, what kind of shit did you have to be able to summon the old man from another world? This probability may be better than I am now, and the world will collapse. The chances are small!"

"En! I agree with Asuka's conclusion!"

Kasugabe Yao nodded while hugging her little female cat with a look of approval!

"You two, don't bury me!"

Black Rabbit looked at Kasugabe Yō and Kuto Asuka with an embarrassed expression, wiped the sweat from the rabbit's ears, and said speechlessly:

"After all, we are both Ye Shenyue's maids now, no one is much better, right?"

"Who said that?"

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at the black rabbit with an unhappy expression:

"If you hadn't gone so far and summoned this guy from another world, one of us must have your freedom now!"

"Uh...you are no different from him!"

Black Rabbit silently recited the word "Wonderful Flower" in his heart, lowered his head and stopped talking to Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, while Ye Shenyue pointed to the water in front of him and said:

"The sound of the water in front is so noisy, there must be a waterfall!"

"Where did the sound of water come from?"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao pricked up his ears and listened to the movement around him. There was no such noise as Ye Shenyue's so-called noisy water flow. The surroundings were quiet, no different from ordinary virgin forests!

"Yeah, I didn't hear that either!"

Kasugabe Yao nodded, held the kitten on his chest in front of him, and said calmly:

"How? You didn't hear it either!"

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