"And, I have to wait for him to wake up and help me repair the holy sword."

After a slight hesitation, Jeanne retracted her words and told the truth.

Help me fix the holy sword.

Repair the holy sword!

Holy Sword!

Well, as a witch who manipulates ice cubes, Joan of Arc really came with a strong purpose.


It turned out to be just the use of relationships.

For a moment, Baixue and Aria both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take off and light this kind of thing... Absolutely not allowed! Not allowed!"

"That's it... Aria is still a child, just go...let Riko tell you what an adult's world is..."

"The world of adults... as expected... Riko-san, you really want to do something, right!"

"Riko means that."

"You two guys..."

I don't know what went wrong, I finally waited for the most anticipated method of thawing, but the girls themselves were in chaos.

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...

What is in the nest now!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue really wants to wake up immediately, these girls are really unreliable!

Thawing, thawing, this is the first priority!

The uproar continued.

Chapter 0033 Riko's Request

The so-called thawing of the human body to keep each other warm is absolutely inseparable from men and women, hugging each other tightly, such a word that makes people imagine, as for whether people will dry wood after heating ~ fire or something, that is their business.

Now the focus is on the thawing of Ye Shenyue!

Joan of Arc could only retreat temporarily at the strong request of Aria and Baixue, but she also got a promise to help her repair the holy sword as soon as Yagami woke up.

So I voluntarily left.

As for keeping warm or something, Joan said that she still doesn't know what is naked and what is hugging.

When she really knew, I am afraid that even for the sake of the holy sword, she would not be so willing to join.

Of course, Aria, the obedient daughter, didn't forget to leave a sentence: "You have to testify to your mother before you can repair the holy sword!"

This well-behaved daughter is still most towards her mother.

For his father, only 06 would use such terrible words as "roasted" and "corpse".

Who said the daughter is the father's caring little padded jacket?

These are secondary, now is the primary.

Ye Shenyue opened her eyes in a daze, and then saw the current scene.

A scene that makes people helpless even if they complain.

Why has it become what it is now?

What about human thawing?

As promised, the snow mountain will be taken off like a disaster ~ naked and hugged together?

He is wearing pajamas now, very large pajamas, and the girls who are ready to devote themselves to thawing are also neatly dressed and in pajamas.

The promised thawing made Ye Shenyue look forward to it for a while, but it was the thing in front of her.

Sleep with me.

Yes, it is to sleep with.

From the protagonist to the supporting role, he became a sleeper.

The girls just use him as a pillow, but this pillow can't be moved, and it will be exposed when it moves!

What's even more helpless is that the confused Ye Shenyue actually fell asleep in a daze, and then opened her eyes and faced a gratifying scene like this.

Shirogane hugged Aria, Riko was on the left, and he was kicked to the right.

Yes, it was kicked.

It was the way of his dear and lovely Tsundere daughter, who was originally sleeping with Bai Xue while hugging him, but I don't know what a happy dream Aria had, and he kicked him up with one kick, and then again. I don't know that Bai Xuejiang also dreamed of something gratifying, and she kicked him away.

Then his body immediately moved away from them.

fell into the corner.

Bai Xuejun, please open the sacred eyes of the witch and take a good look, the person you are holding now is definitely not me!

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