The sad wolf howled loudly.

It's just according to Ye Shenyue's words, this big gray 417 wolf is actually asking for trouble. It is several meters away from Reiji, how can it come over all at once?It must be running on the ground, since it is natural to run, the chance of being shot is suddenly increased.

And the big bad wolf's brain is also twitching, and it's even if he runs up.

Yes, jumping up and running can make you run faster, but isn’t it the biggest goal when you jump up!

In the end, the conclusion is that this big bad wolf was indeed pumped!

"Abandon your master and follow me."

A clear voice, Loli's voice, without any tone, is a faintly imposing voice.

Pointing directly at the wolf's head with the large muzzle, Raiji said with a calm expression on his face.It was as if he was speaking ordinary words.

Doesn't she know that wolves are also very loyal?

That is loyalty to the wolf king, even if it is to sacrifice one's own life.

How could such a wolf turn his back on his master!

Reiki is definitely...the right question!

Ps: The update is a little late today.If there is no power outage at home on the 20th, there will be 5 shifts.

Chapter 043 Lei Ji, majestic and majestic (Part [-])


Howling angrily, the big bad wolf howled indignantly and unwillingly as if it was under a huge threat.

Then, ignoring the muzzle of the swarthy stun gun that Reggie had pressed against its forehead, she showed her sharp teeth.

This is a sign of denial!

It seemed that the big bad wolf was going to fight to the end.

"Eh... Lei Ji, if you like wolves... er... If you like dogs, then I'll give you one, this big bad wolf won't give in so easily, if I read it right, It should be some kind of hypnosis magic, that is to say, ordinary means of persuading to surrender will not work."

Seeing that Raiji seemed to have noticed his side, Yagami continued to explain, "And it's useless to just surrender it temporarily, it may rebel, so you can only surrender it permanently! Only by surrendering can you take it for your own use!"

In fact, he didn't know what kind of magic the wolf was in. He just guessed that the big bad wolf might be the one that Reggie had later.

Maybe because of his addition, the plot is no longer so coherent. The general plot is still there, but the details have changed a lot.

For example, when he became Kanzaki Kanae's husband, and then Aria's father, it was a big difference.

By analogy, there should be some changes in the process of Reiji getting this big bad wolf.

For example, now, instead of directly scratching the wolf's spine with bullets to paralyze the nerves, they point the gun directly at the wolf's head.

"So it is."

Surprisingly, Raiji nodded as if she understood.


However, just at the moment Lei Ji nodded, the big bad wolf who could only wait for death suddenly swayed his head, and then prepared to hit Lei Ji all at once.


It seemed to have forgotten the sniper gun in Reggie's hand.

One bullet.

She is a bullet.

The bullet has been fired.

"Bang bang bang!"

The huge body of the big bad wolf fell to the ground at once.He couldn't move any more, and his limbs collapsed, except for the head that could still turn.

The golden bullet slid across his back, just like a bullet, and the hair fell in a row at once.

The big bad wolf raised his head.

"I just thought that if you were a little obedient, I would deal with you well, but since you are ignorant...then I have to... deal with you like this. It's just that you are so impulsive and useless, it's not worth falling under my gun. ."

Lei Ji had already squatted down, and then lightly pressed the big bad wolf's head with one hand.

"So, in order to get stronger, you have to keep getting stronger. I can make you stronger!"

"Abandon your master and follow me all your life!"

"It's your choice, you choose it yourself!"

Lei Ji's orange-yellow-colored clear eyes stared at the dark eyes of the big bad wolf, looking at the fierceness in the other's eyes.

Time seemed to have stopped.

Generally speaking, such persuasion, let alone a lifetime of surrender, is difficult for any temporary surrender!

Such rhetoric is useless at all!

Ye Shenyue was already thinking about how to comfort Lei Ji who couldn't conquer the big bad wolf later.


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