"You should be very happy now. Being held by your powerful master has never felt so comfortable before!"

"See through but not through, but still good friends!"

Kasugabe Yō also turned his head to look at the black rabbit, silently staring at the hands of Ye Shenyue that stopped the black rabbit, shaking his head and said:

"This guy is so powerful, don't worry at all, even if you go to help, you will clean up the battlefield!"

Saying that, Kasugabe Yao hugged the Sanwen cat and shook his head sadly:

"No way, the leadership is too strong, we don't even have the opportunity to perform!"

"It will be later!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at Kasugabe Yō's back, and said firmly:

"In bed, all three of you have a chance to perform, I promise!"

"Guarantee you're a big head!"

The black rabbit struggled to walk away from Ye Shenyue's side, and said with a look of resentment:

"People's waists aren't made of plasticine! You can pinch as much as you want? I'll tell you, take it lightly next time!"

"I was so excited just now!"

Ye Shenyue silently put her hand in front of the black rabbit's chest and said firmly:

"What about here? Can you pinch it?"


With the scream of the black rabbit, after Ye Shenyue came to this world, she was successfully attacked for the first time, and it was on her face...

"What happened?"

Walking out of the room in a hurry, Master Ren looked at the black rabbit with concern:

"What happened just now? Are you injured?"

"No...no, I'm fine!"

Black Rabbit's face was flushed, looking at Young Master Ren's expression even more embarrassed:

"It's okay, I'm having fun with the master, Master Ren, go in and take care of the children, it's getting late, leave here after dinner!"

"Okay, you'll be fine!"

How could Ren Russell know what Ye Shenyue meant when her back turned to him, she nodded and returned to the candy house. Ye Shenyue slowly turned around and looked at the black rabbit silently, her face flushed red. The print has disappeared:

"I know your bottom line..."

Chapter [-] Rare Performance

The busy and happy day finally came to an end, Ye Shenyue put the children one by one on the newly purchased carriage, closed the door of the candy store, and ordered Master Ren to take good care of the children and bring three The maid stood at the door and watched the happy children leave the town and return to the house.

"Why don't we go back with us?"

Hei Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue as if she didn't intend to go back, and a burst of curiosity appeared in her heart:

"If you don't go back now, you won't have anything to eat in the evening!"

"Sure enough, he is a foodie!"

Ye Shenyue looked back at Hei Rabbit with a burst of laughter in her heart, and said softly:

"I understand all these principles, and I also know that at the top of the church directly opposite where we are now, there is a werewolf with red eyes watching us. The most important role of you and me now is to be here, waiting for that person to go back. Passing false information, understand?"

"Uh... how did you see it? I'm too far away!"

Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment and looked up at the opposite church. Although the top of the church tower was very high, the straight-line distance from where Ye Shenyue was located was more than [-] meters, not to mention a figure on the top of the tower, Black Rabbit He could only barely see a trance-like spire in the gradually darkening sky, but for Ye Shenyue, he could see the werewolf behind the spire!

Haoyue was in the sky, Yeshenyue stood at the door for a long time, turned around and came to the hand of the black rabbit, and hugged the black rabbit like a princess!

"Oops? What are you doing? Didn't you say someone was peeking at us?"

The black rabbit felt like a dandelion seed, and was easily picked up by Ye Shenyue. The whole person flew in the air, and what he did before was as comfortable as sitting on a swing!

"That's why you have to act like it!"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly and whispered into Hei Rabbit's ear:

"I forgot to tell you just now. There should be two werewolves on the top of the tower. One has already left. It must be going back to report something. Let's attract the attention of this bastard first. When he runs away, we will Just go back and see and kill the bastard who planned to attack us at night, do you think it's alright?"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue put the black rabbit on the carriage in front of her, and before Ye Shenyue turned around, Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yao were already sitting quietly on the carriage, looking smug at Ye Shenyue. , Jiuyuan Flying Bird said to Ye Shenyue quite teasingly:

"You don't have to do it yourself, we just need to come up on our own, which will help you save a lot of effort!"


Ye Shenyue smiled and nodded, stood up, took the reins on the horse's back in her hands, and said:

"It may be a little bumpy later, everyone grab the handle inside the car, if it flies out... just wait for the end of being dragged!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue raised the whip in her hand and rushed out towards the gate of Little Garden World. There was a whistling wind behind her. By feeling, Ye Shenyue had keenly discovered that the werewolf had passed from the top of the tower. Jumped down and chased after him along the building behind him!

"There are still divisions? It seems that this person is going to die tonight!"

Ye Shenyue rushed out of the town, clearly feeling that a bunch of warriors had just appeared in the jungle in front, and the birds suddenly flying in the sky also confirmed Ye Shenyue's thoughts, looking at these unworthy guys, Ye Shenyue turned around and said to the maids behind her:

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