"There's no way, this hand pulled you in front of me unconsciously, and I'm also very troubled!"


Jiuyuan Bird looked up at Ye Shenyue angrily, and the black rabbit beside him couldn't help but say:

"Miss, if you don't want to, why are you still leaning on the shoulder of the master?"


Jiuyuan Asuka was stunned for a moment, looked at the black rabbit and said in surprise:

"Aren't you a noble of Hakoniwa World? How can you say that Yagami Yue is your master in front of so many people?"

"Can you not change the subject?"

Black Rabbit silently looked at the witty Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, the pair of bangs leaned against Ye Shenyue's shoulders silently, looking sweet and greasy, and didn't even look like leaving from Ye Shenyue's side!

"Okay, let's go have coffee, there's no seat if it's late!"

Kasugabu Yao hugged his Sanwen cat, looked at the envious eyes of the black rabbit, walked over silently, and gently pushed the black rabbit:

"Actually, you want to lean on the shoulder of the master for a long time, don't be embarrassed? I'll help you!"

"It was you just now?"

Jiuyuan Asuka just reacted, looking at Kasugabe Yō, who looked indifferent, and suddenly understood something:

"It turns out that you pushed me to Ye Shenyue's chest just now. I said why is my balance so bad?"

"Don't make excuses, okay?"

Kasugabe Yao calmly looked at the black rabbit and Jiuyuan Asuka leaning on Yagami's chest, pouted and said:

"You obviously want to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend with your master, why are you so arrogant?"

"Who is arrogant?"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird covered his head and said firmly:

"Actually, I just have a headache. I just didn't sleep well last night. I'm not leaning on anyone. It's very uncomfortable!"

"Congratulations, the last position has been occupied!"

Ye Shenyue opened her arms, looked at the two girls who were enjoying the appearance of her chest, nodded silently, shook her head and said:

"Why don't we take down this coffee shop? Anyway, I can't use up the treasures that Jiaolong gave me now!"

"I said how did you become so rich, it turned out to be blackmailing the Dragon Clan!"

Black Rabbit suddenly realized that he looked at Ye Shenyue and said with a look of reverence:

"Nice job! They used to bully us, and now it's finally our turn to watch them underestimate!"

"I hope Jiaolong won't come to trouble you when you take a shower at night!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, led Hei Rabbit and others in the eyes of passers-by, and walked slowly to the Fountain Cafe across the street. Looking at the bustling crowd, Ye Shenyue silently snapped her fingers, attracting attention. After getting everyone's attention, he said to the candy shop opposite:

"Today, our nameless community bought the opposite candy store. You can go in and choose whatever you want. Just put down a copper plate and you can enjoy the discount of eating whatever you want!"

"Long live!"

When passers-by heard Ye Shenyue's words, they immediately became excited and ran to the opposite side quickly, smiling happily. In the daytime, when sitting in a cafe, someone could give a big gift. Such a good thing has never happened before!

"Okay, it's clean now!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the empty cafe in front of her, found a place to sit near the fountain, and looked at the cafe waiter in maid costume walking towards her, and said with satisfaction:

"I didn't expect that the waitress in the cafe was actually a cat girl, amazing!"

"What would you like to drink, sir?"

The waitress smiled sweetly at Ye Shenyue and put a price list in front of Ye Shenyue:

"Our boss said that the coffee at your table should be sold at the usual price of twenty!"


Black Rabbit raised his head from Ye Shenyue's chest a little reluctantly, looked at the waiter and said:

"We are old customers!"

"Really? I've never seen four!"

The cute cat girl smiled slightly, and threw a wink at Kasugabe Yō's ear Sanwen cat, and then explained:

"As you can see, our business was immediately taken away by the candy shop opposite. Listening to what you just said, he should be the owner of this candy shop, right? Can you not be so high-profile? I want to be in Hakoniwa World. To survive, low-key must be learned!"

"I'll tell you why!"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to greet the cat girl, and said softly in her ear:

"My pleasure!"


Confused by Ye Shenyue's tone, the cat girl raised her head and said silently:

"I wonder what the four of you want to drink?"

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