"Finally finished washing... It's really fun."

Ye Shenyue walked out of the kitchen with a glass of Coke, then smiled at Charlotte, who was tangled and embarrassed.

"You...why don't you wear clothes!"

Charlotte's face turned red again.

Ye Shenyue actually walked out wearing only a pair of pants, eight-ninths naked!

"What are you wearing? It's not like you haven't seen it before."

Ye Shenyue smiled as Charlotte forgot to change her clothes in the morning, "But when I went to take a shower, I found a long bandage on the ground. To bandage the wound?"

While talking, Ye Shenyue put down the drink, and then took out a pure white cotton bandage from behind.Picking up the bandage and shaking it in Charlotte's eyes, shaking it again.

"This...this is mine!"

Charlotte has two bandages wrapped around her chest, and now she is wearing the other one, and the one that was replaced was casually placed without paying attention. How could she have thought that Ye Shenyue would pick it up?

Today...that sucks!

Charlotte had never blushed so much.

The next day, Ye Shenyue room.Today is Sunday, no school day.

It's hard to have a Sunday, and it's the best time to... go on a date or something.

Still holding the wooden sword used for morning training in his hand, Shino no Kou was not very comfortable with the close relationship between Ye Shenyue and Charlotte, but when they first arrived in the corridor, they found that Cecilia was sneaking on the bed. He looked into the cat's eyes, as if he was looking at something.

"Cecilia, why are you here?"

"What are you peeking at?"

"Shu... how could a lady do something like peeking? They are clearly investigating! Yes, they are investigating whether Ye Shenyue is in it."

Cecilia was caught straight, and quickly danced with her hands on her chest, looking like she was frightened.

"Survey? That's not the same as peeking. What are you looking at here? Just go to him directly."

I don't know when a third person appeared here, Huang Lingyin with double ponytails.

Huang Lingyin deliberately wore a pink dress to accentuate her cuteness.

"If you look for it directly, you might miss something. This cat's eye is really annoying. I can't see the scene inside and I don't know if Yagami is doing harmonious things with Charlotte."

Cecilia said with a blushing face.She also has impure motives.

"And... a harmonious thing!"

Huo's face turned red all of a sudden.

This harmonious thing refers to what Ye Shenyue did with her?

It's fine if it's with a girl...but if it's a boy...

Although Charlotte's appearance is very good, Shino no Kou still feels that she has seen something terrible.

"How about we destroy it?"

Hao suggested, but Suzine and Cecilia all turned their heads to look at her, Hao quickly defended, "Although it's a little violent, I can be sure that Yagami is not that kind of perverted person."

"It makes sense. If Ye Shenyue really goes astray, as a childhood sweetheart, he is obliged to make him return to the right path! Cecilia, please, summon the floating cannon!"

Huang Lingyin nodded solemnly, not only Xiao Zhizhi fantasized about it, but she also fantasized about Ye Shenyue and Charlotte.

Such a picture...such a picture...

Must be destroyed!

Lord Huang Lingyin finally regrouped.Even the double ponytail has become extraordinary.

"If you're looking for classmate Ye Shenyue, then it's too late."

The three girls were so lively that the girls who were idle in the dormitory on weekends also came out. "I saw Yagami and Charlotte holding hands and it seemed like they were going on a date."

"A beautiful date... I'm looking forward to it..."


x3 Phoenix Ringtone, Cecilia and Shino-no-no all spoke aloud.

"Ring tone, hurry up and call!"

How can you go on a date with a man and not date her?How can you ignore the friendship of British ladies?

"Yeah, I got it!"

Of course, you have to make a phone call, first to determine where Ye Shenyue is now.

"Beep beep..."

"The phone you dialed has been switched off, please try again later."

However, after waiting anxiously for several seconds, what they got was such a response?

Ye Shenyue actually turned off her cell phone, is it because she didn't want to be disturbed when she was dating Charlotte?

Charlotte is more important to him?

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