Jiuyuan Asuka finally couldn't hold back the anger in her heart—in other words, she didn't really endure it for a few minutes.He stretched out his hand, pointed at Ye Shenyue and cursed:

"When I woke up this morning, I slept next to you. I must have been dragged by you, right?"'

"Oops! Forgot!"

Ye Shenyue was suddenly stunned, looking at the leather rope around Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's neck and said:

"I forgot, this leather rope will expand and contract at night, so it will naturally become shorter, only the hemp rope will become longer, oh, tell me, why are you angering me? You Look, it's all the leather rope's fault, I forgot! It seems that it's all your fault!"

"...God logic!"

After listening to Yashinyuki's explanation, Kasugabe Yao suddenly felt that he was defeated. He quietly left the room with the Sanwen cat on his head, and went to wash up alone!


Feeling that his chest was about to explode, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao opened his blood-red eyes, looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, and then turned around, he felt that his whole body suddenly flew back, just in time to be held by Ye Shenyue in his arms!

"Oops, I forgot, this belt is elastic, and it's only two meters long now!"

Ye Shenyue hugged Jiu Yuan Fei Niao gently, and didn't think there was any problem at all, even though the children had already woken up at this time, a few small heads got in, just to see this intimate scene!

"Look, let me just say it, the maid can also be with the big brother, how about it? I said right, while the black rabbit is sleeping late, the big brother and the flying bird are really making out!"

Yesterday, the little girl who took the initiative to deliver the mat to Jiuyuan Fei Niao watched this scene with excitement, and showed her cute little tiger teeth to the little boy beside her!

"Yuko, you are so smart, I adore you so much!"

The little boy took the opportunity to hold Yuko's tender hand, Ye Shenyue looked at Asuka whose face was extremely blushing in her arms, nodded solemnly and said:

"Sure enough, it seems that the future generations are terrifying! A pickup artist!"

"Why don't you go out?"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao felt that the blush on his face could drip out of water, and looked at the children who were peeking openly at the door with an embarrassed face.

"Big sister, you said yesterday that you want to buy us candy, we are all waiting here!"

Yuko stared blankly at Kuyuan Asuka with a happy smile on her face.

"Do you want to come so early!"

Jiuyuan Bird bowed his head slightly, the black line on the top of his head was clearly exposed, embarrassed and almost wanted to find a seam to get in, but Ye Shenyue seemed to have found some novel play Ying'er, shaking Jiuyuan Bird's body and said :

"That's right, I have to finish what I promised. You are my personal bed-warming maid, and your actions represent my actions. Everyone is watching, hurry up and buy candy for these children! "

Saying that, Ye Shenyue stood up, thought about it, and said to the children at the door:

"Since you guys want to eat candy so much, the big brother will take the bird maid ... sister to buy candy for you, okay?"

"it is good!"

Yuko cheered happily, Jiuyuan Asuka swayed his body, stood up, squeezed his fist and squeezed a sour smile at Ye Shenyue:

"you are vicious!"

"It's okay, I'm just so generous!"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, took Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's hand, walked out of the room amid the innocent cheers of a group of children, dragged the sleeping black rabbit behind him, and walked outside the room!

"It's not easy to wash your face!"

Feeling the traction coming from his neck, Kasugabu Yao reluctantly wiped his face clean, followed Ye Shenyue's team with the Sanwen cat on top of his head, and helped the black rabbit on the ground up. Ye Shenyue took out the room, got on the carriage, and rushed to the town not far away.

"Buy whatever you want!"

Standing at the door of the candy store, Ye Shenyue waved to the simply dressed children behind her, and without waiting for the shop owner to ask, she directly placed a pearl on the table:

"This store will be our nameless community in the future!"

Chapter [-] Willful

"Long live!"

Holding the beloved candy, the children were as happy as the New Year, Ye Shenyue looked at the children's cheerful appearance, stood alone at the door of the candy store, and said to Jen Russell who came over:

"Let's take this as our first stronghold in the city. You and your children can take it anywhere, but remember that intelligence work is very important. The boss is still the previous boss, but the ownership has been taken down by me!"

"Uh... I'm not a child, how can I just grab something to eat here?"

Ren Russell looked at Ye Shenyue speechlessly. The latter laughed twice and walked out of the candy store with the three girls. There was no accident behind the sound of Master Ren opening the candy paper.

"I say no, but I'm still honest in my heart!"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao chuckled and looked up. Not far away, next to a beautiful fountain, a dew-sky coffee shop on a street corner was operating, and it looked very good!

"Do you want coffee?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's lustful eyes, walked to her side and said with a smile:

"Put your head on me and I'll take everyone to coffee, how about that?"

"Cut! Who would do that?"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao looked at the coffee shop with a pouting mouth, and didn't turn his head away. Just as he was about to say that he didn't mean that, he felt that his shoulder was being hugged, and his whole body suddenly leaned against Ye Shenyue's shoulder!

"Ah? What's going on here?"

Jiuyuan Fei Niao struggled in front of Ye Shenyue's chest and stared at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes. The latter said innocently:

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