"Prepare to fight, I will put the rope at a distance of [-] meters later! This time, you have to show your abilities! I will watch as an observer. If I fail, tonight, I will Let someone sleep on the floor!"

After he finished speaking, he raised the whip in his hand, thinking frantically about the bushes in front of him and running away, instead of slowing down at the corners as the werewolf behind him expected, thus giving the warriors in ambush more time to prepare. !


Ye Shen Yuehu let out a roar, placed the rope in his hand at a distance of thirty meters, manipulated the horse in front, and rammed into a warrior with a shield. The two tall white horses under Yue’s men collided and flew out. At the same time, the long-term flying bird, who couldn’t bear it for a long time, flew out of the carriage ahead of time. Looking at the soldiers rushing up in front of him, he urged his gift skills:

"Stop everything for me!"

After speaking, the group of soldiers in front seemed to have fallen into a demon, and they all stood still. At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind:

"Go to hell!"

With blood-red eyes wide open, the werewolf rushed towards Jiuyuan Bird like a sharp sword. The scimitar in his hand was like a crescent moon, and he slashed towards Jiuyuan Bird's white neck!

"The werewolf goes home!"

Kasugabu Yao suddenly came out from the side, stood in front of the werewolf, pinched the wood chip on his chest, and looked kindly at the werewolf:

"Let's be friends, our community is a kind family, and we all love each other!"


The black rabbit suddenly knocked the werewolf to the ground with a stick, and said to Kasugabe Yao:

"This is our prisoner. After you go back, try to be friends with him!"

After speaking, he handed Kasugabe Yō a stick:

"Flying Bird is so hard, let's hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, just as the poor soldiers were watching and struggling, one by one, like breaking corn, all the soldiers, Ah Jing, were knocked unconscious, and then they were properly tied up...

"Okay, the battle is over!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the soldiers who were tied to the tree and lined up neatly, her heart was happy, and she said to the black rabbit:

"You and I are going back now to prepare to intercept that dead tiger. As for these people, Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yō, you two, watch first!"

"What about the ropes on us?"

Kasukabe Yō hugged his three cat, and seemed to be more concerned about his personal freedom.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it!"

Ye Shenyue left a ghostly smile and said indifferently:

"Anyway, Black Rabbit and I are walking in the opposite direction. If you go in the opposite direction, I don't mind letting you feel what a kite with a broken string is!"

"We are not puppets, we have to be led by lines!"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao looked at Ye Shenyue unhappy, and said with a pouting mouth:

"Why are Kasugabe Yō's ropes hidden. But my leather ropes are still clearly visible. You're going too far!"

"Okay, hide your rope too!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, and after speaking, she took Hei Rabbit's hand and disappeared in front of the bushes...

Chapter Twenty-Nine

On the endless plain, the water is clear and flowing, slowly turning the former wasteland into fertile soil. In front of the water source, a dilapidated villa that seems to have been cleaned up stands on the wasteland, not far in front. At the place, among the gray woods, the sharp claws slowly approached the villa in the dark. The lights of the villa have been extinguished, and it looks like a haunted house. Except for the two children on duty in front of the door, the entire villa seems to be Undefended.

In fact, after thinking about it, I understand that such a deserted place has no value to capture. Even if there is a water source, life is still difficult. For this nameless community, there is still a long way to go. The only thing that is not clear is whether the three people who just came to this world are among them!

"Report to the boss, we have really checked it out. The three new arrivals, together with the blue rabbit, have all gone out of Hakoniwa World. The carriage is fast, and it is estimated that it has reached the place where we ambushed!"

A werewolf with red eyes appeared beside Jared Gaspar, with a pair of fangs protruding, looking very terrifying!

"it is good!"

Jared Gaspar nodded silently, took out the sharp blade in his hand and said:

"Even if those guys can't stop the three perverts, as long as I can buy us time, I can take these dead children away and invite them to join our community as a bargaining chip. In this case, we have The strength and the northern families have broken arms!"

"En! Our community will surely flourish in your hands!"

The werewolf hurried to please, Jared Gaspar smiled slightly, stretched out the sharp blade in his hand and said:

"Warriors, give it to me, today, we are going to kill!"

After that, I rushed out of the woods and rushed to the front of the villa!

"Dang dang dang dang!"

The two children on duty were very alert. Seeing Jared rushing over, they quickly beat the gongs and drums in their hands to remind their companions!

"Children! You are too young after all!"

Jared sneered, and threw the sharp blade in his hand. He was about to watch the scene of the children dying under the knife, but he saw that the two children suddenly did not know what they were pulling, and suddenly two large holes appeared on the ground. Without further ado, he rushed down and disappeared at the door!

"I'm going? Is there such a preparation?"

Jared was stunned for a moment, took back the machete in his hand, came to the two caves, and lifted the floor above, only to see the unfathomable depths below, and the dark caves could not be seen exactly how deep!

"Catch the kids first!"

Jared was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly yelled at his subordinates. A group of people swarmed and rushed into the villa. Just as he was about to break through the window, he felt a shock wave coming from behind him. He passed by, and the companions who were in a hurry behind him were bad luck. They were directly knocked out by Ye Shenyue's blow. At the same time, the black rabbit had transformed into a runaway, facing those who tried to climb over the wall and go in through the window. The bastards, knocked them out and took them away. Soon, in front of the entire villa, there was only a confrontation between Ye Shenyue and Jared!

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