He crouched beside the ice cube called "Yashen Moon".

"Well...even though it's frozen, there is still a weak heartbeat...you listen..."

Aria first removed her small hands, but because of the short-term contact, her hands were frozen red.

"If it was an ordinary person, it would have died right away... But this guy is a scum, and scum doesn't belong to people anymore..."

Perhaps because Yagami, who was completely frozen, couldn't hear it, the scale of Aria's words suddenly opened up a lot.

"There is indeed a heartbeat...that means...it hasn't hung up yet!"

Bai Xue is really a witch, she looks so holy at the moment, and unlike Aria, she has to hold Ye Shenyue completely with both hands, and the sticker is even tighter than Aria, but there is a very serious question.

It seemed... she was frostbitten too.

This ice... can really kill people!

"Hey... thaw quickly!"

Aria has taken out her dual spears and pointed at Joan of Arc who fell to the ground and said, in Aria's opinion, since Joan of Arc can make this trick, it can be solved naturally.

So... Ye Shenyue can still be saved!

Lolita with two ponytails looks quite confident. On the one hand, her stupid father didn't die. On the other hand, Joan of Arc has also been caught, and her mother's crime is about to be subtracted by 170 years.In the end, it's just a matter of dealing with the crime that Vlad had imposed on his mother.

Mom will be freed then!

Loli's ideas are always so cute.

But the truth is so cruel.

"Can't get it out."

Miss Jeanne, who had finally recovered a little from her lost soul, said this, her face expressionless, but it made people think that she was telling the truth, the truth.

Can't solve it.

When Jeanne said that, even Bai Xue, who was frostbitten, came over, "You bastard... as expected, you can only kill!"

Bai Xue's blackening trend is quite unstable, and it is possible to rise from a pure witch to a murderous murderer at any time.

"It's not that I don't want to untie it... it's that I can't untie it, because the trick just now was made by me using the holy sword as a medium and then with magic. Now that the holy sword is broken, there is no way to untie it. So Said... the one who really bothered me was you!"

Continuing to hold the broken holy sword in her hand, the expressionless girl spoke words that made Bai Xue terrified with a serious expression.

Jeanne pointed to Snow White.

It seemed that she was silently accusing that it was this witch who killed the holy sword of her Joan of Arc clan.

It seems to be saying that the real murderer is Snow White.

All the charges... completely dismissed!

Truly the wisdom of Joan.


The Miko who was in the process of blackening stopped in an instant.

"Actually... it was me... I killed Xiao Ye..."

Xingjia's shrine maiden's mood suddenly dropped, and this drop actually wanted to throw away the most powerful sword.

"Wait... Bai Xue... I thought of a way!"

Being a daughter always has a unique advantage, and the twin-tailed Loli stared at the almost extinguished Taitou waving by Baixue and suddenly had an idea.

"The magic sword is the magic of ice, and you use fire, Scarlet Witch, can you melt the ice as long as you bake it with fire?"

Aria said loudly, offering her own opinion.

Indeed, fire can melt ice.

It seems...seems to be very good.

However, upon hearing this, Xingjia's shrine maiden showed an embarrassed expression, with an expression of chagrin and regret, "When I attacked just now, my spiritual power was exhausted... Now, I can't use fire at all. coming."

Xingga's shrine maiden slumped to the ground, full of frustration.

"If there is no other way, with the thickness of the ice now, he can only last for an hour."

The half-broken sword on the ground was wrapped, and Joan, who was wrapping up the hilt in her hand, looked at the frozen Ye Shenyue and said with a senior attitude.

It seems...have seen the truth.

"What are you talking about... Now it's all your fault!" X2's voices of anger came from Bai Xue and Aria, who were slumped to the ground.

Only at this time, it seemed to become more lively, because a slightly surprised voice came over.

"Looks like Aria is in trouble... It seems... Riko can be of help~~" Flashing out of the corner, a girl in a pink and white school uniform walked out, and What's different about Aria is that the girl's school uniform has been remodeled, and a large pure white bow is added to the back waist, which has a Gothic style.


The most sensitive other double ponytail was excited.

Chapter 031 Warm water boiled Yeshenyue?

Tied with a bright rose-like bright red bow, and twisted her long hair into two cute double ponytails, from the back, she seemed to have a loli flavor.

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