If you put it in the wild~ Waiye Shenyue would not guess, but even now, when I am in it, when I look at the big bad wolf in front of me with its head lowered and seems to be sniffing something, a helpless feeling comes from the bottom of my heart. rise up.

Raiji put the orange earphones back on her ears, and then walked side by side with Yagami with a calm and expressionless face.

He stood on the side, carrying the huge sniper gun that belonged to Reggie, only for one bullet.

The two walked like a walk, while a big bad wolf was working hard with his nose extended.


Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched.

If Lei Ji took this big bad wolf just to play with it, that's fine, but you can't use the wolf as a dog!

Yes, the wolf's nose is also very sensitive, but this nose is the dog's advantage!

To actually let a wolf smell the smell is too much abuse!

Ye Shenyue has no doubts that although Lei Ji said "to make it stronger" when she subdued this big bad wolf, in fact, she was raised as a dog in the end!

Ye Shenyue didn't complain that Lei Ji just went to buy ham and then came to feed the big bad wolf.

It seems that this big bad wolf is destined to be a dog for the rest of his life.

Of course, this dog is also a very tough and durable dog.

Such as the current smell.

Now Yagami and Raiji have to do a very important thing.That is to find the original owner of this big bad wolf.

Although Reiji had already taken someone's dog forcibly, this big bad wolf hid in the locker room before and injured a lot of people.

This account has to be reckoned anyway.

Lei Ji wanted to torture the previous owner of the big bad wolf first, while Ye Shenyue wanted to meet the owner who could turn the wolf into a dog for a while.

It was such a failure.

Ye Shenyue clenched her fists, already knowing the plot, he certainly knew who the original owner of this big bad wolf was.But he didn't say it, because he still had to wait for a certain blond ponytail with a bad character to ask him for help.

Lei Ji has changed into her school uniform, and Ye Shenyue doesn't have to become half-naked. Although it is not a sin for a man to be naked, it is not his preference to be watched by so many onlookers.

"Smell it?"

The dark-green short-haired girl who was just taking a walk stopped, took out a ham sausage from her pocket like a reward, and peeled it off.

Handed it before the big bad wolf's mouth.The big bad wolf's fur stood up again.


The big bad wolf barked very aggrieved, and said again that it is not a dog, and it does not like low-level food that dogs are obsessed with!

It used to eat beef or something.

Even so, Ye Shenyue despised this big bad wolf, this guy definitely had one set in mind and another set in reality.

It tastes better than anyone else!

Ye Shenyue didn't pay attention to this spineless big bad wolf.Putting down the sniper gun, Ye Shen Yuechong said, although his face was expressionless, but his expression was stained with excitement, said Lei Ji.

"Lei Ji, what do you know?"

Ye Shenyue once had a cat girl, so she could barely understand the language of cats, but this is for dogs.But no clue.

Therefore, he could not directly understand the message that the big bad wolf wanted to express.

So at this time, I can only ask the classmate Lei Ji, who claims to be a descendant of Genghis Khan, and who can understand the language of dogs.

"Well. I have found someone who has the same aura as the owner of Da Hui."

She continued to speak expressionlessly, but Ye Shenyue felt that Lei Ji seemed a little excited when she was reporting.It's like letting people who like her know her value through this incident.

She is still very useful!

Reggie thought so.

Could it be that this is a spiritual connection?

Ye Shenyue was surprised.

Sometimes he and You don't even need to talk to know each other's psychological thoughts.

And now, he seems to be able to understand Reiji's thoughts.

This means... he really gets along better with Sanwu Lolita?

"The same breath?"

Ye Shenyue squatted down and held down the big bad wolf's head, no matter how dissatisfied the big bad wolf was or how the other party glared at him.

Ye Shenyue is not afraid of it. Although Lei Ji took this big bad wolf forcibly, it can be seen that she loves this big bad wolf. The only thing that gives Ye Shenyue comfort is this big bad wolf. The gray wolf is still a female after all.

Otherwise, at the very beginning, he would have killed the big bad wolf before Reggie proposed to catch it.

First of all, this big bad wolf was hiding in the underwear compartment, and he must have seen the bodies of many girls. This is a big sin, and then he wanted to attack his kissing and arrogant little daughter.

It's too much!

And the most extreme thing now is that he is actually favored by Lei Ji, which is unbearable.

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