Canglong looked at Ye Shenyue with some playfulness, and it seemed that he had already felt a little heartbeat!

"I'll let you live happily. By the way, our community will take over the entire continent in the future. Then you will be the water god of our waters. Anyway, this kind of shitty job of watering flowers and grass, I Can't even look at it!"

"A word is settled!"

Jiaolong nodded silently, got up from the ground with difficulty and said:

"The scales on the back of my neck were all smashed into my body by you. It's very painful. Could you please help me take it out?"

Chapter [-] One-Eyed Dragon

Gently stretched out her hand to take out the scales that the Jiaolong had driven into her body, and Ye Shenyue sutured the wound by the way, and then let the Jiaolong go into the sea. There is no need to look back, those three pairs of eyes naturally burst out with amazed expressions!


Black Rabbit silently looked at Yeshenyue, thinking that at first he wanted to fight Yeshenyue with Fan Shi Spear, but now it seems like a fool's dream!

"What's the matter? Didn't you summon it?"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao was still a little unhappy. Although he was completely terrified of Ye Shenyue's abilities, his habit of always controlling everything and not giving in did not make him lose easily!

"I can't be someone else's maid all the time, just wait!"

Jiuyuan Asuka clenched his fists, admiring and jealous of Ye Shenyue's stalwart figure!

"It seems that we can only follow this great god well!"

Kasugabe Yao hugged his three-haired cat and looked at Yagami with a cute face. Although the battle just ended in an instant, Kasugabe Yao clearly knew that Yagami may not have used his full strength. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but even if it is the tip of the iceberg, the power is already impressive!

"Miss, it's okay, I'm here!"

Sanmao Cat, like a caring servant, licked Kasugabe Yō's white hands, and then looked back at Ye Shenyue, and his heart was desolate:

"I actually became a maid's maid, how can I feel so pitiful..."

Silently listening to the discussion of the three girls, Ye Shenyue smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, her face still so indifferent. After trying her skills just now, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt bored, even the dragons in this majestic waters were so weak. , I really don't know if the next opponents are inferior to each other, and the fun of coming to this world seems to be gone!

Thinking like this, Ye Shenyue was also a little irritable when she looked at the water in front of her. She looked at the sky, dusk was approaching, and thinking that she was going to take the community over tonight, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but feel a little unhappy. She picked up a stone on the ground, right. It smashed into the water in front of it!

"What bird efficiency! What about people?"

Ye Shenyue roared, and the flying stone seemed to be encased in the lava of a volcanic crater in the mist. It glowed red, and flew down into the bottomless waters below. Suddenly, there was a turbulent sound of carapace breaking. When it came, Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, and she looked closely, only to see a gray-black flying dragon that seemed to suddenly fall from the mist, and before it appeared in front of her, it had already fainted!

"Sure enough, twice!"

The roar of the sky came from all directions, Ye Shenyue covered her ears a little unhappy, felt the vibration of the surrounding air, and cursed at the golden dragon rising up in front of her:

"Will you speak well? Is deafening interesting?"

"It doesn't seem like that!"

The golden dragon hovered in front of Ye Shenyue, and a beam of golden light descended from the sky and transformed into the golden dragon's hand. Suddenly, a long sharp sword appeared in the golden dragon's hand, which looked extraordinarily interesting!

"I didn't expect that in this world, real dragons actually have weapons?"

Ye Shenyue smiled coldly, looking at the golden dragon in front of her and said:

"Where's the little Jiaolong I sent back to deliver the letter? Where is it?"

"I've already eaten it!"

The golden dragon looked at Ye Shenyue playfully, and everyone could see the contempt in his eyes:

"That kind of waste, being defeated by others and being a pioneer, is simply a shame for our dragon clan! This is our dragon clan's family business, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Of course!"

Ye Shenyue sneered, nodded and said:

"The life and death of your dragon family is none of my business? Take out the water source, and I will let you go to Jiuquan to meet the little dragon, otherwise, I will pull out the golden scales on your body piece by piece. , let you become a waste dragon without scales and throw it in this river ditch, and be eaten up by small fish and shrimp, do you believe it?"

"What a big breath!"

The golden dragon stared with huge eyes, and the sword in his hand flew out like lightning. Ye Shenyue didn't even look at it, and turned back and shouted to the three girls:

"Make room, I'm going to peel this broken dragon in this river ditch and chop it into minced meat!"

"Go to hell!"

Jinlong looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, his sword flew out of his hand, but Ye Shenyue easily avoided it, and suddenly roared, the flying dragon was in the sky, and the golden rays of light were like golden threads sprinkled from the sky, in the hands of the golden dragon. It turned into eighteen ice blades, and threw them frantically at Ye Shenyue. One by one, each piece was like lightning. It flashed through the air and landed on the ground, hitting the originally calm river one by one. The huge whirlpool is coming, the water is rushing, and the wind is roaring, amazing!

Although the scene was very spectacular, it was unfortunate that when all the eighteen ice blades were thrown out, Ye Shenyue was already standing in the eye socket of the golden dragon, silently looking at the pair of giant brown eyes, she stretched out her hand, He took the palm down, and the golden dragon, who was still showing off his might just now, suddenly crooked, his entire body was firmly pressed on the stone cliff by Ye Shenyue, blood flowed like a spring, flowing out of the eyes of the golden dragon, and the strange screams were also surging from the golden dragon. The vocal cords came out, making Ye Shenyue feel uncomfortable for a while!

"It's really ugly!"

Ye Shenyue felt the vibration of the surrounding air, and her whole body was not well. She grabbed the two golden horns on the golden dragon's head and slammed it. Yue also seized this opportunity and slashed at Feilong's vocal cords, the screams that kept appearing suddenly muted, Ye Shenyue kicked Jinlong's spine in the air, and Jinlong screamed in the air, Throwing it on the mountain ridge next to it, suddenly, the ridged mountain ridge just now turned into a dusty hillside!

"You... who are you?"

The hoarse voice came from Jin Long's mouth, so weak that even Black Rabbit was surprised that Jin Long, who had been so loud just now, was able to make such a desolate and tactful voice.

"I'm not a man, I'm a god!"

Standing on the bridge of the dragon's nose, Ye Shenyue looked at the golden dragon with only one eye left, and sneered:

"Tell me, where did Xiao Jiaolong go? Say it, I will let you die happily, throw you back into the sea, and let your clansmen bury you, otherwise, I will tear your scales apart piece by piece. , put you in the river, and let those little fish and shrimps that you despise slowly eat you up one by one, leaving only a humiliated body!"

Chapter [-] One-Eyed Dragon

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