Just looking at the current situation, looking at the witch who hugged his leg and refused to let go, Bai Xue was afraid that she would not be able to walk home by herself.

No way, Ye Shenyue held down Bai Xue Xue Bai's little hand.

"Let go first... If you don't cry now, I'll carry you home.


The witch who was still crying immediately raised her face, "Really?"

The shrine maiden's tears stopped for a while, as if she was acting.


Looking at Bai Xue's conjuring expression, Ye Shenyue felt deceived, but in any case, Bai Xue-chan still needs someone to take care of her now, although there seems to be a terrifying color flashing in the eyes of the other party at this moment, But... Bai Xue, it shouldn't hurt him, right?


Holding the umbrella with one hand, Bai Xue obediently crawled onto Ye Shenyue's back, and just like that, she shrank to the soft body on his back, which comforted Ye Shenyue, who was a coolie.

On the way home with her on her back, Bai Xue was quite good.

This made Ye Shenyue a little surprised. I thought Bai Xue's unnatural expression just now was an illusion.


No wonder!

Putting her on the bed, Ye Shenyue, who wanted to go out, immediately denied it.

"Bai Xue... are you serious?"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue's wrists, legs, and even neck were wrapped with hard chains.

It was an iron chain belonging to a certain witch.

For example, using a knife, in fact, she is better at attacking with an iron chain, which is the most loving thing that wraps people completely ~ so that people can't move and do whatever they want.

At this moment, the witch of Xingjia was kneeling on the bed, her hands wrapped in chains, which were the chains that trapped Yeshenyue at the other end.

It was like a big bad wolf staring at the little white rabbit staring at Ye Shenyue who was trapped by her.

"Of course... Of course I'm serious... I'm sorry Xiaoye, I can't do anything about it... Just now, Mr. Tsurumeizi said that maybe it was because of my random use of spiritual power. It seems that something terrible has happened to Xingjia, and I have to go back immediately. Shibako... So, if the fait accompli is not completed now, then... Maybe Saya will be hooked by Riko's abominable stealth cat!"

Bai Xue was sitting in the direction of Ye Shenyue and bent down, making a respectful gesture of the bride to her husband's family, but the iron chain in her hand was unwilling to let go.

Now there are only two paths in front of Bai Xue.The first one pushed Ye Shenyue and then Xingjia, and the second one pushed Ye Shenyue back to Xingjia.

No matter what, you have to push it first and then back it up!

Never go back if there is no fait accompli!

This time, the witch of Xingjia was afraid that she was very determined. After bowing, she slowly pulled Ye Shenyue towards her and slowly retracted the chain. When Ye Shenyue was about to approach, He untied all the iron chains on Ye Shenyue's body, but in an instant he pushed him completely onto the bed, and then sat on the whole person, trying to restrain Ye Shenyue.

Snow White is really hard-hearted!


Bai Xue was pressing on his stomach. If he insisted on getting up, he would have to bounce Bai Xue away. Once he bounced, he would fall to the ground. Bai Xue was afraid that he would not hurt her if he saw through it!

"That... Baixue... Didn't I agree, when I rescue you from Xingjia's shrine, wouldn't it be better if we... finish it?"

Get on the bus first and then make up the ticket, although he likes it, but Bai Xue's life experience is too pitiful, he can't do that.

"don't want,"

However, Bai Xue shook his head very simply, "When it really becomes that time, you will be hooked away! Don't! Although you can't be the first lady, but the second... This position may be given up, absolutely not. Give it to Riko!"

It seems that Baixue-san was provoked by Riko. Could it be that Riko-chan is the culprit?

In fact, Ye Shenyue really wanted to say, let alone the second place, really, Bai Xue couldn't even rank tenth.

"That... Bai Xue, didn't you say that Xingjia is urgent? This shouldn't be the time to do this kind of thing... You should go back to Xingjia first..."

Bai Xue's attitude was firm, and Ye Shenyue didn't have any excuses to persuade her. Bai Xue sat on his body, and the soft and soft girl's skin had already been pasted up, and his will was lost.

Just surprising.

That was Snow White's attitude.

"Xingjia is nothing! Don't worry about it! Now of course it's more important to be a fait accompli!"

The maiden of Xingga, who had quickly torn Ye Shenyue's clothes with a mighty force, spoke with a mighty force.

Speaking terrible words.

Definitely not what the witch said!

But she is the shrine maiden of Xingga.

I don't know that the god society won't cry anymore.

Yashenyue doesn't know how the shrine is, he only knows how he is at this time.

Secretly comforting herself with honest and fair reasons, Ye Shenyue, who had already transformed into a wolf, had already pressed the witch on the bed.

Responsibilities or something, Xingjia or something... let's go.


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