"Please...please don't do this..."

More excited than the cat stepping on its tail, Charlotte jumped up, "I... let's hurry up... let's change clothes!"

As she spoke, with her small strength, she broke away from Ye Shenyue's hand and ran forward quickly.

"I said...Charlotte...you're going in the wrong direction!"

Ye Shenyue, who was following behind, held back a smile and said.

Who told you to pretend to be a woman, now wait for me to bully me properly.

This soft girl is really cute, and her reaction is really cute. Charlotte's life experience is quite pitiful, so Ye Shenyue is not ready to make it difficult for this good child, but her cute reaction makes people really want to... I really want to bully her badly.

Cuteness is not your fault, but showing cuteness in front of me is your fault.

"Huh... ah?"

Charlotte stopped halfway.Then he ran back with a blushing face.

But he kept a distance of about one meter from Ye Shenyue...

"Just go this way."

Charlotte looks like she's scared of a chick, she'll run away with the next effort.

But how could Ye Shenyue let her escape?

He grabbed her hand involuntarily, and gave the reason why he couldn't refuse, "Mr. Oriban asked me to take care of you, now you are my little brother, just follow me!"

"That... classmate Ye Shenyue, can you... can you turn around first?"

Finally got to the empty men's locker room, but Charlotte was embarrassed and said with a blushing face.

"Do you want to change your clothes first? Why do you need to be so troublesome? We'll just change together. What are you guys afraid of?"

"Could it be that I'm worried that I'll get jealous? Don't worry, although you are beautiful, my sexual orientation is still normal, just don't worry."

Yagami patted him hard and Charlotte shook her shoulders.

You can't be more at ease when you say that.

Charlotte secretly sighed, how should she endure this crime?She wanted to tell Ye Shenyue that she was a full-fledged girl, but she couldn't say it, as soon as she said it, everything was over.

"So... in order to prove that my sexual orientation is normal, you just take off your clothes in front of me, and I won't do anything strange!"

Ye Shenyue leaned against the wall and said with a smile, the smile on her lips was definitely more terrifying than a demon in Charlotte's eyes.

"No...no way!"

Charlotte refused bluntly.

"Why? We are all men, what's there to be shy about?"

Ye Shenyue asked without delay.

"This...this...I don't like...I don't like being seen by other men."

Charlotte was about to cry, what the hell was she doing.

"You still have such a hobby?"

Ye Shenyue patted Charlotte on the shoulder, "Men should be more aggressive. It would be too embarrassing to even blush when a man sees his body. I want to completely change this concept of yours!"

This doesn't need to be changed, okay? It's a girl who said that if a man sees her body and doesn't blush, then what kind of girl would she be?

Charlotte was nervous in her heart, but still politely refused, "No... no need..."

"Why don't you use it? Are you still a man? If you are a man, you must have the courage to change yourself, or I will see you or you will see me, there are only two choices, you choose one!"

People are not men in the first place, so there is no need to change them.

Charlotte was about to cry, but could only nod her head in agreement.

Agree to watch Ye Shenyue change clothes.Whether it's a top or pants.

"What's wrong with Charlotte? It feels so red!"

"Could it be that something little known happened in the locker room with classmate Ye Shenyue?"

"It feels so beautiful..."

After a full 5 minutes, Ye Shenyue dragged Charlotte, who was almost unable to stand, and walked out, but Charlotte's face was red, no matter who could see it.Whoever looked at this incredible red face would be intrigued.

"It feels like... we lost to men."

Huang Lingyin and the others, who were waiting for x3, were depressed.Ye Shenyue came out directly holding Charlotte's hand, with a touch of intimacy, no matter what, it was impossible for people to refute the ambiguous relationship between them.And they are 10 meters away from Ye Shenyue, who is closer? ...

She was trembling all day today, and she felt that her identity as a girl was about to leave her, because Ye Shenyue completely regarded her as a younger brother.Closer than the average guy.

But this kind of intimacy makes... it's really uncomfortable.

Charlotte already regretted why she had to dress up as a man. If she didn't dress up as a man, she wouldn't have been "treated" by Yagami-kun like this.

He is really nice to male friends.

Charlotte rolled on the bed bored and nervous, holding the pillow.

What happened today made him horrified and inexplicable. He was first held hands, then watched Ye Shenyue change clothes, and finally was fed. Charlotte felt that... her identity as a girl was no longer guaranteed.

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