Putting down Yu who was holding her, Yagami Yue rushed to the roof and shouted Haruna, who seemed to express "disappointment".

"Sorry, sorry, it's slippery... Also, what is eating... jealous! Who would eat your idiot's jealousy!"

Well, now Haruna is lively again.Jumping on the roof.

"Never mind you!"

Ye Shenyue was sweating in her heart, but she still had an eye for it. Although Haruna was cute, the violence factor was still too strong. She should have her "Mistedine" confiscated on some day.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” If I change the formula, will I transform into other clothes?"

Ye Shenyue is still very concerned about women's clothing, especially in front of You!If he really transformed, then Yuu's eyes would look at him...

Ye Shenyue couldn't imagine it. As for what Chunna said "so cute", it was all to fool him and make him sad. How could such a domineering boy turn into a woman, even Chubby!This is not a cheater or a cheater!

"Should say yes."

You paused for a moment and wrote in the notebook.

"That's all it takes!"

Ye Shenyue became excited, and she could say goodbye to that woman's dress that was... painful than life?

"Idiot step, why haven't you started transforming? Hurry up! I can't hold it anymore!"

The current Haruna has recovered, and the white whale in the air is constantly going down. If it is allowed to go down again, the city will be destroyed!Therefore, Haruna had to open the barrier.Stopped sinking.

It's just that the weight of this beluga whale is too heavy, at least, little Haruna feels a lot of pressure!

"Got it! You can support me again!"

Ye Shenyue walked to the center and held the "Mister Ting", a pink light flashed, "Although I am handsome and domineering, I will invite death! Transform!"

Warm, like being in heaven, all cells are comfortable.The light that enveloped him was so familiar, it was like the embrace of a lover.Does he have other lovers?

"Congratulations! Transformed!"

The moment Ye Shenyue opened her eyes, You raised the small book.Isn't it a strange transformation?Seeing Yu's unwavering expression, Ye Shenyue hurriedly looked at herself, dressed in a black kimono, with clogs on her feet, this feeling, this feeling was like a kimono in Death.

"Cut! How can Idiot Step transform into this? It's not fun at all!"

Haruna-chan, who was propping up the barrier on the roof, also softened a piece of hair that stood up.Just looking at Ye Shenyue's attire, it seems to be carrying a small star.

Sure enough, Haruna, is your interest in making me wear that kind of women's clothes?You pervert!

"Sure enough, it's still the same disgusting, do you want to take you up?"

I don't know when, Sera came over, and at the same time, his back also spread his wings, looking majestic.


Although Yashenyue, who is wearing a powerhouse outfit now, feels that she is full of strength and can fly by herself, but since Sera is so active, it is okay for her to carry it.

"Hey... Sierra..."

Being hugged Feitian by Sera, Ye Shenyue suddenly called out.

"What's wrong? You bug! Don't talk to me in front of Megalo!" Beluga shot a beam of light in their direction that would be destroyed when touched, and Sera and Yagami hurriedly dodged Can not help but angry.

"Cough cough...I want to say, do we look like...well, do we look like a husband and wife match...Aren't we tired of working?"

Holding the constantly turning saw, it is rare for Yagami Moon to have time to joke, but in order to avoid Sera's next attack on Moby-Dick instead of attacking him, he should be a little more serious. A mouth?"

"Speak? This is fine."

Sera's dark green pupils turned blood red, and countless leaves appeared in the air.Sera stretched out his hand, and a huge green long sword appeared in his hand.

"That... wait..."

Just when Sera was about to attack the Moby Dick with his long sword.Ye Shenyue stopped it.

"Anything else, tell me quickly!"

Sera's movements stagnated slightly, and she looked at Ye Shenyue puzzled.

"That...can you put me down first, and I'll attack too. Although we don't have much time alone."

"...That's the beginning! Secret Sword... Yan Hui!"

Sera was really stunned, but she quickly threw away Ye Shenyue, yes, she threw it away, and she herself was holding a long sword, starting from one side of Whale White, and quickly flew to the other side of Whale White. , opening the whale's mouth wider.

"Good job! Then I can't admit defeat! Go on! The first attack of the man Khan!"

Floating in mid-air, Ye Shenyue quickly ascended, then rushed into the clouds, then quickly descended, and then raised her fist.

"Even though you're a bug, I still want to trust you."

Looking at the big explosion in the distance, Sera, who had opened a big hole for the beluga whale, said silently.

Ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a group, all kinds of requests!This is the addition of flowers!

Chapter 0030 Sleeping

"Haruna, do you think it's enough to cut off the head of this white whale?"

Ye Shenyue shouted as she descended, and Ye Shenyue tried her best to descend, descending with an indecipherable express.

The fist that has been strengthened to % is even harder.At a speed that almost reached the speed of sound, it actually shone with light and was powerful.

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