Under the dim street lights, in the public telephone booth, a petite figure seemed to be trembling, but it was trembling with excitement. "Senior Aikawa, I really want to meet the senior... By the way, I will kill you again, Jingzi is already so excited that he can't extricate himself..."

Chapter 0032 Jingzi, Jingzi (for collection!

"Chunna and the others really didn't come?"

Ye Shenyue stayed in the cemetery alone, the surroundings were quiet, and the occasional sound was the desolate sound of crows falling on the branches.

The surrounding is very gloomy. If you put it on Ye Shenyue from the previous life, you would not dare to come to such a place at night if you were killed. This is a cemetery!What if something happens?

However, the current Ye Shenyue is extremely comfortable. Here, it gives him a warm feeling, as if he is back home!Is it because he was turned into a zombie by Yoo here, and because he is a zombie, he likes this shady place?

Has he turned into a pervert?Who would agree to date in a place like this!

However, Jingzi nodded with a smile. Sure enough, Jingzi, you are not exposing your identity as a murderer, what are you doing?

Ye Shenyue sat on the ground waiting for Jingzi's arrival, looked back, Chunnai and the others really didn't come, did they really allow him to be killed by Jingzi?What is this...wife, partner, sister!

"Aikawa-senpai, have you waited for a long time?"

Ye Shenyue was sighing alone, sighing at the ruthlessness of Yu and the others, and a sweet female voice came from behind.Ye Shenyue was suddenly shocked, looking at the blond girl, she was speechless for a while.

Today's Jingzi is very beautiful, with double ponytails, she looks very cute, and the white suspenders that fit her body look very pure.

But at first glance, it feels like a little girl next door.Heart warm.

However, who knows that there is a dark shadow hidden under this beautiful face, Ye Shenyue is on guard in her heart, but she still smiles, "Where, Jingzi has been waiting for me for a long time, right? It's a long way to go..."

Just now you were laughing in a dark place and trying to kill me.

Ye Shenyue secretly slandered in her heart, according to Jingzi's terrifying character, she must be hiding in the dark and staring at him, only to show up when he is unprepared.

"Wait for a long time? What are the seniors saying, Jingzi has just arrived. This is for the seniors. Jingzi is so happy, it is the first time that the seniors have asked me."

Did he find something?

Jingzi blushed and handed over the Kyoto tofu.

"Haha... Jingzi is still too shy, but now she has helped me a lot."

Ye Shenyue took the tofu, but when she followed, she also ate a handful of tofu.His hands were touching Jingzi's white and tender little hands, as if he were examining the incomparably noble and smooth silk.

Such a smooth little hand, I really can't tell, it was these little hands that killed me!

Ye Shenyue sighed secretly in her heart, and hung the tofu she took on a tree branch, but she didn't let go of Jingzi's little hands.

"Pre... Senior..."

Jingzi lowered his head, but did not take back his little hands, letting them be in Ye Shenyue's palm, and letting them be touched by Ye Shenyue.

"Kyoko, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

The current Ye Shenyue is determined to take advantage of it, otherwise, when the relationship with her breaks down, there will be very few opportunities to take advantage!Moreover, the revenge for killing him is still far from being avenged!

"Yeah~~" Nodding slightly, Jingzi was almost at a loss for words at this time, because Ye Shenyue was no longer satisfied with stroking her little hand, but followed Bai Nen's little hand upwards and then upwards.

(Here is harmonious, the specific content is to touch that and then Jingzi falls into Ye Shenyue's arms) And Jingzi, who has softened, has dropped a lot of combat power at this moment, which is more in line with the meaning of Ye Shenyue. Ye Shenyue directly threw Jingzi to the ground, and her hands began to untie Jingzi's long skirt.

"Senior thinks about now...I want to...I want Jingzi?"

Jingzi's voice was very soft, very light, as if with shame, and even Hao Shao was written on her pretty face, and, a little bit of excitement.

"Of course I want... aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend? It's normal to do this kind of thing... I haven't experienced that feeling before, Kyoko, let me experience it..."

Ye Shenyue placed a light kiss on Kyoko's neck and put her mouth to Kyoko's round earlobe.That voice, with the power of bewitching.

"If...if it's Aikawa-senpai...Kyoko, Kyoko is willing...but, Kyoko...Kyoko also wants something from Aikawa-senpai... that only Aikawa-senpai has...that is..."

The beautiful Hongxia appeared on Jingzi's face again, and Jingzi's tone also had the power of confusion, making people's blood boil.At this time, Jingzi's hands, which were still at a loss, also stretched out behind Ye Shenyue, and when he stretched out his hands, a long sword with a pressing cold light appeared immediately.

"My little life, I can't give it to you! Because it has been given to you once!"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue, who should have been addicted to the beautiful conditions that Jingzi promised, suddenly hugged Jingzi's body and turned to the right, not giving the other party time to react.

And the long sword in Jingzi's hand that was going to stab Ye Shenyue's back, but also because of Ye Shenyue's sudden movement, his hand trembled and fell to the ground.

Ye Shenyue ruthlessly touched the twin peaks of Jingzi that Haruna and his class could never match, stood up, looked at Jingzi who was stunned, and said coldly.

Chapter 0033 When the blackening is in progress (for collection!

"How...how is it possible! You...how would you know!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue standing up proudly, Jingzi murmured, she couldn't believe it, what went wrong!

In her perception, Aikawa-senpai continued to despise her wholeheartedly, how... how could it be possible to push her away unexpectedly, and at the same time push the long sword away!

This is definitely not a coincidence, that is to say, this guy, always, always knew that she was going to kill him, and he already knew it!

How can it be!

Now Jingzi is caught in all kinds of chaotic thoughts, surprised or horrified and can't believe it.

"How could I not know, Jingzi, thanks to you, let me experience the feeling of death so strongly and clearly for the first time, thanks to you, I became a zombie, thanks to you, let me now, as long as a You'll turn into a mummy if you bask in the sun!"

Ye Shenyue smiled disdainfully, looking at Jingzi's unbelievable expression, and even felt an indescribable pleasure in his heart, as if seeing the other party depressed, his heart was also very happy, could he be a pervert?

Ye Shenyue shook her head, shook her complex thoughts out of her head, and walked towards the blond girl who seemed a little restless.

Step by step, every step, entered the heart of the other party.At this moment, Jing Zi's mind was also affected.

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