Seeing Huang Lingyin leaving unwillingly, Cecilia had a cheerful look on her face, and she was still very happy about the cup that suddenly appeared to be a dangerous opponent.

"And you too, go back to your seat and sit down!"

Qiandong glanced at Cecilia and said lightly.


Cecilia, who was still cheerful, immediately bowed her head and responded.Even she has no chance of winning against Teacher Qiandong.Whether it is momentum or strength.

Sister Qiandong's aura seemed to be stronger.

Yagami looked at Chito Orimara, who was standing aside and let Yamada Maya teach.

Because today's Qiandong-sensei seems to have moved his eyes nine times out of ten and fell on him.

Are you jealous or what? ...

lunch time.Originally, Huang Lingyin only invited Ye Shenyue, but when it was time for lunch, she saw that both Xiao Zhizhi and Cecilia were following, and Huang Lingyin suddenly puffed up.

"Huang Lingyin is my childhood sweetheart."

Ye Shenyue touched Huang Lingyin's head to comfort her.

"That's right, I'm Yeshenyue's childhood sweetheart, what is your status? Hurry up and walk away from Yeshenyue's side!"

Standing in the position of childhood sweetheart, Huang Lingyin directly embraced Ye Shenyue's arm, ignoring the surprised eyes of others.Now is the time for childhood sweethearts to drive the privilege.It's best to drive away both of these rivals!

"It's obviously a third party, how dare you say such a thing, it's you who should leave!"

Cecilia fired back excitedly.She didn't know when Ye Shenyue had another childhood sweetheart.

"It's not the third party. As early as the beginning, I made an agreement with Ye Shenyue to be together. You are the third party, the second!"

Huang Lingyin was quite excited, she had clearly made an agreement that she was not a third party!

Sure enough, I should have come to school earlier, not a week later, otherwise there would be no such sudden rivals in love!

"Xiaozhizhihuo, Yeshenyue's childhood sweetheart! I've never heard of him having any other childhood sweethearts!" The authentic childhood sweetheart Xiaozhizhihuo stood up and looked at Huang Lingyin.

Cute and petite, it seems a little tricky.

"I've never heard of it, you shouldn't be a fake!"

Cecilia actually formed an alliance with Xiao Zhizhi, and mentioned Xiao Zhizhi's help.

"You are the fake!"

Huang Lingyin was quite excited.

"Actually, you're all right. The childhood sweetheart in elementary school was Huo, but because of Huo's sister's research on IS, she was spied on by various spies and eventually had to move, but then she met Suzune and spent time with her. Since junior high school, Suzune is also a childhood sweetheart."

"Luo is the first childhood sweetheart, and Suzuyin is the second childhood sweetheart!"

"The first childhood sweetheart? Isn't she the wife..."

Xiao Zhizhi seemed to be a little lost, but soon calmed down again. What Ye Shenyue said was "first" in his heart, she was the first!

"The first...just the second?"

There is a sense of a gap in the ringtone.

"Then the blond girl over there, you have nothing to do with it, then go away!"

Although Suzune was disappointed, she still did not forget to resolve the alliance between Cecilia and Shino-no-no first. There are two rivals in love, so kill one first.

"Reconsideration, Cecilia, you are irrelevant, please leave!"

Xiao Zhizhi suddenly turned his back, and he did get Cecilia out first!

"Xiaozhizhihuo, you actually said the same... well... whoever said I was an irrelevant person!"

Cecilia was in a hurry, she stepped forward and pressed Ye Shenyue's head, and brought her lips together.

He kissed Ye Shenyue directly in front of the girls.

"In this way, I am the lover of Ye Shenyue classmate!"

Cecilia, with a blushing face, said loudly in the surprised expressions of Huang Lingyin and Shino-no-no.

It seemed that a huge and splendid rice flag appeared again behind him.


At this moment, everyone found another flash of light.

Still a classmate in the news department, holding the camera with a look of excitement, "I've earned it again, this time the news will be even hotter!"

The news department, which has received enough attention from the last hot-selling newspaper about "two women fighting for husbands", is even more excited, and this time it can add "the attack of childhood sweethearts" to the newspaper.

"A third-party fight?"

"The initiative of the British alternate."

Words like this are sure to be very popular!

Once again, they evacuated at the speed of super-fast news reporters, and the few people who stayed in place seemed to have seen the scene of various gossips setting off an upsurge the next day.

Because the audience of these newspapers is girls, girls who gossip or something like it the most.

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