Excited with anger.

At this time, Joan of Arc was still calm, and she even showed a puzzled expression when she saw Bai Xue's strangeness, as if she didn't understand why Bai Xue changed color all of a sudden.

Sure enough, it's a natural idiot!

"That... Bai Xue... Jeanne didn't mean to..."

Seeing that Bai Xue had pulled out from nowhere the terrifying things like the chains and awls that her tachi had been scattered on the ground, Ye Shenyue hurriedly stood in front of Bai Xue and Jeanne, and pressed the black with one hand. The white snow turned violent.

"No... not intentional? Then it was intentional!"

Bai Xue's speed suddenly increased to a dazzling realm, and it actually flashed past Ye Shenyue dyed black and slashed on Joan of Arc's holy sword.

"You stinking cat! Maid or something... Obviously it's my exclusive... I won't let you take it away. Whether it's a good morning kiss in the morning or the benefit of a warm bed at night, I won't give it to you. ...you stinking cat will just be cut by me again..."

Xingjia's shrine maiden's force value exceeded [-] in an instant.

This is a terrible momentum 2.5 full of anger and envy.

Forget it.

After listening to Bai Xue's angry words.

Ye Shenyue sat down, not ready to stop it.

There was a pair in the room, another pair in the hall, and it was really lively today.

"Beep beep..."

Ye Shenyue, who was sitting on the side, turned on the phone, and then saw the terrible caller ID, a full 20 caller IDs!

And they all have the same signature.

Garnish with plums.

Bai Xue's head teacher is also the teacher of his interrogation department.

"Why can't I get through the phone? Since I found Xingjia, I'll report it early! Come to class as soon as you finish the task! You didn't even come to the opening ceremony yesterday, but Aria's cheerleaders are missing people, and it hurts me. Go to replace...you are such a big boy!"

Well, here's another one who's been ignored.

However, Ye Shenyue wanted to see Mr. Tsurumeizi's cheerleading performance.

He seemed to be missing something again.

ps: Thanks to Ghost Waterfall for the reward.

Chapter 037 Who is it?

"That's it... I'm Joan of Arc, not a magic sword. If you want to have something to do with the sword, then just call me the holy sword."

The girl named Joan of Arc spoke with a calm face to the smart short-haired teacher, who was sitting on a chair, smoking a half-curly lady's cigarette.

His face was calm, and it seemed that he was facing an ordinary teacher instead of a monster with an S-rank devil interrogator.

Jeanne was quite calm, very calm.

However, half an hour later, when Ye Shenyue saw her come out of the interrogation room, people couldn't help but wonder how she was treated.

Because of this girl who was not afraid of danger, and who could calmly resist Baixue's attacks, she was like an ice sculpture, but she kept shaking.

Will she be grateful to the cold too?

Or does this action represent fear?

Really scared.Jeanne was almost speechless. 06 "It's scary..."

Pull out a long sentence.

The thirtieth generation of Joan of Arc was really scared.

Ye Shenyue said that he was silent. He didn't want to speculate about how Mr. Tsuru Meizi was interrogating him. He said that it seemed that Mr. Tsuru was still thinking about him.

Because of Aria's fault, she took the place in the cheerleading squad or something.

Time passed quickly, although the appearance of Mr. Tsuru holding a cigarette was scary, but it passed without any danger. After all, Bai Xue was not kidnapped and Jeanne voluntarily surrendered. Next, as long as she comes back through judicial transactions All right.

The so-called judicial transaction refers to recruiting some insiders to obtain freedom or something.

As for what she recruited, Ye Shenyue said she was calm, although the biggest boss in Yiyouli was him, and Jeanne didn't seem to know his identity, so the things she recruited should have nothing to do with him.

Walking out of the teaching building together, Bai Xue seemed a little embarrassed as she kept rubbing her hands together.

Aria was hated by Mr. Tsuru because of the cheerleading problem and was forced to take elective courses, while Joan of Arc was going through the formalities of a judicial transaction.Riko-chan didn't come to school today, so she is the only one left to go back with Yagami.

Only two people!

There is neither Aria nor Riko, and now the man around her is hers alone!

The innocent Miko's heart was full of excitement.

"That... Xiao Ye... Look... It's actually raining."

Just after walking out, Bai Xue took a small step and immediately retracted her little foot.Because a drop of water has appeared on the ground.

These are raindrops, not only the ground but also the sky is blackened, and there are lightning strikes from time to time.

Fluttering rain just poured down from the sky.

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