The facts of life are often unexpected.


The big bad wolf, which was supposed to be angry or used to die, actually howled.

These howls are not the same as the previous howls, but the current howls are the kind of coquettish... er... just like the whining sound of an ordinary domestic dog.

Is this still a wolf?

The big bad wolf who had hauled [-] to [-] in the last second actually turned into a docile little sheep!

What kind of sky-high magic can do this!

Completely unreasonable!

Where is the integrity of this big bad wolf!

Ye Shenyue's chin was about to drop, especially when his eyes were in contact with the big bad wolf, the other party quietly turned his head, as if he felt a little embarrassed for betraying his master.

It still feels ashamed!

When Ye Shenyue's gaze shifted again, the big bad wolf actually looked at him unceremoniously.

No shame at all!

What a loyal dog!

Ye Shenyue didn't want to hit it anymore, but what made people uncomfortable was that Ye Shenyue didn't continue to mock it, and the big bad wolf glared at him and whimpered, as if he was very angry. Not happy with him.

"You can't do that!"

Reiji also noticed what the big bad wolf was doing, and then patted its head.


The big bad wolf who immediately became aggrieved in front of Lei Ji was really aggrieved.

"He's your future master."

Lei Ji let go of the big bad wolf, and then pulled Ye Shenyue to stand in front of the big bad wolf, expressionless but very serious announcing.


The big bad wolf howled in grievance.

"Submit to me, and then to him. You only have this choice!"

Lei Ji held down the big bad wolf's head and said, speaking as the master.

It seems that it is not just the big bad wolf, in fact, even Reiji entered the role quite quickly.


The big bad wolf howled lowly.

Then Ye Shenyue's gaze came back and forth between Big Bad Wolf and Lei Ji a few times, and finally she asked.

"Lei Ji, shouldn't you be... Can you understand what this big bad wolf is saying? It feels like you two are having a conversation."

Every time Leiji said a word, Leiji added, it really seemed like a conversation.

"It's said that dogs understand human nature. This ancient sentence is still useful now. It seems to understand what I mean! As for what it means... Of course I know. Maybe it's because I became its owner."

Lei Ji didn't hide anything, and immediately told the reason.

When you become an owner, you can understand your pet's speech?

Only you dare to say such a thing!

Ye Shenyue stared hard at Lei Ji, as if to see if the other party had suddenly become a sperm.

At this moment, Lei Ji, holding a dark and terrifying sniper gun in her hand, looked calm, and pressed a small snow-white hand on the head of the terrifying big bad wolf.

Such a beast was trained by her to lie on the ground and howl lowly.

Rather majestic.

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the identity of the other party, the identity of the descendant of Genghis Khan, it seems that her descendant also inherited the style of the ancestor.

In this case, you can speak boldly without any hesitation!

Sure enough... arrogant!

Ye Shenyue is willing to bow down.

It's not too surprising that Lei Ji can even rob a relative and even engage him without authorization.

Lei Ji said, a bullet, always so domineering.

Ye Shenyue looked at Lei Ji in a trance, everything seemed to be still, only the big bad wolf was howling, it was a low howl.

Again, it's just a big bad wolf, not a dog!

Ps: The update is a little late today.If there is no power outage at home on the 20th, there will be 5 shifts.

Chapter 044 The Wolf Becomes The Dog

What happens to two people and one dog?

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