"Take a break!"

Ye Shenyue waved her hand to interrupt Ren Russell, took out the water sapling in her hand, and said directly:

"Do you know what this thing is?"

"Water saplings?"

This literacy is still there, and Ren Russell soon realized that what Ye Shenyue holds in her hands is the root of the water source that she dreams of, that is, the water sapling!

"Do you know how you got this thing?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Ren Russell silently, the contempt in her eyes was even stronger:

"It was me who worked hard... easily defeated the golden dragon under the waterfall at the end of the world, and the red unicorn dragon in exchange, the reason why I was able to get this thing is for your community - because the black rabbit clearly told me, you guys The community is shabby, rotten, and bad, and it doesn't even have a source of water! That's why I did it! Do you know what I mean by doing this?"

"do not know!"

Jen Russell has completely fallen into a state of ecstasy. The water sapling was actually snatched by Ye Shenyue from the water god dragon clan. The news was too shocking for him. What he had dreamed of was actually taken by him. A guy who just came to this world for a day easily got it, and the gap between himself and Ye Shenyue no longer needs to be distinguished by an actual duel!

"because I like it!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and shrugged, looking at Ren Russell's puzzled look, and said with a satisfied smile:

"Actually, I really have no ill will towards your community at all. I'm just bored and ready to take a good challenge in this world. To put it bluntly, the opponents I meet now are all vulnerable in front of me, so you should Just be happy, if you can obediently give up your leadership position, then the daily affairs here will also let you and Black Rabbit manage, I will never interfere - and I will not use my precious experience in On this kind of boring trivia, you understand?"

"What should these children do?"

Ren Russell thought for a while, and looked at the children surrounded by Ye Shenyue with empty wooden buckets in their hands, and his heart ached - he was really incompetent, if there is no water in Ye Shenyue's hands today If there is a sapling, the dried up water tank will make these children completely lose hope of living!

"Of course it's business as usual!"

Ye Shenyue shook the water sapling in her hand and said with a smile:

"If they don't mind, let's rebuild this barren home. How should they say that their predecessors should have been the masters of this rich land!"

Chapter [-] New Changes

"Okay, I agree..."

Ren Russell took a deep breath, looked at Ye Shenyue's deep eyes, and said firmly:

"But you must promise me that you must take back the flag and name of our community!"

"Really, what do you say?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, reached out and threw the water sapling in her hand to Ren Russell:

"Here, take it to open up a water source, this is a gift for me to become the master of your community!"

"Thank you!"

Ren Russell nodded silently, hugged the water sapling that Ye Shenyue handed over in his arms, and said to the surrounding children:

"Everyone will no longer have to go to the territory of other families to fetch water! Today, I will hand over the leadership of the community to Mr. Yagami Yue, children. From now on, like everyone else, I will be an ordinary member of the community, so "You don't need to call me Young Master Ren!"

"That's not necessary!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, chuckled lightly, looked at the stupid children around her and said:

"In the future, Young Master Ren will still be your Young Master Ren. The purpose of my coming here is to make your community the most powerful community in the world. As for these inexplicable rules and regulations, let your Young Master Ren manage it! Everyone! Work together, and soon, you will be part of the community that everyone sees!"

"Long live!"

The children who were inspired by Ye Shenyue's three or two words frantically threw their empty buckets into the air to celebrate that they finally had a strong leader. The deep feelings were also hard to resist the company of powerful forces. Seeing Ye Shenyue's firm eyes, the children who had been listless soon radiated new joy.

"I haven't seen the children so happy for a long time!"

Ren Russell stood beside Black Rabbit, walking in the middle of the team with water saplings in his arms, next to the silent Yeshenyue, Master Ren, who had been frowning all the time, finally stretched his brows at this time. , Although he is only eleven years old, but he works very hard, but the pressure of his whole body really makes him breathless. Although he has handed over the position of leader, his mood is instantly improved!

"Yeah, it's been a long time!"

Looking up at the dazzling starry sky, the black rabbit nodded silently. Although there was no collar or leather rope on his body, the black rabbit who had already had a terrible experience still followed Ye Shenyue's side and watched silently. Looking at the children around me and thinking about everything that happened today.

When he was about to go out in the early morning and use an envelope sent to another world to summon a more powerful character, the black rabbit felt that something unexpected would happen, but he did not expect that he would accidentally summon a powerful guy like Yashenyue , Although I still don't know how terrifying this person's ability is, but after my two battles and the pitiful end of the dragons in the waters of the East China Sea, I no longer have any doubts about Ye Shenyue's terrifying strength!

Thinking like this, Black Rabbit forgot the conversation with Young Master Ren in a trance, and stared at Yeshenyue Weigan's back, his eyes lost, as if he saw his idol.

Although he was only eleven years old, the precocious Young Master Ren quickly reacted. He obediently closed his mouth and looked at the infatuated look of the black rabbit, and smiled bitterly in his heart:

"Sure enough, my father is right. After all, Hei Rabbit and I are just good friends, lovable siblings, but this guy seems to have fascinated Black Rabbit's sister's heart!"

Thinking of this, Master Ren became even more curious about Ye Shenyue in front of him, silently, he already regarded himself as a hard-working follower!

"How long will it take to arrive?"

Ye Shenyue followed the children through the dilapidated door and walked along the barren slate. Looking at the dilapidated streets and collapsed houses on both sides, she finally couldn't help but stop and turned to ask the black man behind her. rabbit.

But Black Rabbit didn't seem to know Ye Shenyue's words. Following Ye Shenyue's footsteps, he couldn't stop for a while, and directly hit Ye Shenyue's chest. Feeling the softness from his body, Ye Shenyue hurriedly stepped back. Holding the black rabbit's shoulder and shaking it:

"What happened?"


He reacted in a trance, and the black rabbit blushed all of a sudden. Looking at Ye Shenyue's beautiful eyes, he hurriedly turned his head away, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Just follow along, you won't be tired anyway!"

"But it's such a waste of time!"

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