"Xiaozhizhihuo, how long did you make Ye Shenyue work so hard last night! Could it be that you have been pestering him all night and not letting him sleep!"

Cecilia said bluntly.

"Who... who has been pestering all night!"

Xiao Zhizhi's face turned red all of a sudden, "It's just after ten o'clock... um..."

How could Xiao Zhizhi endure Cecilia's accusation, but only half-spoken, and finally found that it seems like... it's too much!

Shinobu's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Sure enough, it's entangled!"

"Shinonoko and Yashinyuki are already living together in public!"

"Is it really as comfortable to do that kind of thing as in the novel?"


The girls suddenly became excited.Either he exclaimed or rushed to Xiaozhizhi's place, surrounded her and asked with a blushing heartbeat.

The girls here don't have boyfriends yet, so I'm still curious about certain things.

And Xiaozhizhihuo is the person who can solve their confusion.

All of a sudden, Shinonokyo became super popular.

However, the real Shino-no-no wanted to refuse this kind of welcome. It was too embarrassing to talk about these topics, and she was not some self-confident and arrogant British alternate representative.

At this time, Cecilia, the culprit, was talking with Yagami alone.Because of one sentence, the two of them were alone.

British ladies are different.

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead and looked at the farce in front of her.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It looks very lively!"

A girl with two ponytails slapped heavily on the door frame with some crazy words written in her eyes.

"you are?"

The double ponytail girl succeeded in attracting everyone's attention.

"You, and you, let's duel! I'm here to declare war!"

The girl with two ponytails looked like she was about to break down, "I'm the class representative of Class 2, Huang Lingyin!"

Yes, she declares war first and then declares herself.

"It turns out that she is the new transfer student, why... If you declare war, you should find Yashenyue, who is the class representative. Tomorrow will start the class representative competition, she should be here to meet Our class 1 declared war!"

The gossip students continued to discuss.

"You are the class representative and should declare war with Yashenyue classmate and duel us? Enen... Sure enough, you were attracted by the charm of this lady? Well, this lady will accept your sincerity generously."

Only the arrogant Cecilia looked calm.

"Ring tone?"

However, Ye Shenyue stood up at this time, "It seems to be more cute!"

It's really cute. Now Huang Lingyin has a pair of ponytails, a cute face and a petite figure.It's cute from the front and the side.

The most important thing is her figure. She is a complete loli. Although the shelf life of this loli is not very accurate, it always reminds him of a certain arrogant and dishonest daughter with two ponytails.

"But... cute!"

The slightly crazy expression of Huang Lingyin who was praised suddenly became a little embarrassed, and even the sudden burst of momentum also restrained a lot.

It's like suddenly changing from a lion to a kitten.

Pot face... blushing!

"Ya Shenyue, what's her relationship to you?" Cecilia and Shinobu asked at the same time, and their voices were the same.

When they found out that the other party also asked the same question, they both snorted arrogantly at the other party, and then focused their eyes on Ye Shenyue.

"we are……"

Huang Lingyin also wanted to answer loudly "childhood sweetheart", but at this time she was knocked on the head.

"Who beat me... um... Qian... Sister Qian Dong..."

Huang Lingyin looked at Chifuyu Orimara, who walked in with a blank expression, with some fear.

Loli, who is about to expire in front of Sister Yu, is definitely not an opponent!

"Let's go to class soon, the other classes will go back!"

No one could refute Mr. Qiandong's domineering display.


The dejected Huang Lingyin nodded, and then shouted to Ye Shenyue finally, "Let's have dinner together at noon, and we'll talk about it later."

"Haha... The opponent of the outside class really knew that he was weak and retreated!"

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