"Ah ah ah... What are you thinking! You guys are playing slowly, I'm going back, so tired..."

Chunna's face was getting redder and redder, it seemed, the corners of her mouth had been upturned, was she smiling?

Carrying "Mistertin" on his shoulders, he jumped away happily.


Ye Shenyue, who was holding Sera, wanted to protect Haruna, but Haruna left very, very abnormally, which was very, very shocking, and the most shocking thing was that she even closed the door!When did Haruna become so polite!

Haruna, you are so abnormal!

Ye Shenyue was thinking about whether she should chat with Haruna and cultivate her feelings.

"You bug, don't let me go!"

I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's delusion, but he saw that the current Sera's cheeks had a touch of pink on them.Are you really ashamed?

"Sera, don't you think our alone time as husband and wife is too short?"

Ye Shenyue not only did not let go, but held Sera with more strength, as if she didn't want to let her break free.Ye Shenyue admitted that the current Sera is too cute and beautiful. Under the faint silver moonlight, the bright silver moonlight fell on Sera's delicate face. At this time, Sera looked so holy, but that The holiness was broken again by the pink color on the girl's face.But with a breathtaking beauty.

"What do you want to do! If you do, I will never let you go!"

Sera's expression did not change, but the dark green pupils were stained with blood red again.As if to enhance the persuasiveness of her words.

"Sera is this a reminder of what I can do? Don't worry, I won't touch you now, at least, until you really love me."

Unexpectedly, Ye Shenyue only lowered her head and kissed Sera's beautiful snow neck gently, without touching her clothes.

"...Then you don't let me go."

This level is too low than Sera thought, so she can bear it, but her eyes looking at Ye Shenyue are a bit complicated.What was this guy thinking?Because now that she has been kissed by this guy, according to the habit of vampire ninjas, when a man and a woman have kissed, the wedding ceremony has been completed.At the same time, it can only perform the duties of a wife.

However, this guy, this guy didn't touch her under such temptation, does he really like her?

For a time, Sierra's heart was very complicated.

Seeing Sera's expression, Ye Shenyue was secretly delighted. Originally, he wanted to restrain Sera and keep her by his side, but what was forced was not love, only the burden of the soul.However, this time, this cutting machine was the time to strike his own image into Serra's heart.

As long as the other party has him in his heart, isn't it easy to do something that you have longed for?What is this called?Put on a long line, oh big fish!

Ps: This is the first update.You guys who are pushing for updates...

Chapter 0020 Do not transform! (Ask for a monthly pass!

"Bu, it's like getting up early in the morning."

This is Yujang with strong tea.

"Idiot step! What did you do to Ye Zinu last night! How can she be so abnormal today! She even took the initiative to cook!"

This is Haruna in a pink coat.Sure enough, she shouldn't have left so early yesterday. Something must have happened to the remaining two that she didn't know about!Has the chastity of the idiot step been taken away?

Is Ye Zizi showing off her so-called "wife" status?How can this be!

Haruna's expression was unprecedentedly serious.


X "Uh... maybe she's awakened because of the soul of the wife who is about to be my wife."

Not only Haruna's staring, but even Yuu, Yagami was really hard to resist.

"Huh... No, Haruna, what are you talking about? Sera is going to cook?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly shuddered, how could Sera's meal be eaten!That's what kills zombies!


Serra placed the cauldron containing the eerie looking purple substance on the table with a crisp sound.

"Idiot step, it's up to you to eat. Necromancer and I are going to call and order pizza. It's obviously such a simple ingredient, and I also think it's a mystery when Ye Ziyan makes it like this."

Haruna has ignored the previous "chasteness" of Yashenyue, and now she still wants to solve the problem of breakfast.

"If you can, call me one too."

Sierra also joined.Dark green pupils shone brightly.

"Sera, how can you do this! It's obvious that you cooked the food yourself, so you should be responsible for eating it yourself! Haruna, order a serving for me too."

Yuu, Haruna, and Sera have all ordered, so who will eat this pot of "psychedelic soup" made by Sera? There are four people in total, and all three have ordered, which means that the last remaining person is him , have to eat Sierra's murderous dishes!He is not an idiot, how could he eat such a thing!Cooking that can kill people directly, listen, no, it's scary looking at it now!

"How can there be a husband who doesn't eat the food made by his wife? Step, you are so unqualified!"

Haruna's dumb hair stood up, and two small hands pushed the pot of soup that Sera brought over.


This is Yu, drinking strong tea while writing, it seems that she is also waiting for the food delivery person to come.

"You two guys... now you have admitted the identity of Sierra's wife..."

Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while. Could it be that not only Haruna Lianyu has also become a black belly?

"Abu, hurry up and eat, before the bowl melts, hurry up!"

Without waiting for Ye Shenyue to have any way to escape, she stuffed a bowl of purple soup with a strange smell to Ye Shenyue.

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