
The cute little female cat nodded and looked at her master calmly, as if she still didn't know why a black collar appeared on her master's neck!

"Can you talk to animals?"

Kuyuan Asuka looked at Kasugabe Yō in surprise, with a surprised look on his face:

"I thought you were the same as this cat, but with excellent jumping ability, but I didn't expect you to be a cat girl?"

"You're the cat girl..."

Kasugabe Yō was speechless for a while, looked at Jiuyuan Asuka and said with a smile:

"I can just talk to animals, I talked to dolphins in the aquarium, I asked polar bears about the northern lights in the Arctic Pavilion, I asked about elephant seals with penguins in the Antarctic Pavilion, and I asked tropical fish about sardines in the Tropical Pavilion. An interesting fact, I asked the dog for the road on the street, and I asked the location of the wallet for my classmates in the police force, and nothing else!"

"What else can you do..."

Kuyuan Asuka silently looked at Kasugabe Yao, and said with some envy:

"Although I can order birds and beasts, I don't know what's going on in their minds. Seriously, I really envy you!"

"The chat is over!"

Ye Shenyue silently looked at the three girls and said to the black rabbit:

"Going straight forward from this river, is it a huge waterfall?"


Black Rabbit nodded, Ye Shenyue bowed her head secretly, put the rope in her hand in her hand, and said to the three people in front of her:

"Go! We'll get to the waterfall right now and get the water!"

"Is something wrong with you?"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird silently looked at the rope in Ye Shenyue's hand, with an unwilling look in his eyes:

"There's a river next to it. Why don't we get the water directly from here and send it to the community, instead of going to a place with a waterfall? Isn't it superfluous?"

"What's wrong with you!"

Ye Shenyue glanced at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao with disdain, pointed to the envelope in her hand and said:

"Haven't you noticed that the envelope in your hand has been dry? Isn't that strange?"


Jiu Yuan Fei Niao took a closer look, and was stunned for a moment, nodded blankly, looked at the black rabbit and said:

"Tell me, why is this?"

"Let's ask your omnipotent master!"

Ye Shenyue's face showed a handsome expression, she silently looked at Jiuyuan Fei Niao, and said with certainty:

"The reason why your bodies and envelopes are not soaked and dry quickly is not because these things are made of magical materials, but because the water here is kept by someone, and frankly, it must be It is private, otherwise the community will not dig wells and repair canals by themselves? This water is also a resource, these trees are also resources, and there are fixed people who own them. Since there are gods and Buddhas in this world, everything can be explained. , Even gods and Buddhas can participate in the bets of the Hakoniwa world, and the bets they put out are these resources, am I right, little rabbit?"

"Uh, you're so smart..."

Black Rabbit nodded silently and helped Ye Shenyue add:

"He's right. Although there are a lot of water resources, they are controlled by the dragons in the water. If we want to get water, we can't extract it at will. We can only revise the contract with the dragons and exchange certain things. , but our community has no bargaining chip with the dragon clan, and can only use a little price of our own to make a second exchange with those who have already obtained water, so we have always been short of water!"

"That's why I look at the river so pitifully, but there is no channel for irrigation and drinking water to come out!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit meaningfully, and said with a chuckle:

"It seems that your community is indeed declining!"

"Then you will solve it?"

Black Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue unconvinced and said loudly:

"The dragon here is not a small character like me. If you want to die, I won't stop you!"

"We won't stop either!"

Kuto Asuka and Kasugabe Yō nodded together!

"Your bodies are all mine, what are you talking about?"

Ye Shenyue showed a disdainful smile at the corner of her mouth, twitched the rope in her hand and said:

"Thirty minutes, I only give you thirty minutes. If you can't reach the waterfall, I will let her die of thirst on the tree!"

Chapter [-] The Ends of the Earth

"The end of the world is ahead! It's a huge waterfall! You can go there yourself! I won't go!"

Black Rabbit wiped the sweat from the top of his head, stopped at the widest part of the river, pointed to the waterfall in front, and never wanted to move forward again!

"No, I won't let you see my heroic majesty, how can the contract be passed on to the center of the small garden world?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head resolutely, and smiled at Yuto Asuka and Kasugabe Yao next to her:

"If you two are afraid, you can stay. I won't stop you, you can't run anyway, right?"

"I've come, I'm still afraid of dying?"

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