Doesn't she know that Ye Shenyue's body is more fragile than a spoon?He clearly saw that when Sera was taking the soup, the spoon used for the soup had melted!

Yagami doesn't think JiaYig whose esophagus is bigger than a spoon!And Sera, you said it too, even the bowl will melt, since it will melt, why let me eat it!

Besides, don't you like to be called bedbugs?How can you use the nickname "Abu"!You three are trying to frame me!

Whoever it is, give me a chance!Come on, what's the matter, solve this time Sera's murderous meal!It will really hang if you eat it!

"Abu, don't think too much. This is Ye Zinu's hard work. She is your wife... You said so yourself."

Haruna's smile has never been so bright.It was just that smile that brightly made Ye Shenyue's heart startled.Haruna, are you happy or are you taking revenge in secret?

"have eaten."

"Won't die."

This is excellent!

Oh my God... Yuu, why are you joining them!Really, so disappointing!

How to do?How to do?Looking at the weird soup in front of her, Ye Shenyue had a big headache.


Suddenly, as if he was applying for Yeshenyue's prayer, there was an unstoppable huge sound in the sky, like the sound of the waves of the sea, but something different.

"Not good! Idiot step, it's Megalo's breath!"

Chunna directly pulled Ye Shenyue out, and now that Megalo has appeared, it is time for her, the original girl in magic costume, to take action!Otherwise, credits will be deducted!

"That's Sierra...I'm leaving first!"

Looking at Sera's dark green pupils, Ye Shenyue felt comfortable.Finally escaped this catastrophe!


Knowing that when Yashenyue finishes dealing with Megalo, all the bottom of the pot will be crossed out, so this guy escaped!Sierra snorted.However, the idea of ​​continuing to cook in the future came up in my heart. Anyway, cooking seems to be fun.

"Haruna, this time Megalo is this guy?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the green whale in the sky, and sighed for a while, the other party opened his mouth, how many of himself could be eaten!

"'s this guy...Well, I think about it, this guy is called the undefeated white whale, AAA* other Megalo, that is, the white whale!"

Haruna shook her head, and finally said a name that made Ye Shenyue extremely depressed.

This product is green, okay? How can it be called a beluga?However, how to deal with such a big guy?Ye Shenyue was a little depressed.

"%" strengthens his body in place to reach the top, and then jumps straight up. Yes, it's jumping instead of flying. Ye Shenyue knows that although he can strengthen his body countless times, he still can't escape the gravitational force and still can't fly.It can only rely on the initial impact force to slam upward, as for the upward height...

In a blink of an eye, Ye Shenyue has reached the bottom of the white whale!

Only one shot!

At this time, fists are often more useful!Without thinking about it, Ye Shenyue directly raised her fist to the "%" maximum strength!


A loud bang.


At some point, Haruna climbed to the roof and looked at the confusion in the sky. Could it be that the idiot succeeded?

"Damn it! Something so heavy that it only flipped over!"

Ye Shenyue, who descended from the sky, was extremely depressed. Even if he used all his strength, he could only flip the beluga once, and his small fists still couldn't kill it!

Could it be that I can only transform into a girl in a magical costume again?Ye Shenyue doesn't want it!Absolutely not!

Ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, although I know it's impossible to be on the list, but now it's a new month, all you need is a vote to be on the list!Ask for a monthly pass!This is an update to urge more votes, and there is another update to come!

Chapter 0029 This is the transformation I want (seeking a monthly pass!

"Are you okay?"

I do not know when Yu came out of the hall, and stood in the courtyard watching the landing of Yashenyue.

"Yu... Do you remember? Our promise, no matter what the world will turn into, no matter how difficult it will be, even if it's a demon, I will defeat it and show you! So...Yu, laugh if you want to laugh in the future. Well, don't restrain yourself any longer."

Failing a single blow, Ye Shenyue jumped off Megalo and fell into the courtyard, speaking to the beautiful silver-haired girl behind her.

"I'm watching."

Yu also quickly wrote a reply.

Watching how I beat Megalo?Or look at how I work hard for you?Do you mean that you agree?Yuu, is this what you want?

For some reason, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt an infinite power surge out of her body, as if everything could be hit.Not even the super giant whales in the sky!

"Idiot step! You are not allowed to be so good to the necromancer! Hurry up and transform with "Mistedine"!"

Standing on the roof, Haruna saw Ye Shenyue jumping off the whale, but she did not continue to move. She lowered her head and saw that Ye Shenyue was holding Yu's crystal clear little hand again. When she came out, she threw her "Mister Ting" directly, and then she and her "Mist Ting" flew to the palm they were holding by coincidence.


With the zombie's sixth sense, Yagami quickly increased the speed to % and left with Yu.And right there, there was a big hole, and Haruna's pink "Mistretin" was inserted straight into the center. It is conceivable what would have happened if Yagami didn't avoid it.

"Haruna! Are you trying to kill me! Why is jealousy so fierce!"

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