
Ye Shenyue smiled lightly and placed a golden dragon scale on the table:

"It's not too much to buy this thing from your cafe, right?"

"Not too much!"

The cat girl nodded, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and said with a smile:

"But we won't sell it! Too high profile is really bad..."

Chapter [-] Invited

"Because your location here is really good!"

Ye Shenyue said calmly:

"Look at the street in front of you, it's aimed at the entrance to Hakoniwa World. Although I don't know how many such intersections there are, this must be the most important one. Colleagues' fountains naturally form a small square, and the crowd is crowded. Gathering here, at the same time, the largest building in the area - the church that I have always wanted to go to but never had the chance to go to, just shows a tendency to be at odds with your place. Anyone who goes out to Hakoniwa World has a large area The behavior of the crowd gathering in the church can be clearly observed here, am I right?"

"Uh...what are you trying to say?"

The cat girl was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Shenyue and took a deep breath:

"We never thought about these things!"

"of course!"

Ye Shenyue nodded lightly, looked at the cat girl with a smile and said:

"I mean, because of this, your business here is very good. I invested in the candy store on the ground, and it seems that business will be booming!"

"Uh...that's of course!"

The cat girl nodded silently, looking at the menu that Jiu Yuan Fei Niao had filled out, she quickly stood up, and left Ye Shenyue's place with the tableware in her hands.

"You mean there's something tricky about this place?"

Black Rabbit watched Ye Shenyue alertly, and from the very beginning, he had guessed that this guy is definitely not here for something as leisurely and elegant as drinking coffee!

"I don't think so!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged and sneered:

"Anyway, the battles in your world are all carried out in the illusory two-dimensional dojo. Even if there is a large-scale battle, this place has no effect, except to find out the news!"

After she finished speaking, Ye Shenyue saw the cat girl with a sweet and greasy smile walking in front of her and brought the coffee. Her face had returned to normal. After being tested by Ye Shenyue just now, she obviously got What a pointer!

"Take a break, how can there be so many things in this world for you to consider?"

Jiuyuan Asuka took a sip of the tiramisu in front of him, and looked at Ye Shenyue indifferently:

"If you are really so kind, you might as well untie our ropes. We can't run away in this world anyway. If you do this, you will only..."

"It will only make you accustomed to it!"

Ye Shenyue chuckled twice, took a sip of coffee, stood up abruptly, and punched the man behind him!

"what are you doing?"

The man was stunned for a moment when he was almost kicked out by Ye Shenyue, touched his cheek, and said angrily:

"A group of no-name soldiers dare to do something to me, you don't want to inquire about which community I am?!"

"It doesn't matter which community character you are, just go and find your boss directly. Don't inquire about the news in front of me. It's not necessary. What I like most is to negotiate openly and honestly!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue sat down. The man was stunned for a moment, spit on the ground, and walked to the side. After a while, a tall man came to Ye Shenyue:

"I heard that you got water saplings yesterday, and you took over a nameless community, didn't you?"

The man abruptly squeezed the black rabbit beside Ye Shenyue aside, and looked at Ye Shenyue with a smirk, the knife handle on his face and the blood on the corner of his mouth made Ye Shenyue immediately see that the character in front of him should be. A feline!

"That's right!"

Ye Shenyue took a sip of coffee, looked up at the white pigeons flying high in the square, and laughed softly:

"You know why I bring my maids out for coffee in such a prominent place?"

"do not know!"

The man nodded calmly, his savage eyes swept around everything, and the customers around him saw the terrifying eyes, and they all stood up and hid aside.

"Then I'll tell you!"

Ye Shenyue sneered and pointed to the coffee cup in front of her and said:

"If there is no coffee, a coffee cup is no different from other cups, and in the same way, if there is no challenge, my heart will be itching. To be honest, I am a person who can't be delayed. Come here , is to wait for the fish to take the bait, understand?"

"don't know!"

The man sneered, punched the table with a fist, and said viciously to Ye Shenyue:

"I don't care what kind of bullshit metaphor you mean, I'll just say one sentence, whether you are listening to Lao Tzu or not, I am here to summon you and these two people from another world. The girls are all under their command, making our ForesGaro community even stronger!"

"I have the same purpose!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, waved her hands to the girls beside her, and said:

"It's unfortunate, my Lord Tiger. These girls lost to me in their first duel in this world. Personal freedom has now become my possession, so you have to pull If they join the team, they have to pass me first!"

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