ps: ask for subscription.Thanks ★Ye for the reward.

Chapter 0010 Compromise of Huo (one more flowers)

"These kids are really lively!"

"Mr. Orioka, Yagami-san is very popular..."

Now the school newspaper has become a sought-after item, and even Yamada Maya finally got one, and was amazed at the explosive content.

"I knew it would be like this. Let them mess around."

Looking at the photo of the wind chime and the picture of Cecilia daringly kissing Yagami, Qiandong-sensei shrugged.

Then went to the table, where there were coffee cups and sugar and salt.

After receiving a cup of bitter coffee, the teacher on duty picked up a spoon and directly scooped a spoonful of it into a small box with salt and put it all into the bitter coffee, stirring the coffee.

Strong coffee tumbles.

"That...Teacher added...salt."

Teacher Qiandong doesn't like bitter coffee, she likes sweet coffee, why now... even more bitter salt?

Is Teacher Qiandong really okay?Really let the girls make fun of it?

When Yamada Maya said that, Chito-sensei blushes rarely.

It seems that Oriban-sensei is not so calm.I am very concerned about my brother.

And what is the younger brother doing at this time?

At this time, Ye Shenyue was sitting on the sofa watching the "drama" that was about to be released.

It was originally a dormitory for two people, but four people came in at this time.

Him, Shino-no-no, Suzune, and Cecilia.

Because it was already night, Xiao Zhizhi had already changed into his pajamas, but at this moment, Xiao Zhizhi had picked up the bamboo sword and looked like he was going to defend it.

"You all go out! It's impossible for me to agree to change dormitories!"

That's right, these two Cecilia and Feng Chime, who even brought their luggage, are here to ask Shinonokyo to change dormitories with them!

"I'm a childhood sweetheart, and I haven't been with Ye Shenyue for a long time. It's good for us to renew our childhood sweetheart!"

The sound of the wind chimes was extremely stressful. She had already learned from Cecilia that Shino-no-no had been living with Ye Shenyue, and Cecilia had kissed in public again, so she was the furthest away.

"Ye Shenyue has already stolen the kiss from the family, and the family is already his, so of course they have to live together."

Cecilia blushed slightly to help.

Although both of them came to fight for the right of accommodation, their purpose was the same, that is, to take away the right of cohabitation from her first childhood sweetheart, Xiao Zhihuo.

In Shino's eyes, they are all enemies.

"Reject all, you go out! The house assigned now is the teacher, if you have any questions, go to the teacher!"

Xiao Zhizhi said bluntly.

"Teacher Qiandong is used to oppress people..."

The method of x2 was not high, but it was very effective. These two people were very afraid of Qiandong teacher.In front of Sister Yu's aura, they couldn't even resist.

"Hey... Ye Shenyue, how about we make a promise?"

Due to Sister Qiandong's momentum, Lingyin and Cecilia were ready to leave with their bags, but Huang Lingyin turned around again before leaving.


"Well, in the next class competition, if I win against you, then I can live in above board!"

Huang Lingyin took the opportunity to hug Ye Shenyue's arm.


Xiao Zhizhi was waiting directly, but Ye Shenyue held her head down.

"As long as you win, it's fine, but I'm very strong. If you don't believe me, go ask Cecilia."

Ye Shenyue glanced at Cecilia, he didn't even want to complain about her, who stole whose kiss?Obviously she took the initiative to force the kiss.

"Ok, deal!"

Huang Lingyin seemed very happy, Ye Shenyue's words apparently told her to retreat, but in private, she was teaching her to find Cecilia.

" guys!"

Xiao Zhizhi almost became stupid, why did these two guys make an agreement under her nose?

The content of the agreement is really very uncomfortable.

"You go first!"

However, Ye Shenyue asked Huang Lingyin to let go of her, then grabbed Xiao Zhizhi with one hand, and pressed her onto the bed.

"Uh... um."

Looking at Ye Shenyue and Xiao Zhizhi, who was pressed down below, the faces of the two girls turned red.He could only run away in a panic while blushing.

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