"Come to our community? Let's fight together?"

Ye Shenyue smiled and looked at Jared in front of him, ignoring the twitching expression on his face, and said harmlessly:

"Look how good this is? Our children are not brought with us. You come here and you can be the king of children that you despise!"

"Who would surrender like this?"

Jared looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, drew out his machete, and cursed at Ye Shenyue:

"You know what I'm doing now? I'm waiting for an opportunity! Now, I have this opportunity! And it's on you, I'm very happy!"

After he finished speaking, he threw the machete in his hand at Ye Shenyue, and immediately followed, Hei Rabbit felt a blue light rising, and after a while, Hei Rabbit's whole body began to tremble, it was not her Personal inner feelings, but innate genetic reactions - Jared has turned into a colorful tiger in a trance, and a pair of pale and pale eyes seem to eat everything in front of him and devour and destroy it!

"Hehe, do you think I'll let you go if you have a throwback phenomenon?"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly and rushed towards Jared. Jared opened his bloody mouth and bit him at Ye Shenyue!

"Get rid of your good teeth first!"

Ye Shenyue sneered, and suddenly nestled in Jared's mouth, and put a foot on Jared's lower jaw. Immediately, blood came out of Jared's mouth, and three extremely hard sharp teeth were also present. He was kicked and kicked by Ye Shenyue in a split second, and without waiting for Jared to howl, Ye Shenyue got two punches at Jared's upper jaw, and immediately, Jared's two tiger teeth flew out suddenly, Ye Shenyue It was only then that Yue turned over and kicked Jared's head!


Jared struggled to stand up on the ground, looking at Ye Shenyue, with a mouth full of blood, he rushed over like a madman!

"There are these four claws below!"

Ye Shenyue sneered, dodged Jared's swooping sideways, grabbed Jared's hind legs with his backhand, and then yanked his clothes, suddenly dislocating Jared's hind legs, and then punched him down. The sharp claws in De's hands also curled in at once, with blood flowing, Jared has completely lost his fighting power, and stood limping on the ground, looking at Ye Shenyue in pain!

"It's too late to admit defeat now!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Jared silently, and rarely used patience:

"As long as you promise to let all your men join our community, I can let you leave alive tonight! How?"


Jared's eyes spewed out anger and rushed towards Ye Shenyue. The latter shook his head and flew out. Jared drew a beautiful arc in the air and hung in the woods in front of the villa. superior!

"Looks like I have to go to the gym!"

Ye Shenyue dragged Jared down from the tree, and after listening to Black Rabbit's explanation on how to annex other communities, she shook her head helplessly, and said with a chuckle:

"Let's go, I have to make you work hard. Let's go to the community of Jared to play in the gym, and by the way, let those short-sighted guys see how strong we are!"

"You are too impatient!"

Black Rabbit nodded silently, and said with some worry:

"This is too high-profile, not good!"

"It's not high-profile, what's the difference between being alive and salted fish?"

Ye Shenyue left behind these words, and took the black rabbit to the distant village and town. In the dark, Mingyue can still make people feel a little at ease, and the whole world of Little Garden is unknowingly ushering in a subversive big change... …

Chapter [-] Clean Up the Situation

Concerned about Jared's body, he led the Black Rabbit to the headquarters of the "ForesGaro" community more than ten kilometers away. Looking at the grand door and the brightly lit room, Ye Shenyue politely called the Black Rabbit down. The car, swaggeringly said to the concierge:

"Go, let your elders come out. If they don't come out, I'll go in! This is your boss, you can see for yourself!"

After speaking, like throwing garbage, he threw Jared in his hand on the cold slate, looking at Ye Shenyue's calm face, the concierge was stunned, suddenly thought of something, hurried in, no After a while, three old men who looked old staggered out, looked at Jared who was dying on the ground, and quickly gathered around to check.

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly talk about whether you surrender or not?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the panicked appearance of the three old people, and was really afraid that if these guys rolled their eyes in excitement, they would be in vain!

"Uh, this hero, dare to ask which community you are from, where did our young master offend you? He was so murdered?"

An old man with goat horns looked at Yeshenyue excitedly, with a look of resentment on his face, which made people feel annoyed at once!

"Huh? You offended me? You've been attacked by this evil hand? Old man, you are quite skillful in your words. It was this idiot who came to the door and wanted to annex our community. I saw that since I was so enthusiastic, I didn't say a word. It's not good, so I beat him up and came over to pay him back!"

Ye Shenyue smiled coldly, and suddenly grabbed the old man's collar and said:

"It's too late to surrender now, otherwise, I will make your community disappear from this world later, do you believe it?"


Startled by Ye Shenyue's actions, the old man looked at Ye Shenyue with a horrified expression, and after a lot of effort he said:

"Let us discuss it, this matter is of great importance, and we must be cautious!"

"Of course, when life and death are at stake, it's not good if you're not careful!"

Ye Shenyue smiled coldly, put down the old goat, stood aside, and waited for the final desperation. Although it was said that she was here to kick the gym, but because all the ones that could be beaten in front were eliminated by Ye Shenyue, she stayed behind. The old, the old and the young, all could only stare at Yeshenyue, unable to say anything. Finally, under Yeshenyue's impatient urging, the legendary ForesGaro community, which was growing stronger and stronger, became As for the things in Ye Shenyue's bag, as for Jared, he was sent by Ye Shenyue to the outside of the small garden world, and it will die on its own!

"I didn't expect it!"

Ye Shenyue stood in ForesGaro's warehouse, looking at the list in her hand, the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely, and she almost couldn't help rushing out to pull back Jared, who had just been sent away, and cut it with a thousand swords!

"Is this still a person? To do such a thing?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the human-faced dolls in the warehouse, her heart burst with anger, even herself, she couldn't do such a thing. Those innocent children were brutally killed by Jared just because they would make a noise after being captured. !

"The most urgent task now is to appease the feelings of those small communities. The children who were originally hostages were killed. These people must be very excited!"

Hei Rabbit stood behind Ye Shenyue, and all he thought was to look at the problem from the perspective of his own community. Ye Shenyue was stunned for a while, but she nodded reluctantly and agreed, and went out in person to explain to the anxious parents.

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