"...Uh, this, this... Anyway, do you have any stools or cushions here? Big sister is very sleepy right now..."

Looking at these lovely children with great embarrassment, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao did not want to use his abilities to control them, so he could only nod and say:

"As long as you get me stools and cushions, I'll buy you candy tomorrow, do you agree?"

"Really? Big sister, you are so kind!"

They have been running for a living all the time, and the children really don't have many opportunities to eat sweet candies. They nodded to Jiuyuan Birds and ran downstairs like elves. After a while, everyone brought a stool to Jiuyuan. Asuka, I even gave her some cushions!

"You guys are so kind, what my sister promised you will definitely be done!"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao excitedly looked at the stool under his feet and the cushion in his hand, turned back and glanced at Ye Shenyue coldly, and then heard these children ask himself sillyly:

"Speaking of which... Big brother doesn't let you warm the bed? Is Black Rabbit sister already with big brother, so I don't need you anymore?"


He almost made a hole in the cushion in his hand, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao closed his eyes silently, and after a battle between heaven and man, he showed a slight smile:

"Don't worry, my sister has always been like this, it's getting late, you go back to sleep quickly!"

"you're so dumb!"

A smart little girl pouted to the little boy who was talking just now:

"Sister is a bed-warming maid. Of course, when the bed is warm, you must give way to Sister Black Rabbit. Sister Black Rabbit is the eldest brother's girlfriend, and my sister is just a bed-warmer!"

"Hey, Yuko, let's go, my sister's face seems ugly, look at the dark under the bangs, it looks so scary!"

The little boy took the opportunity to hold the little girl's hand, said hello to the long-distance flying bird, and then ran away with a "swoosh"!

"Who said kids are cute?"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao shivered all over, turned around and arranged the stools on the ground, then placed the cushions, dragged his already sleepy body, and lay down directly on the cot made up of stools...

"What a stubborn girl!"

Ye Shenyue stretched out her arms and looked at the bright formations outside the window. With a gentle tug, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's body slid off the stool and came to Ye Shenyue's side.


The shrill screams appeared when the first rays of sunlight entered the room in the morning. Ye Shenyue opened her eyes and looked at the long-distance flying bird who was already kneeling on the bed. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she closed her eyes and hugged the black rabbit. sleepy...

Chapter [-] The Generous New Master

Waking up silently with a yawn, Ye Shenyue looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao with a resentful face in front of her, and asked curiously:

"What's wrong? Did someone bully you? Why are you so unhappy looking?"

"Would you be happy with a collar around your neck?"

Standing beside the bed and looking at Ye Shenyue coldly, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao had no evidence to prove how he rolled the sheets onto Ye Shenyue's bed, so he could only stand silently on the side, silently watching the still sleeping Black Rabbit:

"Aren't rabbits very alert? Why can't they sleep?"

"Because it consumed too much energy yesterday!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, sat up and got dressed, and said while recalling:

"Not only did you have to summon a few of us to this world, but you were also instigated by you to activate your last magic weapon, the Brahma Spear. It must have been exhausting all the way!"

"You really care about the black rabbit!"

Kasugabe Yō, who had been woken up, sat up on the sofa, put the Sanwen cat who was still sleeping late on his head, put the sleeping sofa back to its original position, and said softly:

"If the black rabbit doesn't get up, can we all move freely?"

"Of course I can!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged and said calmly:

"Every twelve o'clock at midnight, I will turn your rope into ten meters long, so that you can move when you get up in the morning. Now the rope is still ten meters long, you can go out to wash!"


Jiuyuan Asuka was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the anger that had just been extinguished ignited in his eyes:

"What did you say? You'll wake up at twelve midnight?"


"Yeah, that's how caring I am!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and said unwaveringly:

"You can be content with such a good master as me. Who will get up and lengthen your rope? But I did it, do you want to thank me?"

"Then I...no! When I woke up this morning, why was I in your bed?"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao opened her eyes wide, her face blushed, looking at Ye Shenyue, her eyes were about to spew out lava!

"How would I know?"

Ye Shenyue looked innocently at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, raised her head and looked at the ceiling for a while, and said:

"The ropes are all lengthened according to the time. I didn't wake up. I was very tired after fighting the three dragons for so long yesterday, okay?"

"That's also called the war for a long time? That's just one-sided crushing!"

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