"We... lost to men!"

The x3 girls expressed collective defeat.

ps: Thank you for the flowers and comments of sdodudu888, sdodudu86948463, [-]lz.

Chapter 0015 Collapsing Lan

IS Academy is not completely separated from the city. There are lively and lively towns around the Academy. Whether it is food, entertainment or use, it is very prosperous.

"It's so beautiful here..."

Charlotte, who just got out of the car, praised.She hasn't really easily come to see these prosperous places by herself.She used to live with her mother before being picked up by her father, and her mood has not eased since then.

"This is the place where businessmen find gold. It is built around IS College and brings together students from all over the world. Both policy and consumer purchasing power are very strong."

Ye Shenyue squeezed Charlotte's little hand, and now they are still holding hands.

Ye Shenyue was being held by Ye Shenyue on the grounds that a man still cares about little things.


"Then... classmate Ye Shenyue, can you... let go first?"

After getting out of the car, people's eyes were mixed. Although the eyes on the campus were more eager than here, Charlotte's courage was still very small, and her face was prone to blushing, and the more she was looked at, the more red she was.

If it is women's clothing, she is not afraid, and even some are willing, but now she is playing the role of a man, and she has to beware of other people's "BL" eyes.

"There are so many people, what if I let you go and lose you? There are a lot of nympho here... Don't be kidnapped..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and continued to frighten Charlotte, "You weak, if you are cornered by those nymphos and take away your innocence, wouldn't my guilt be too big? How can I be worthy of your future girlfriend? …”

"Well...then...then let's hold hands."

Charlotte was really frightened, and the terrifying scene of being blocked by a girl and then being ripped off had already appeared in her mind.

As a girl, you are afraid of hooligans, and as a boy, you have to be afraid of nympho, this... how do people choose.

"That's right...I'm going to take you to a good place...you'll be happy!"

Ye Shenyue took a panoramic view of Charlotte's silent and depressed expression, smiled secretly, and directly dragged her along the route she remembered.

The route in my memory is really tortuous. Yashinyuki and Charlotte took a full 10 minutes to get there, and finally stopped at a small restaurant.

"What do you two want to eat? Hey... Brother Yeshenyue!"

The girl who had her fiery red and hot hair tied with cloth strips said in a monotonous manner, but in the middle of the sentence she immediately became excited, "Why are you here?"

"I haven't come to eat for a long time, I miss it a little... Today's rare Sunday just happened to have nothing to do, so I came here."

Ye Shenyue rubbed Ran's red hair, and Gotanda Ran, who had long hair down, was also very beautiful.

Although it is now tied and coiled around the head.

"Eating, right? It'll be ready soon!"

Lan looked very excited. Of course, what was even more exciting was that he could watch Yashenyue eat and then quietly tap out various topics and information about him.

The older brother who came downstairs, who was Yashinyuki's good friend in junior high school, Gotan Tiandan, looked at Charlotte sitting alone and said to his sister.

"Lan...you have to greet other guests no matter what!"

The elder brother wanted to say something, but the younger sister glared at him like a fool, and immediately shut up.

"Forgot... Let's re-introduce, this is Charlotte, my roommate, and this is Lan, Charlotte, you shake hands with her."

"Shake hands!"

x2 Charlotte was surprised because she was a boy now, and it was really not suitable for a girl to shake hands suddenly.

Lan was inexplicably horrified. She was in a state of pursuing Ye Shenyue, so how could she get close to other men?Isn't it getting farther and farther away from Ye Shenyue?

Complete failure!

Lan and Charlotte looked at each other, and both saw the unwillingness and concern in the other's eyes.

He (she) is also a poor person. x2 "Shaking hands is the first step in a blind date. Why are you still afraid of shaking hands?"

Ye Shenyue smiled narrowly and said that what he liked most was to see Charlotte's panicked expression.

So cute.

Sure enough, everyone panicked.

"Hey...the date...the blind date! What's going on here?"

x3 "Charlotte is more introverted, so I thought of letting the outgoing and lively Lan be with her and make her cheerful. So..."

Ye Shenyue grabbed the two hands one by one, and wanted to put the two little hands together.

It was one of the few times that Ye Shenyue took the initiative to hold her hand, Lan was a little excited but even more anxious, because Ye Shenyue wanted her to have a blind date with this beautiful young man next to her!She doesn't want it!

And Charlotte, who was holding her little hand again by Ye Shenyue, shook her body a bit, "It's still... let's not use it... I'm already very cheerful."

Charlotte is also struggling with her whole body.

"Cheerful? I don't think so. You'll be cheerful when you can take a bath with me without blushing, Gotanda, if we take a bath together, will you blush?"

Ye Shenyue asked about the base friend.

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