"Me too!"

Kasugabe Yō pressed his little cat behind him and looked at everything in front of him nervously. The loud noise of the water seemed to have disappeared from his ears, and Yagami's dignified body stood firmly on the edge of the waterfall, as if waiting. With the upcoming battle...

Chapter [-] Fighting the Flood Dragon


The ground shook for a while, and a large hole suddenly appeared in the surrounding waterfall. A silver-white flying dragon sprang out of the water. In front of the waterfall illuminated by the rainbow, I stared at Yagami and others below!

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to come to such a place, don't you want to live?"

The giant dragon hovers in the air, and the silver-white scales emit golden light under the sunlight, looking like a golden dragon alive!

"Stop talking nonsense! Are you the patron saint here? You actually took all the water resources here. How do you let those poor children live?"

Ye Shenyue stared at the giant dragon jade-like ears and eyes, with a very relaxed expression on his face, and the black rabbit behind him quickly reminded him in his ear:

"Hey, this is a silver dragon. It's the first time you have met such a powerful character. It seems that I can only leave here today with your body!"

"I'm not afraid of your Fanshi spear, but am I still afraid of this hornless dragon?"

Ye Shenyue sneered softly, and Jiu Yuan Fei Niao next to him also sneered:

"Some people like to die. I'm quite happy. I didn't expect that someone could only be my master for a day. It's ridiculous. This memory will be erased automatically, isn't it? Kasugabe-san?"

"I don't know, but what people are most afraid of is water, especially cold water!"

The three-haired cat screamed "meow" in Kasugabe Yao's arms, and kept licking the back of Kasugabe Yao's hand, looking like he was enjoying it!

"I don't think Ye Shenyue will be so confident for no reason!"

Kasugabe Yō glanced at the back of Ye Shenyue stalwart, and smiled slightly:

"Besides, we can run if it doesn't work?"

"You three keep your mouth shut!"

Ye Shenyue turned around and stared at the three of them, pointing to a boulder behind her and said:

"After I blow up this Flood Dragon, the scales may be very sharp, you all hide there first!"


The Jiaolong hovering in the air cursed loudly and roared in shock:

"Don't answer my question when I'm air?"

Saying that, he flew behind the crowd at once, and pounced on the back of Ye Shenyue's head!

"It's so boring!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged her shoulders, turned around gently, and pulled the black man behind her with a smile to her back, and lightly tapped her hand.

"How? How is it possible? I was actually blocked by this kid with his fingers? With fingers? What the hell is this guy? How come I've never felt such a powerful force?"

Jiaolong pondered in horror in his mind, while Ye Shenyue looked at the giant dragon indifferently, with an impatient look on his face:

"What a waste!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue jumped and flew into the air, under the sun's light!Like a sharp sword falling from the sky, it is a kick to the neck of the dragon. Suddenly, the giant dragon's eyes darkened, and the huge body fell on the slippery stone cliff of the waterfall, splashing layers of water, and the huge body also Start to slowly slide into the bottomless tide below the waterfall!

"I haven't used up your value yet!"

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand, grabbed the parent who had extended Jiaolong's cheeks, and waved her hand vigorously. In the middle, a huge body of a Flood Dragon was like a long tunnel running across the mountain. Ye Shenyue walked over to the Flood Dragon's head and waved and touched its neck a few times. Suddenly, the Flood Dragon, who was already unconscious just now. , slowly opened his eyes.

"You... who are you?"

Opening his emerald-colored eyes, Jiaolong no longer had the arrogance and impulsiveness he had just now, replaced by complete surrender and an unconcealed surprise in his heart!

"It doesn't matter who I am!"

Ye Shenyue stood in front of Ju Long, looked at its drooping face silently, and said with a smile:

"I didn't come here to challenge you, because you are not worthy of me to do it at all. It's a pity that I am going to seize a tattered community without a name to play with, but that community has no water source, which makes it difficult for me. So I'm here to help you!"

"Are you asking for help?"

Black Rabbit stared blankly at Ye Shenyue in a maid costume. The smooth movements and indifferent confidence just now completely convinced the three girls. The thought that he originally hoped to see Ye Shenyue being taught a lesson also disappeared without a shadow. Without a trace, in the face of the complete disparity in strength, any strategy is futile, not to mention, it seems that Jiaolong's IQ has been completely crushed by Ye Shenyue!

"Of course, I'm just asking for help. As long as this Flood Dragon can get me a source of water, I'll let him die happily!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit indifferently, shrugged and said:

"Isn't this a fair deal?"


Jiaolong almost spit out a mouthful of old blood and took his own life, looking at Ye Shenyue listlessly, with a bitter look on his face:

"If this is the case, I don't think it's even possible to die happily. To tell you the truth, I'm just a small Jiaolong. Above me, there is a one-horned blue dragon and a two-horned real dragon. And Zeng Long who gave birth to wings, in this waters, I have the lowest level, so I see you first, if you want water, at least ask for the real dragon, that is, the water god of this waters, there is nothing I can do. !"

"Then help me, how about that?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Jiaolong who had completely surrendered, and laughed softly:

"Anyway, no matter what level of dragon it is, it is scum in front of me. Why don't you go and find the real dragon here, and I will fight with him if he lives. If he doesn't come out, I will build a dam here. , two ditches, lead all the water here to other places, you can't see him coming out!"

"Am I any good?"

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