Bai Xue held Ye Shenyue's hand.

"That...I...I brought an umbrella, if...if I don't dislike it...then..."

Bai Xue said coyly, but there was no coyness in the movements of her hands, it was neat and swift.

With lightning speed, he opened the small flower umbrella and propped it up, and then the other hand consciously embraced Ye Shenyue's arm.

Where is the opportunity for rejection?

Ye Shenyue was sweating in her heart, but her eyes were looking forward.

Where there appeared a girl with a pink umbrella and a large pure white bow around her waist.

The girl has beautiful long blonde hair, and her eyes are burgundy and very elves.

She is also holding an umbrella with one hand, but there is a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

This girl is Riko-chan.

It seems that Riko did not come to school today, but did come but did not attend class.

"Then let Xiaoye hide under Riko's umbrella!"

Riko added what Bai Xue shyly didn't finish.

Riko gracefully jumped over in three or two steps, and then forced her pink umbrella with a few flowers to squeeze Baixue's umbrella open.

It didn't mean that she used the umbrella to push it away. Riko deliberately used her superpower to force her hair to slip through Snow White's little hand. Subconsciously, Snow White let go of her hand, and the umbrella flew out.


Snow White's umbrella fell to the ground, and a few drops of rain fell on it.

There were also a few drops that fell on the black hair of the witch of Xingjia, and there was a splash of water.

At this moment, Yashenyue has already been determined. Perhaps Riko came here on purpose to humiliate Bai Xue.

This little bastard!


Ye Shenyue let out a cry, provoking the naughty face of the blond girl.

Ye Shenyue walked over and picked up Bai Xue's umbrella. With a wave of her hand, she slid the water droplets that fell into the umbrella to one side, and propped up the umbrella to cover the snow.

However, it seemed that he was still a step behind, and Baixue, who had already reached out with a small hand on his back and took out the katana, had already rushed over to cut Riko angrily.

"Bang bang bang!"

How could Riko, who is just daring to use super powers, have no back moves?

He closed the small umbrella, the tip of the umbrella turned into a muzzle, and Riko had already fired more than a dozen rounds of 477 bullets.

Because Riko was too treacherous, Bai Xue only managed to protect herself and deflected all the bullets when she rushed in front of Riko, but at this time Riko had dodged to Bai Xue's side, and her little hand quickly touched Bai Xue's little hip through the skirt. Touch it up.

"You... pervert!"

Bai Xue, who was attacked by surprise, was already sitting on the ground, speaking indignantly and ashamed.

As for the knife or something, it fell to the ground because I didn't hold it.

"Oh...the name is Baixue and she's wearing's weird~~Ugh..."

Riko, who succeeded, cried out involuntarily.

She didn't calm down until Ye Shenyue, who appeared at an unknown time, pinched her buttocks.

However, when Ye Shenyue was going to appease Bai Xue, the double ponytail that played with Bai Xue took the opportunity to slip away, because Ye Shenyue glared at her just now.

But when I left, I didn't forget to add fuel to the fire and shouted "Xiaoye... lecherous~~" Who the hell is it!

Ye Shenyue said to return an eye to the eye!

ps: Thanks to hicker0, Ghost Waterfall, and Airplane Jun for their flowers and comments.

Chapter 0038 Xingjia Baixue


Drops of rain falling from the sky seem to be incomparable to the tears of the sad witch at the moment.The witch who was slumped on the ground cried pitifully.

"Uuuu... I've been defiled... defiled by Riko..."

Bai Xue lay on the ground and refused to get up, letting the rain wet herself.She threw the saber that belonged to the witch on the ground, and the witch was no longer like a witch.

In addition to the shrine costume that she don't know when, it can also prove her identity as a shrine maiden.

"Bai Xue... um..."

Ye Shenyue just came over, and just called out the name of Xingjia's shrine maiden, but the shrine maiden immediately hugged his thigh and continued to cry.

Still haven't recovered from Riko's mischief.

Ye Shenyue secretly added another piece of evidence to Riko.After completing her task, you must train her well!

Let her know the girl's ass~butt, it is untouchable, and he will touch it if you want to touch it.


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