Just looking at it from the front, it shows a figure that the proud loli can't catch up with.

Especially Aria, she raised her head just to meet Riko-chan who was walking from the corner and glanced at her inadvertently. If there are still bullets in the pistol, Aria will definitely hit him hard!

Riko must have done it on purpose, deliberately showing off her figure!

"Riko, what are you doing here? Could it be that...you planned all this? You frostbitten Ye Shenyue?"

Aria replied unceremoniously.

Although Riko belongs to Yiyou and is likely to join forces with Joan of Arc, it is really unreasonable that Riko is now being charged with frostbite Ye Shenyue.

After all, Riko's super power doesn't have the trick of freezing.

This is slander.

Red Guoguo's slander.

It's just that Bai Xue is sad because of annoyance, and her EQ and IQ are not very high, so she stretched out her slender snow-white fingers and pointed at Riko, "Don't tell me... everything is done by you! You... the culprit The culprit!"


Originally still in a state of anger, Riko came over with a calm composure, and Riko, who was about to mock a certain pair of ponytails, immediately opened her eyes wide, what kind of thinking was this?

She clearly came as a savior, so she wasn't the culprit!

"Aria! Show me a little more clearly... Although I have exchanged a lot of things with Jeanne... But I am here to save Yagami, and I am a kind person."

Riko is really proud of herself, and has already called herself "kindness".

"If you're kind then I'm Joan of Arc!"

Aria responded unceremoniously.

But she felt that someone seemed to be pulling her arm.

This is Joan of Arc who has packed the remains of the holy sword completely, with silver hair, a delicate snow-white face, and the expression of Sanwu.

This is Joan of Arc, the thirtieth generation of Joan of Arc.

This is... the real thing!

"Hahaha... actually said Jeanne in front of Jeanne... Aria is really funny..."

The breath of the whole scene suddenly stagnated, and then Riko-chan laughed directly, and even her waist was almost unable to straighten up with laughter.


Aria's face turned red all of a sudden.

Sure enough... I hate Riko the most!

"Hey...you just said there is a way to save...rescue the stupid father..."

Aria's pistol ran out of bullets and couldn't open a hole, so he could only swallow all the anger.

It's just that she's not stupid, of course she knows it's time to change the subject at this time.

Then he asked very serious, serious questions.

"Of course there is a way... After all, Riko Bialiya is stronger than just [-]... I want to remove the ice cubes from Yagami, it's simple, it can't be simpler, just boil it and it's fine. Put it in the bathtub, put it in the hot water, and of course those ice cubes will melt by themselves..."

Staring at Arialia like a fool, Riko-chan seemed taller than ever.

The tone is arrogant and makes people very angry.

"Bai Xue... Now it's the most important thing to save the stupid father, this kind of stealing cat... Wait a minute, wait for me to refill the bullets, after you recover your spiritual power, absolutely... absolutely can't let it go!" Said in a very angry voice.Even Bai Xuejiang's mantra of stealing a fishy cat was actually used.

"Well... this kind of guy... this kind of stealthy cat... absolutely can't be forgiven!"

The shrine maiden of Xingjia stood up, her figure was unprecedentedly dark.

Even if the spiritual power is insufficient, there is still the power of blackening to support her.

It seems...something is in danger.

Joan of Arc said that the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.She couldn't help but take two steps back, this is wisdom telling her.

Now that the method has been decided, the speed of everyone is very fast, but the frozen Ye Shenyue is moved back to the dormitory at once.

Of course, Riko, who plays the main role in the transportation, is the one who makes Aria big. After all, it would be nice if Jeanne of Arc didn't run away. Busier.

And Aria and Shirayuki had no power for the time being, so the only person who could be counted on was Riko-chan with two ponytails.

Joan of Arc, who was silently following behind, said that she seemed to understand the reason why Riko appeared, maybe... A large part of it was to be angry with this loli who also has two ponytails.

Aria, the arrogant Aria.

The next step is to boil the frog in warm water... um... It should be the time to boil the Yashenyue in warm water.

The bathtub is big enough that the entire Yagami with ice cubes with a thickness of 20 centimeters is more than enough to put it in.

"Speaking of... put it in the bathroom, should I take off my clothes first..."

As a pure shrine maiden, a shrine maiden with a very formal thinking believes that once you enter the bath, you have to undress first...

Looking at Yagami-sama who had been completely thrown into the bathtub, Miko-sama raised her hand slightly and suggested.

"Idiot... Didn't you see that even your clothes are frozen now? Why are you taking off your clothes!"

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