
The strange thing was that Riko, who was the culprit of the boiled frog, had slender and lovely blond hair and twin ponytails, but entered the bath by herself.

"Riko...what else do you want to do with the corpse!"

She is indeed a good daughter. Even now, when it is time to determine whether Yashinyuki really died, as her own daughter, Aria still mercilessly gives the night that has almost melted. Shenyue gave a terrible definition.


It is obvious that there is still breath to say, that fresh heart is still beating non-stop!

Ye Shenyue has already chosen to close her ears, otherwise she still doesn't know how to be described by this stupid daughter!

"It goes without saying, of course it's a corpse!"

The same has no conscience, and has already entered the water... er, in fact, Riko-chan, who has already walked into the bathtub, said with a slight smile on her face.

It is said that a woman's heart is not easy to guess.Especially someone like this who is laughing and saying terrible things.

Is this telling the truth or a lie?Or half-truth?

"Corpse X! A deeper translation of this sentence would be..."

I don't know if it was because the strange switch of the shrine maiden of Xingga was accidentally turned on, Baixue, who has a long and straight face, became a little excited, "Although I usually think about it, Riko, you can't fool around... It's so enviable... um, it's so enviable... No, it's really embarrassing to mention love! How can you do that kind of thing with Xiao Ye's body?"

Bai Xue yelled angrily, jumped into the bathtub, and grabbed Yagami's body, as if Riko would suddenly take it away.

It's just that Yagami Yue, who is being held at the moment, whether it's Shirayuki on the left or Riko on the right, has a "chest" that Aria will never be able to grow into. No matter how you look at it, it's enviable. .

It's just that Ye Shenyue, who is the center, has nothing else in her heart except the dark sweat.

The biggest reason is Bai Xue's sentence "I usually think so" Bai Xue, what exactly do you usually imagine?Always thinking about X Corpse, that's a lot of taste.

Ye Shenyue's body trembled a little, and she didn't know if it was because of Joan's ice cubes, and she felt a little cold.

"What are you thinking! Am I the kind of person with heavy tastes?"

"Mama... I finally understand... It turns out that this shrine maiden also has such thoughts... But... The current Yagami Moon hasn't completely died yet? It's getting better, look, his body temperature is slowly picking up, and he can fully recover as long as he adds another fire."

The blond twintails who were the murderer who caused the terrible imagination and the self-destruction of Seika's shrine maiden actually spoke again at this critical moment.

Let Ye Shenyue secretly feel relieved.

Riko is more reliable, and it is worthwhile for him to use magic to raise the temperature of his body just now.

Riko, who is a superpower, noticed it.

"Add another fire? Sure enough, it has to be roasted? There is only natural gas at home, and there is no firewood..."

As Aria, who has always advocated roast suckling pig, expressed her dissatisfaction, she didn't want to listen to Riko, she didn't want to owe her favor.

Riko or something, I hate it the most!

"There are a lot of trees in the mountain behind the shrine of Xingjia... There are a lot of firewood there, and there is a steady stream."

Bai Xue, who had already blew herself up, seemed to be trying to change the subject, but her words still made people want to complain.

Not to mention how far this place is from Xingjia, just being a priestess and cutting down the trees of the shrine makes people want to complain.

"It's not a normal roast, my roast refers to the human body!"

Riko shook his head, "Xiaoye has almost recovered, and he hasn't woken up because he is still a little bit short. Physical factors are useless. The last step is to thaw with a human body."

The so-called thawing of the human body, to change a familiar line, is to keep each other warm.

Such super-expansion is often when a man and a woman exist at the same time, when encountering an avalanche or extreme cold, in order to survive, men and women are naked and naked to hug each other for warmth!

Push the limits of the human body!

Now, Ye Shenyue is frozen, but there is still hope of resurrection, and there are girls around, it is indeed a super expansion that can be unfolded.

"Hold each other... hug each other!"

by Bai Xue who screamed out loud.

"Take off your clothes!"

by Aria, who was red-faced and ready to shoot but had no bullets.

"That's what it says..."

by Riko who suggested it.

"It seems to save him. That's it... I'll join in."

by the outcast Joan of Arc.

"Why are you even here! You should be an irrelevant person!"

As soon as Jeanne made her voice, Bai 467 Xue immediately became alert.

Pushed to... oh no, people who are thawed can no longer join.

"As the main person who hurt him, I think what should be done."

I didn't see that Joan actually had a conscience.

It's just that her conscience has been ignored by Ye Shenyue in the words "he has died" and "will die" over and over again.

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