After a series of extremely painful scenes, Yeshenyue finally calmed down these excited crowds. People cannot be resurrected from the dead, and what Yeshenyue can promise them is only a better future!

Time flies by so fast, Ye Shenyue finally returned to her villa after a busy night. Looking at the children who were working hard to repair the villa, Ye Shenyue felt a little better. The captives brought back by Yao untied the ropes, and Yagami also announced the fact that the leadership of the ForesGaro community had been taken over by herself, and demanded that all these warriors be loyal to herself!

Although some people were still worried that Ye Shenyue would settle their sins afterward, but after receiving the assurance of the black rabbit patted on the chest, they all quietly acknowledged the leadership of Ye Shenyue. Shenyue simply divided the newly annexed ForesGaro community into three and handed it over to her three maids.

"Hmph, I finally have some conscience. I haven't managed others for a long time, and my heart is still a little itchy!"

Looking at the territory and members assigned to him, Kuyuan Asuka in a good mood felt that he was finally able to do something serious, while Kasugabe Yō became friends with everyone with a smile on his face, and only the black rabbit silently followed the night. Shenyue returned to her room and lay on the bed half-tired. She fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow!

"It was really hard work!"

Ye Shenyue hung her coat aside, covered the black rabbit with a quilt herself, and also covered herself with a quilt. Of course, the quilt covered was the same!

Silently feeling the aroma emanating from the black rabbit, Ye Shenyue slept until the afternoon before getting up. Looking at the black rabbit who had poured coffee for herself, Ye Shenyue smiled slightly. After eating, she returned to the living room and saw With three lovely maids and Young Master Ren here, I can't help but feel a little complacent:

"Although it has only been two or three days since we came to this world, the situation has changed a lot, so, next, what we have to do is!"

As she said that, Ye Shenyue suddenly put the coffee in her hand on the table and slapped the window in front of her. Suddenly, a big hole was broken in the window that had just been reinforced. Young Master Ren hurriedly stood up:

"What are you doing? Everyone finally repaired it today!"

"People outside, dare to eavesdrop on the meeting of our anonymous community decision makers, how daring!"

Ye Shenyue ignored Young Master Ren's excitement, but looked out the window and said with a light smile:

"Although it is approaching dusk, the sky has not reached the point where there is no sunlight, right? Come out, I will give you a happy death!"

As she said that, clusters of tentacles extended from the window, and a girl with red pupils silently appeared in front of Ye Shenyue...

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