"Of course, just chop off its neck! Come on... oh no, come down quickly, kill that beluga, for me, just for me!"

Haruna was screaming excitedly on the roof. Although Bu's figure could not be clearly seen, Haruna knew that the other party could hear her voice.Just this distraction, the body immediately sinks into the roof for a few minutes.The barrier almost collapsed.

"Let me see your promise."

This is You, while writing, You raised her delicate white and tender face, and her blue eyes looked at the huge beluga whale floating in the sky, or the Night God who was sprinting down at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. moon.

Even though the power of Ye Shenyue at this time was in the courtyard, Yuu could feel it.The good-looking eyebrows frowned slightly and sent them away again.Although she is the core of this world, and the content of magic power is incalculable, but at this time, Yu felt a powerful magic power emanating from Ye Shenyue's body.It was like in a box full of seals, because of the powerful force, a magic power escaped from the crack of the seal.

That is the magic power that belongs to the most abundant magic power in this world, and she is also surprised.This magic power actually came from Abu.However, since the other party is a step, it doesn't matter.

Thinking like this, the outstanding eyebrows that should have been taken seriously loosened.

At this time, Ye Shenyue, I don't know how many thoughts turned around in Yu's mind below.At this time, he only knew that he was full of power!That is utter power!Unlike the only time he transformed into a woman's clothing, he was also %, and now he seems to have more power!And this huge white whale, even if it is dozens of times bigger, he has the confidence to kill it!


With a huge sound, Ye Shenyue slammed into the head of the beluga at an unattainable speed. The huge impact and strength were immediately reflected, and Ye Shenyue's fist passed directly through the hard and hard head of the beluga whale. , However, what Ye Shenyue wants is not the power to penetrate it, but when the fist touches the head of the beluga, all the power is distributed evenly in an instant, covering the entire area that was swept by Sera. On the head of the opening, the large impact force generated that small wound instantly expanded, and then spread to the entire head. In the end, the white whale's head was really broken!

"Are you okay?"

Once the hit was successful, the white whale was dismembered, and at the same time it turned into a little golden light and dissipated, but Ye Shenyue's body fell down without the slightest pause.Sera on the side spread her wings, turned agilely in a circle, and caught Ye Shenyue's body in mid-air.

Sera's scarlet eyes retreated back to a beautiful dark green, looking at Ye Shenyue lying in her arms, she was even more excited.She could see Ye Shenyue's strike just now, and she also understood his tactics.Letting her speak on the body of the beluga is to make the beluga's scars open with the impact from top to bottom, and finally kill the beluga!

However, this tactic is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. The most difficult thing is the power from top to bottom. It cannot penetrate the beluga completely, but evenly spreads the force on one side of the beluga's wound. , so that its entire head is still preserved.Then the poor strength of the front and rear of the beluga's body caused the wound to burst open.So as to achieve the purpose of killing the beluga.But the most important thing about this tactic is the control of power. If the power is not strong enough and the power control is not good, it may fail!

But this guy did it so easily!Perfectly done!

"It's okay... just a little out of strength... so tired... so soft..."

Ye Shenyue is really tired. In the past, when she used % of her strength, the side effect of Ye Shenyue was that her body could not bear the pain, but when she transformed into a powerhouse, the side effect became loss of strength.Right now, he just wants to sleep well.The front seems to be a good place.Being held in Serra's arms, Ye Shenyue turned her body sideways and turned her face to Serra's proud Oupai.The fragrant breath really smells good, and sleeps well.

"Hey hey hey...bug! If you do this again I'll throw you down!...Eh..."

Sera circled in the air, but Yagami still closed her eyes.Just don't move your face away.

"Ye Ye Nu, how can you use such a disgusting attack on Bu, it's so cunning!"

Sera's posture in the air was seen by Haruna, who was on the roof.I saw the posture of the two at this time.

Now Sera was flying in mid-air, but Yagami was hugging Sera's waist head on.The whole face was buried in the twin peaks of Sera, who was extremely jealous and envious of Haruna.

"It's not what I want! I'll give it to you if you want! It's so hard to let go!"

Sera fell to the roof, blushing, and vigorously tossed Ye Shenyue's palm apart, but at this time, Ye Shenyue hugged her tighter and tighter.

"Lust~ Qingbu! You let me go! Hey...I got it, which means...ah..."

Haruna also joined in, and also learned from Sera to break the palm of Yashin Yue's hand, but only tried to break it apart, but only broke the Mistertin in Yashenyue's hand.

And Chunna got the Mistedine, that is to say, Yagami Moon has no medium for transformation now, that is to say, the transformation failed, more precisely, it became the transformation of Haruna!A transformation that only changes his clothes into disappearance!

To be most accurate, at this time, Ye Shenyue, all the clothes on her body have been eliminated!Now it's a totally naked one!


"Lust~Love step!"

Sera and Haruna let go at the same time, and at this time, Ye Shenyue, as if all the strength disappeared with the transformation, also disappeared, unable to hold Sera's soft waist any longer, and rolled directly from the roof .

Then, it fell into the yard.He fell in front of Yuu, who had no expression on his face.

"Sexy step."

Looking at Ye Shenyue's naked body, Yu, who was still in the yard, poked Ye Shenyue's face with a wooden stick, and quickly wrote a note.

It's just that those eyes didn't move away from Ye Shenyue's body, and her little face was slightly red.

Chapter 0031 Jingzi's active contact!

"Have a good night's sleep, eh? Why do you all look like this?"

Ye Shenyue opened her eyes and walked out of the room, only to see the expressions of Haruna, Yu and Sera in the hall, all of which were strange.They seemed to be talking about something just now, but when they turned to him, they changed. Sera turned her head away, Haruna turned her face away, and Yu was drinking tea with her head down.

"Lust~ Erotic Step."

This is Chunna. Chunna's face was a little rosy, and even the soft hair stood up, as if she saw something that made her face blush, and she got excited.

"Exhibitionist! Disgusting bugs!"

Needless to say, this was Sera, and she took out her secret sword from behind.The dark green long sword looked brilliant under the light.Sharp and dangerous.

"Step lecherous."

You slowly put down the teacup, picked up the book and showed it to Ye Shenyue.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Shenyue looked back at herself, but she didn't notice any difference. The clothes were well-dressed, and there was nothing unusual about the people. Why were these three girls acting so weird?It's like he's really become an exhibitionist pervert.

She shook her clothes, and just sat down, a very strange feeling swept across Ye Shenyue's body.

The feeling of this dress... the feeling of this dress is not the one from yesterday!

Not the one I wore yesterday!He was clearly wearing black yesterday, but today is... but blue!

He has not changed his clothes, that is to say, his clothes have been changed!

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