It's just that the girl with dark green short hair in his pure white shirt is ready.

She had to deal with the big bad wolf herself.

Of course, in her eyes, it was a dog.

It's so confusing.

Putting down her hands, Ye Shenyue sat on the ground.

Although he despised the level of this big bad wolf, he still believed in Rai Ji.

Reggie is a bullet.

Once in the sky above the helicopter, it only stayed for a few seconds to destroy the bomb under the bus that was moving at high speed.

It's not easy to stay in the sniper department, and it is even more difficult to become an honor student.In addition to having superb dynamic vision, a successful sniper must also be proficient in various calculations, to calculate the wind direction encountered by his bullet in the process of flying or in the rain.

One bullet.

It's easy to fire a bullet, like Aria's type, but I don't know how many bullets were fired.

But it is different for snipers. Every bullet is particularly important. If you have been in ambush for a long time and your position is exposed only because of the error of one bullet, then all previous efforts will be lost.

So every bullet has to be fired carefully.

The highest state of the sniper is to use the fewest bullets to complete the task.

With an unimaginable amount of effort, Lei Ji has reached such a state.

Although she is already an honor student, Reiki doesn't like firing multiple bullets. For her, only one bullet is enough.

So, she has always successfully completed the task with only one bullet.

The origin of a bullet starts here.

The big bad wolf in front of him has already rushed, and the claws that seem to be shining with penetrating brilliance also entered his eyes.

According to Reggie's method, only one bullet is needed, and one bullet can completely pierce the body of the big bad wolf.

Even if the big bad wolf is moving at a high speed now!

Because she is a bullet!

Just as she claims to be.

However, what makes Yagami Yue want to complain is, why does Lei Ji recite a self-proclaimed sentence every time she shoots?Wouldn't it be exposed if someone heard it?

Of course, these are just complaints, and now Reiki has fired bullets.

"Bang bang bang!"

Bullets were fired from the barrel of the gun in succession, and then penetrated deep into the ground.


The big bad wolf, who was still aggressive and wanted to show some color to the dark green girl in front of him, actually stopped.

Paws up.

Three claws are standing, while the other claw is hanging in the air. If you don't know it, you might think that the wolf is doing juggling.

But who would have thought that this big bad wolf was still full of lethality just now!


The big bad wolf was also howling, not so much howling as it was calling instinctively.

I really scared the wolf just now. If it hadn't been doing this, it would have been hit by three bullets at once!

It was a matter of an instant when it rushed over, and the three bullets were shot in a matter of less than an instant.

In its training and inheriting the talent of its ancestors... it really dodged these three bullets by dodging desperately.

The three bullets seemed to be fired at the same time, but in fact it was not. The big bad wolf wanted to dodge all at once, but the moment it dodged, another bullet was fired just as its claws were about to hit the ground!

If it goes down it will be shot!

With its strong reflexes, the big bad wolf finally managed to reluctantly complete the flip in the air to avoid the second bullet, but just after the big bad wolf flipped, it was stunned to find that another bullet was shot towards its head. !

In the end is it over!

If he could talk, the big bad wolf would definitely scold him.

In the end, it had no choice but to do this ridiculous pose and dodge the bullet!

Then Reiki, who had stood up at some point, pointed a sniper gun at her head.

The danger of death was immediate.

As long as it shows the slightest sign of rash action, it will be killed!

Wolves are bloody.

But now the big bad wolf who is being pointed at in a funny pose has a sad feeling.

This person... if it resisted, it would definitely press the trigger without hesitation!


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