Ye Shenyue shook her head, looked at the black rabbit with a serious face, and said:

"Wait until we get there, then put the water saplings in place, then wait for the water to appear, then put the dragon in it, and then you can take a bath, and then you can sleep! You three girls are going to be in the same room as me! I I'm afraid there won't be enough time!"

"Who wants to sleep in the same room with you!"

There are finally no curious children around Silent All the way. Jiuyuan Asuka originally thought that it would be best to keep quiet and not speak when the air was the best, but—but what Ye Shenyue said was too much, even if Jiuyuan Asuka had pressed The anger in my heart was suppressed, but I couldn't help but complain loudly:

"We are all girls. You are a man sleeping in the same room with us. How bad is it to spread?"

"How bad is it?"

Ye Shenyue tugged at the leather rope in her hand, seemingly speaking to Jiuyuan Asuka, but in fact she asked the three girls at the same time:

"Don't forget, this leather rope is only three meters away, and it's just for you to sleep in another room! My bed-warming maid?"

"Let's hurry first, and then talk about the room..."

Young Master Ren looked at Ye Shenyue with some embarrassment. A group of children around him were already chattering about Ye Shenyue's words unconsciously. Several little girls looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao with envious expressions, seeing that their children were about to die soon. After being taught by Ye Shenyue, Master Ren feels that it is still necessary for him to be a child rights protector!


Ye Shenyue glanced at Jiuyuan Asuka, who was stunned on the spot, Black Rabbit, who was fooling around to make up various pictures, and Kasugabu Yao, who had been holding the Sanwen cat all the time, pulling the rope in her hand, bringing three The maid continued with the main force.

The dilapidated street was finally left behind, Ye Shenyue took everyone to stand beside a dry hot spring, watching Master Ren put the water saplings in the spring hole, and then the clear water flowed out, and kept going. The excited children jumped down and played happily, ignoring that it was already midnight.

"It's nice to be young!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the children playing to their heart's content, sighed with emotion, sat on the carriage and waved to Young Master Ren, and rushed to the castle under the leadership of Black Rabbit...

Chapter [-] What is a warm bed?

"I'm so tired today!"

As soon as he entered the spacious room, the black rabbit yawned again and again. It was already late at night. The black rabbit who had been busy all day felt exhausted. When he saw his soft bed, he fell asleep!

"stand up!"

Ye Shenyue grabbed the black rabbit's ear and directly pulled the black rabbit up:

"Don't you think you're a little selfish now? There's only one bed in this room? Of course I'm here to sleep! You three find a place to sleep by yourself!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue lay directly on the bed, stretched out her arms, and said seriously:

"But my master is not too much, you can allow you to sleep with me!"

"Who wants to sleep with you!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, touched the collar on his neck and asked directly:

"Can't you make the length of the rope longer? We might as well go to sleep in another room!"


Ye Shenyue shook her head, hugged the black rabbit's soft pillow and said:

"Now I'm so sleepy. I haven't had the experience to lengthen the rope with time. Three meters is three meters. Don't try to lengthen the rope. You should just find a place to sleep here!"

"But there's only one bed here..."

Kasugabe Yao hugged the sleepy Sanwen cat and stood beside him silently watching Ye Shenyue:

"Also, the ground here is all slate, so it's cool at night!"

"I can't control this! People are going to sleep!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, yawned loudly, opened her eyes slightly and glanced at the black rabbit, then silently hugged the pillow and fell asleep!

"I can't take it anymore! Go to bed first, I've used up too much energy today, I can't stand it!"

Black Rabbit yawned again and again and looked at the maid outfit on his body. He endured it, but he couldn't help it. He also lay down leaning against Ye Shenyue—of course, people wouldn't take off their clothes if they were beaten to death!


Seeing the Black Rabbit disarming and surrendering so quickly, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao shook his head with a look of hating iron and steel, and still stood firmly in place, even if Ye Shenyue secretly squeezed the rope in his hand, he would never give up. Ye Shenyue makes any compromises!

"I'll sleep here!"

Kasugabu Yao put the Sanwen cat on his shoulder, stretched out his hand and pulled the sofa beside him to the side of the bed, then moved to the end of the bed, freeing up a relatively independent space, sleeping with the Sanwen cat and clothes in his arms, and closed his eyes in a trance!

"Are you going to be so smart..."

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at Kasugabu Yō, who had completely occupied the short sofa, and suddenly felt a little regretful. He stomped his feet and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Ye Shenyue who was sleeping soundly, struggling in his heart.

"I'm the one who speaks the truth, how can I compromise like this? No, I won't sleep in the same bed with him! The bed-warming maid? This guy must have had a plan!"

Deeply convinced by his own wisdom, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao nodded fiercely, picked up the stool under the piano next to him, and sat beside him, constantly enduring the sleepiness from his body, yawning and sitting firmly. There, even if I kowtow occasionally, I still don't want to lie down and rest on the space that Ye Shenyue deliberately vacated!

"That big brother is amazing! We don't need to fetch water anymore, it's amazing!"

The noise of the children in the corridor could be heard in my ears, and the already sleepy Long Yuan Fei Niao suddenly came alive, and quickly opened the door and shouted to the children who passed by:

"Hey, did you just come back?"


A few passing children looked back at the long-distance flying bird, and someone recognized it at once:

"Isn't this the bed-warming maid that big brother said? Big sister, why don't you go and warm the bed for big brother?"

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